面书号 2025-01-23 21:49 8
1. 你我多一份自觉,村庄多一份清洁。
1. The more self-awareness we have, the cleaner the village will be.
2. 遵守社会公德,维护公共卫生。
2. Observe social morality and maintain public health.
3. 地球是万物生灵共同的家园,共生共荣来自万物的和谐。
3. The Earth is the common home for all living beings, and the coexistence and prosperity come from the harmony of all things.
4. 倡导文明新风,共建美好家园。
4. Promote a new breeze of civilization and jointly build a beautiful homeland.
5. 清洁公司环境,从我做起。
5. Clean the company environment, start with me.
6. 清扫清洁坚持做,亮丽环境真不错。
6. Persist in cleaning and keeping things tidy, a bright environment is truly nice.
7. 讲究卫生,人人有责;改善环境人人受益。
7. Hygiene is the responsibility of everyone; improving the environment benefits everyone.
8. 以关心整洁公司环境为荣,损害环境卫生为耻。
8. Take pride in maintaining a clean corporate environment and feel ashamed of damaging the environmental hygiene.
9. 建设新公司环境,弘扬新风尚。
9. Create a new corporate environment and promote new trends.
10. 搞好环境卫生,加强个人卫生。
10. Improve environmental hygiene and enhance personal hygiene.
11. 讲文明 讲礼貌
11. Practice civilization and politeness.
12. 人人做整理,场地有条理,全员做清扫,环境更美好。
12. Everyone does the tidying up, the venue is organized, everyone does the cleaning, and the environment becomes more beautiful.
13. 培育文明新风,构建和谐公司环境。
13. Cultivate a new style of civilization and build a harmonious corporate environment.
14. 环境你不爱,美景不常在。
14. You don't love the environment, and beautiful scenery is not always present.
15. 清除垃圾 , 美化环境
15. Clear up garbage, beautify the environment
16. 你我多一份自觉,公司环境多一份清洁!
16. The more self-awareness we have, the cleaner the company environment will be!
17. 行动起来,保护环境,从自己做起,从一点一滴做起。
17. Take action to protect the environment, start with yourself, and begin with the smallest details.
18. 美化单位、讲究卫生、绿化名城、保护环境。你们听说公司环境卫生标语有哪些吗?那么小编为大家整理了公司环境卫生标语,欢迎阅览!
18. Beautifying units, emphasizing hygiene, greening historic cities, and protecting the environment. Have you heard any environmental health slogans from the company? Then, the editor has compiled a list of company environmental health slogans for you to read!
19. 治理“脏乱差”,要靠“你我他”。
19. To govern the "filthy, disordered, and ugly," it depends on "you, me, and him."
20. 讲文明,爱卫生,做个合格职业人。
20. Be civil, maintain hygiene, and become a qualified professional.
21. 提高农民健康素质,促进公司环境卫生与经济社会协调发展。
21. Enhance the health quality of farmers, and promote the coordinated development of corporate environmental health and economic and social progress.
22. 建设新公司环境,倡导新生活。
22. Create a new corporate environment and promote a new lifestyle.
23. 办公室卫生标语, 保持卫生是一个好习惯,搞好卫生不仅美化环境,而且保护了环境不被污染,保持卫生人人有责,这样可以提醒大家卫生的重要性。
23. Office sanitation slogan: Maintaining hygiene is a good habit. Improving sanitation not only beautifies the environment but also protects it from pollution. Keeping the environment clean is everyone's responsibility, which can remind everyone of the importance of hygiene.
24. 自觉维护环境卫生,有效预防甲型HN流感的发生和流行
24. Actively maintain environmental hygiene and effectively prevent the occurrence and spread of HN influenza A.
25. 动动手,就能使下一个人用的放心;动动手,就能使卫生间更整洁。
25. A little effort can make the next person feel more at ease; a little effort can keep the bathroom cleaner.
26. 全民参与,治理环境,建设村容整洁的新农村!
26.全民参与,govern the environment, and build a new countryside with tidy village appearance!
