面书号 2025-01-23 21:56 7
1. 安全创造幸福,疏忽带来痛苦。安全就是效益,安全技就是幸福。
1. Safety brings happiness, negligence brings pain. Safety is profit, safety technology is happiness.
2. 最盼的是你的平安,最怕的是你的意外。
2. What I long for most is your safety, and what I fear most is an accident happening to you.
3. 出行避让一小步,远离危险一大步。
3. Take a small step to avoid travel, and take a big step away from danger.
4. S是建立洁净亮丽,整齐舒适,安全高效的法宝。
4. S is the magic tool for creating a clean, bright, tidy, comfortable, safe, and efficient environment.
5. 事故不难防,重在守规章。
5. Accidents are not hard to prevent, the key lies in adhering to the rules and regulations.
6. 安全生产“五同时”,各级领导要落实。全国人民奔小康,安全文明第一桩。
6. The "Five Simultaneities" in safety production should be implemented by leaders at all levels. As the whole nation strives for a well-off society, safety and civilization take top priority.
7. 漏洞不补,事故难堵。
7. Not fixing the漏洞 (leak) makes it difficult to plug the 泄洞 (leak) and prevent accidents.
8. 安全帽必须戴,防止坠物掉下来。安全带是个宝,高空保险不能少。
8. The safety helmet must be worn to prevent falling objects. The safety belt is a treasure, and safety measures for high-altitude work cannot be neglected.
9. 麻痹大意,丧失警惕是安全生产的大敌。
9. Negligence and losing vigilance are the archenemies of safety in production.
10. 平安伴我在校园,人人事事保平安。
10. Peace accompanies me on campus, where everyone ensures safety in all matters.
11. 安全第一,预防为主。
11. Safety first, prevention-oriented.
12. 人人持有一卡通,健康卫生伴我行。
12. Everyone carries a card, health and hygiene accompany me.
13. 安全来于警惕,事故处于麻痹。巧干带来安全,蛮干招来祸端。
13. Safety comes from vigilance, and accidents arise from complacency. Skillful work brings safety, while brute force invites disaster.
14. 安全是于警惕,事故出于麻痹。
14. Safety lies in vigilance, and accidents arise from negligence.
15. 积极行动起来,开展“安全生产周”活动。深入贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的'方针。
15. Actively launch the "Safety Production Week" activity. Deeply implement the policy of "Safety First, Prevention as the Main Task."
16. 关注校园安全,构建人文和谐。
16. Focus on campus safety and build a harmonious and humanistic environment.
17. 驾车不喝酒,路上好行走。
17. Don't drink and drive; it's safer to walk on the road.
18. 优秀的职员:忠于公司、终于职业、忠于人格。
18. Excellent staff: loyal to the company, dedicated to the profession, and loyal to character.
19. 麻痹是最大的隐患,失职是最大的祸根。
19. Paralysis is the greatest隐患 (隐患: hidden danger or potential risk), and dereliction of duty is the root of the greatest祸根 (祸根: root of all evil or main cause of trouble).
20. 严格规章制度,确保施工安全。治理事故隐患,监督危险作业。
20. Strictly enforce regulations and rules to ensure construction safety. Manage potential hazards and supervise dangerous operations.
21. 人命关天,安全第一。安全第一,防灾防损。力保安全,促进安全。
21. Life and death are at stake; safety comes first. Safety first, prevention of disasters and losses. Strive to ensure safety, promote safety.
22. 不放过隐患,不留下遗憾。
22. Do not overlook potential hazards, leave no regrets.
23. 严是爱,松是害,疏忽大意事故来。严是爱,松是害,保障安全利三代。
23. Strictness is love, leniency is harm; neglect and carelessness bring accidents. Strictness is love, leniency is harm; ensuring safety benefits three generations.
24. 安全你一个,幸福全家人。
24. Keep you safe, bring happiness to the whole family.
25. S是企业建立洁净亮丽,整齐舒适,安全高效的法宝。
25. S is the magic tool for S enterprise to establish a clean, bright, tidy, comfortable, safe, and efficient environment.
