面书号 2025-01-23 21:52 9
1. 文明生活从小做起。
1. Cultivate a civilized lifestyle from a young age.
2. 爱冲浪,就要从冲水开始。
2. If you love surfing, you should start from the wash.
3. 清洁家园,清洁社区,提高人居生活环境质量。
3. Clean the home, clean the community, and improve the quality of living environment for people.
4. 兄弟,你手上握着的是人类的未来,悠着点。
4. Brother, what you hold in your hands is the future of humanity. Take it easy.
5. 常备不懈 听党亮剑
5. Always be vigilant and ready; listen to the Party's call to action.
6. 东西用完后,请放回原处!
6. Please return the items to their original place after use!
7. 冲水和系裤子一样重要。
7. Flushing is as important as tying your pants.
8. 出门要关灯,节能随手行。
8. Turn off the lights when leaving, save energy with a随手 act.
9. 厕所卫生要注意,干净清洁要保持。?>
9. Pay attention to toilet hygiene, and maintain cleanliness and cleanliness.
10. 水龙头——谁的眼泪在飞
10. Faucet - Whose tears are flying?
11. 注意压水花。
11. Pay attention to the water splashes.
12. 看过“部队卫生间标语”
12. Seen the "Military Unit Bathroom Signs"
13. 一纸一屑煞文明,一举一动显文明。
13. Every piece of paper and every fragment shows civilization, and every action and gesture reveals civilization.
14. 遵守社会公德,维护公共卫生。
14. Observe social morality and maintain public health.
15. 养成良好习惯,促进身体健康,共享美好人生。
15. Cultivate good habits, promote physical health, and share a wonderful life.
16. 大环境,小环境,干净才有好心情。
16. In the big environment, the small environment, cleanliness brings good mood.
17. 友情提示:冲刷有利健康。
17. Friendly Reminder: Washing is beneficial to health.
18. 握紧枪兄弟,别发抖。
18. Hold tight, brothers, don't tremble.
19. 冲得干净,用得放心。
19. Clean and worry-free use.
20. 贴近文明,靠近方便。
20. Close to civilization, close to convenience.
21. 起身冲一冲,大家都轻松。
21. Stand up and take a break; everyone will feel more relaxed.
22. 来时百步紧,出后一身松。
22. When coming, every step is tight; after leaving, the whole body is relaxed.
23. 轻轻按一下,清新你我他。
23. Press lightly, refresh us all.
24. 治理“脏乱差”,要靠“你我他”。
24. To govern the "filthy, disordered, and ugly," it depends on "you, me, and him."
25. 爱护公共设施,是你我应尽的责任。
25. Caring for public facilities is our responsibility.
26. 如果你不给别人方便,你将不能方便。
26. If you do not make it convenient for others, you will not be able to enjoy convenience yourself.
27. 良机在握,一按即可。
27. The opportunity is in hand, just a press of a button.
28. 同志们!冲啊!
28. Comrades! Forward!
29. 厕所为我,我为厕所。
29. The toilet is for me, and I am for the toilet.
30. 拉得出 打得赢
30. Can be pulled out and can win.
31. 拉屎不冲,天理难容!你们常见部队卫生间标语有哪些?那么小编给你推荐部队卫生间标语,希望大家喜欢!
31. Not flushing the toilet is an act that goes against nature! What common slogans do you see in military bathroom signs? Then, the editor recommends some military bathroom slogans for you, hoping everyone will like them!
32. 向文明人致敬!
32. Salute to the civilized people!
33. 当我们心情愉快的时候,也别忘了让厕所的心情和我们一样愉快哟!
33. When we are in a good mood, don't forget to make the toilet feel just as happy as us, too!
34. 发扬红军传统 锻造精锐之师
34. Carry forward the traditions of the Red Army and forge a sharp and elite force.
35. 一人做事,一人撞(冲)!不要累街坊!
35. One person does the work, one person gets hurt! Don't trouble the neighbors!
36. 众人手脚勤,车间才干净。
36. Only with everyone working hard can the workshop remain clean.
37. 这里是厕所,环境靠大伙。左右两边站,对准再开火。
37. This is the restroom, the environment depends on everyone. Stand to the left and right, aim and then shoot.
38. 只需举手之劳,便可清洁一新。
38. Just a simple effort is needed to make it clean and fresh.
39. 便后洗洗手,洁净伴我走。
39. Wash your hands after using the toilet, cleanliness follows me wherever I go.
40. 用知识武装头脑 科技练兵谋打赢
40. Arm the mind with knowledge; train in technology to ensure victory in battles.
41. 不要在卫生间喝醒目,请关灯。
41. Do not be noticeable in the bathroom, please turn off the light.
42. 请对准!!
42. Aim carefully!
43. 请用点射。
43. Use a burst fire.
44. 今天,你冲了吗?
44. Have you rushed today?
45. 如果这是你的家,你将怎样对待它。
45. If this is your home, how would you treat it?
46. 上前一小步,文明一小步,用完快冲水,卫生你我他。
46. A small step forward, a step towards civilization; flush the toilet quickly after use, for the hygiene of us all.
47. 厕所卫生要注意,干净清洁常保持。
47. Hygiene in the toilet should be noted, keep it clean and tidy at all times.
48. 拉屎不冲,天理难容!!!
48. Not flushing the toilet is an act that goes against nature and is hard to forgive!!!
49. 入厕冲水了无痕,道德水准功告成。
49. The toilet flush leaves no trace, the level of morality is accomplished.
50. 高高兴兴方便,轻轻松松冲刷。
50. Happy and convenient, easy to rinse off.
51. 营造优美环境,延长你我生命。
51. Create a beautiful environment, extend our lives.