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面书号 2025-01-23 21:50 8

1. 创建卫生城市,建设美好家园。

1. Create a healthy city and build a beautiful home.

2. 创建国家卫生城市,人人有责,人人受益。

2. Creating a national health city is the responsibility of everyone and benefits everyone.

3. 11水是生命 之源,请节约每一滴水。

3. Water is the source of life, please save every drop of water.

4. 鲜花还需绿叶扶,城市更需市民护。

4. Flowers need green leaves to support them, and cities need citizens to protect them.

5. 用心服务,让爱导航,科学高效,保障健康。

5. Devote care to services, let love guide the way, ensure scientific efficiency, and safeguard health.

6. 今年到处扫,家乡干净了;高兴来相看,家乡更美了。

6. This year, everywhere is cleaned up, and our hometown is cleaner; happily coming to visit, our hometown becomes even more beautiful.

7. 创卫工作人人参与,美好环境家家受益。

7. The work of creating a healthy environment involves everyone, and a beautiful environment benefits every family.

8. 树公共卫生爱心热心细心耐心的服务理念。关于维护公共卫生标语你们想了解吗?那么小编整理了维护公共卫生标语,供大家分享!

8. Adopt the philosophy of loving, enthusiastic, careful, and patient service in public health. Would you like to know more about slogans for maintaining public health? Then, the editor has compiled a collection of such slogans for everyone to share!

9. 摈弃陋习,崇尚文明。

9. Abandon bad habits and promote civilization.

10. 19为了大家的方便,避免堵塞——请勿乱扔。

10. 19 For everyone's convenience and to avoid blockages — please do not litter.

11. 健康一个居民,幸福一个家庭,和谐一个社区。

11. A healthy citizen, a happy family, and a harmonious community.

12. 丹阳是我家,整洁靠大家。

12. Danyang is my home, cleanliness depends on everyone.

13. 公共卫生服务以人为本,健康呵护以爱为魂。

13. Public health services are centered on people, and health care is imbued with the soul of love.

14. 发扬传统美德,倡导时代精神。

14. Carry forward traditional virtues and promote the spirit of the times.

15. 均等化服务有情有义,健康生活无忧无虑。?>

15. Equalization services are compassionate and meaningful, ensuring a worry-free and healthy life.

16. 改善市容市貌,提高城市品位,树立整洁优美的城市形象。

16. Improve the city's appearance and image, enhance the urban taste, and establish a clean and beautiful city image.

17. 美化市容讲究卫生绿化名城保护环境。

17. Beautifying the cityscape, emphasizing hygiene, greening the historic city, and protecting the environment.

18. 有了您的真心呵护,丹阳才会更加美丽。

18. With your heartfelt care, Danyang will be even more beautiful.

19. 拿住垃圾,请定点做投射动作,圆心就是垃圾桶,还有可能成为国家第一手。

19. Hold the trash and perform a targeted throwing action, with the center being the trash bin. There's also a possibility that it might become the nation's first hand.

20. 保卫永嘉从我做起,垃圾垃圾,马上消极。愿我们协助起来,拒绝垃圾,呵护健康明天。

20. Defend Yongjia starts with me, garbage garbage, act negatively immediately. May we work together, refuse garbage, protect the health of tomorrow.

21. 让家庭拥有医生,让医生走入家庭。

21. Make doctors available to families, and let doctors go into families.

22. 让我们共同营造洁静的生活空间。

22. Let us jointly create a clean and tranquil living space.

23. 加强城市的长效管理,创造和谐优美的人居环境。

23. Strengthen the long-term management of cities to create a harmonious and beautiful living environment.

24. 让公共卫生与健康更近,让服务与百姓更亲。

24. Bring public health and health care closer to the people, and make services more accessible and closer to the public.

25. 23您瞅准了,按那里冲.一般人我不告诉他。

25. 23 You've got it right, push there. I don't tell that to just anyone.

26. 以关心,整洁农村,为荣;损害,环境卫生,为耻。

26. Take pride in caring for the countryside and maintaining cleanliness; consider it a shame to harm the environment and hygiene.

27. 加强健康知识教育,提高人民健康水平。

27. Strengthen health knowledge education and improve the health level of the people.

28. 人民城市人民管,管好城市为人民。

28. The people govern the city, and the city is managed for the people.

29. 面向社区面向居民面向家庭;关爱生命关爱健康关爱百姓。

29. Oriented towards the community, the residents, and the families; caring for life, health, and the well-being of the people.

30. 15这里是厕所,环境靠大伙、左右两边站,对准再开火。

30. 15 Here is the toilet, everyone should take turns and stand on either side, aim and shoot.

31. 开展爱国卫生运动,营造清洁生活环境。

31. Carry out the national health campaign to create a clean living environment.

32. 依法实施对城市卫生的监督管理。

32. Implement the supervision and administration of urban sanitation in accordance with the law.

33. 全党动员,全民参与,共建实力胡乐美丽胡乐幸福胡乐

33. Mobilize the whole party, involve the entire population, and jointly build a powerful, beautiful, and happy Hule.

34. 营造清洁大环境,消灭"四害"保健康。

34. Create a clean environment, eliminate the "four pests" to ensure health.

35. 24请您”方便”后一定要:洗刷刷洗刷刷,洗刷刷洗刷刷——

35. Please, after you are "convenient," be sure to: Wash, wash, wash, wash, wash, wash—

36. 40请疼惜打扫人的辛苦,请尊重後用者的权益,使用时请靠近小便池,您的爱心我们感激您。

36. Please cherish the hard work of the cleaners and respect the rights of the subsequent users. Please stand close to the urinal when using it. Your kindness is something we appreciate.

37. 12请疼惜打扫人的辛苦,请尊重後用者的权益,使用时请靠近小便池,您的爱心我们感激您。

37. Please cherish the hard work of the cleaners and respect the rights of the subsequent users. When using, please approach the urinal, and we are grateful for your kindness.

38. 垃圾落地了,校园更脏乱,垃圾不落地,校园更美丽。

38. When garbage is on the ground, the campus becomes dirtier and messier; when garbage is not on the ground, the campus becomes more beautiful.

39. 花儿总是美好的,环境总是会影响我们的,请将环境变成美丽的。

39. Flowers are always beautiful, and the environment always affects us. Please make the environment beautiful.

40. 36养成良好习惯,促进身体健康,共享美好人生

40. Cultivate good habits, promote physical health, and share a wonderful life.

41. 构建和谐社会,建设卫生家园。

41. Build a harmonious society and create a healthy home.

42. 13厕所经常保清新,洗手擦拭莫甩水,地板干净不会毁。

42. The toilet is kept fresh and clean at all times; when washing your hands, do not splash water around, and the floor will stay clean and not get damaged.