26. 安全:确保工作生产安全,关爱生命,以人为本
26. Safety: Ensure safe production and work, cherish life, and put people first.
27. 树名牌意识、创精品工程。
27. Cultivate brand awareness and create high-quality projects.
28. 交通规则是您的生命之友。驾驶员牢记:“三不五知”、安全礼让。
28. Traffic rules are your friend in life. Drivers should always remember: "Three nots and five knows," safety and courteous yielding.
29. 校园讲安全,伴随你我他。
29. Talk about safety on campus, accompanying each of us.
30. SO14000是绿色环保和创建人类和-谐环境的基矗
30. SO14000 is the foundation for green environmental protection and the creation of a harmonious environment for humanity.
31. 冒险是事故之友,谨慎为安全之本。
31. Adventure is the friend of accidents, and caution is the foundation of safety.
32. 没有措施的管理是空谈,没有计划的工作是空洞。
32. Management without measures is mere talk; work without a plan is hollow.
33. 反违章、除隐患、保安全、促生产。创造一个良好的安全生产环境。
33. Fight against violations, eliminate hidden dangers, ensure safety, and promote production. Create a good safety production environment.
34. 安全、舒适、长寿是当代人民的追求。重视安全、关心安全、为安全献力。
34. Safety, comfort, and longevity are the pursuits of contemporary people. We attach importance to safety, care about safety, and contribute our efforts to safety.
35. S--减少浪费,降低成本,气氛融洽,工作规范,提升品质,安全保证。
35. S--Reduce waste, lower costs, foster a harmonious atmosphere, maintain work discipline, improve quality, and ensure safety.
36. 强化事故隐患整改,提高安全管理水平。
36. Strengthen the rectification of potential accident hazards and improve the level of safety management.
37. 安全在于心细,事故出自大意。
37. Safety lies in being meticulous, while accidents arise from carelessness.
38. 科学管理、精心施工。
38. Scientific management, meticulous construction.
39. 安全责任,重在落实。
39. The responsibility for safety lies in implementation.
40. 酒逢知己千杯少,酒后开车事故多。
40. Wine meets an intimate friend and a thousand cups are never enough, but driving under the influence of alcohol leads to many accidents.
41. 先安全后生产,不安全不生产。安全在你脚下,安全在你手中。
41. Safety first, production second; no production without safety. Safety is under your feet, and safety is in your hands.
42. 安全编织幸福的花环,违章酿成悔恨的苦酒。
42. Safety weaves a wreath of happiness, while violations brew a bitter wine of regret.
43. 聚精会神驾车,万里不出差错。行万里平安路,做百年长乐人。
43. Concentrate fully while driving, and there will be no mistakes for ten thousand miles. Travel ten thousand miles safely, and become a joyous person for a hundred years.
44. 常添灯草勤加油,常敲警钟勤堵漏。
44. Keep adding lamp wicks and often refuel; keep striking the bell and often plug leaks.
45. 消防、消防,重在预防。加强防火管理,不准违章动火。
45. Fire safety, fire safety, emphasizes prevention. Strengthen fire prevention management and prohibit unauthorized firework operations.
46. 人济济其拥堵兮,吾将慢性而求稳。
46. With people bustling and crowding, I will adopt a slow pace and seek stability.
47. 事故隐患不除尽,等于放虎归山林。
47. Not eliminating all hidden hazards is equivalent to releasing a tiger back into the mountains.
48. 见火不救火烧身,有章不循祸缠身。
48. If you see a fire and do not extinguish it, you will be burned by the fire. If you do not follow the rules, misfortune will ensnare you.
49. 为了您全家幸福,请注意安全生产。为了您和他人的幸福,处处时时注意安全。
49. For the happiness of your whole family, please pay attention to safety in production. For the happiness of you and others, be mindful of safety at all times and in all places.
50. 防事故年年平安福满门,讲安全人人健康乐万家。
50. Preventing accidents ensures peace and happiness every year, and promoting safety brings health and joy to every household.
51. 想要无事故,须下苦功夫。
51. To achieve zero accidents, one must put in hard work.
52. 安全知识,让你化险为夷。
52. Knowledge of safety can help you turn danger into safety.
53. 注意机械伤害,提防行车伤人。树立法制观念,坚持安全生产。
53. Pay attention to mechanical injuries and be cautious to prevent accidents that may harm others while driving. Establish a sense of legal awareness and adhere to safe production practices.