27. 全党动员,全民参与,共建“实力胡乐、美丽胡乐、幸福胡乐”
27. Mobilize the whole party and the entire population to jointly build a "Powerful Hule, Beautiful Hule, and Happy Hule."
28. 热心卫生工作,创造美好环境。
28. Devote oneself to health work and create a beautiful environment.
29. 提高农民健康素质,促进农村卫生与经济社会协调发展。
29. Improve the health quality of farmers and promote the coordinated development of rural health and social economy.
30. 人人做整理,场地有条理,全员做清扫,环境更美好。
30. Everyone participates in organization, the area remains tidy, everyone contributes to cleaning, and the environment becomes even more beautiful.
31. 积极推进农村环境卫生综合整治,营造整洁优美的人居环境。
31. Actively promote the comprehensive improvement of rural environmental health, creating a clean and beautiful living environment.
32. 冲一冲,路迢迢水漫漫,给别人些方便,你为何不干
32. Take a shower, the road is long and the water is endless. Why not make it easier for others?
33. 手牵手根治环境脏乱差,心连心创建卫生洁净美。
33. Hand in hand, we root out the dirt and disorder of the environment; with hearts connected, we create a clean and beautiful world.
34. 干群齐动手,村庄焕新颜。
34. The masses and cadres work together, and the village gets a new look.
35. 看过“公司环境卫生标语”
35. Viewed the "Company Environmental Hygiene Slogan"
36. 分工合作来清扫,相信明天会更好。
36. Working together, cleaning up, and believing that tomorrow will be better.
37. 用完厕所“方便”后,一定要:洗刷刷洗刷刷……
37. After using the toilet for "convenience," it is essential to: wash, wash, wash, wash...
38. 当我们心情愉快的时候,也别忘了让厕所的心情和我们一样愉快哟!
38. When we are in a good mood, let's not forget to make the bathroom feel as cheerful as we do!
39. 上前一小步,文明一小步,用完快冲水,卫生你我他。
39. Take a small step forward, a step towards civilization; rinse quickly after use, for the hygiene of us all.
40. 整洁家园,人人有责。
40. Keeping the home clean is the responsibility of everyone.
41. 环卫工作人人参与,美好环境人人受益!
41. Everyone participates in environmental sanitation work, and everyone benefits from a beautiful environment!
42. 环卫工作人人参与,美好环境家家受益!
42. Everyone participates in sanitation work, and every family benefits from a beautiful environment!
43. 齐心协力,整洁卫生!
43. Work together to keep it clean and hygienic!
44. 村庄是我家,卫生靠大家。
44. The village is my home, and cleanliness depends on everyone.
45. 草儿绿花儿香,环境优美人健康!
45. Green grass and fragrant flowers, a beautiful environment makes people healthy!
46. 管住脏乱差,留下真善美。
46. Tame the dirty, messy, and ugly, and leave behind the true, the good, and the beautiful.
47. 摈弃陋习,崇尚文明!
47. Abandon bad habits and advocate civilization!
48. 鲜花还需绿叶扶,村庄更需村民护。
48. Flowers need green leaves to support them, and villages even more so need the protection of their villagers.
49. 万众成一心,脏乱不近身。
49. The hearts of all are one, far from them is dirt and disorder.
50. 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都听说过或者使用过一些比较经典的标语吧,标语对人们的思维是有一定的感性作用的。那么什么样的标语才更具感染力呢?
50. Whether in study, work, or life, everyone has heard or used some classic slogans, right? Slogans have a certain emotional impact on people's thinking. So, what kind of slogans are more infectious?
51. 爱护办公室卫生标语,标语是指文字简练、意义鲜明的宣传、鼓动口号。 标语是用简短文字写出的有宣传鼓动作用的口号。标语的内容是多种多样的,以下分享爱护办公室卫生标语
51. Office Hygiene Slogan, a slogan refers to concise and meaningful promotional and motivational口号. A slogan is a口号 written in brief text with promotional and motivational effects. The content of slogans is diverse, and here are some office hygiene slogans to share.
52. 开展环境卫生整治,营造清洁生活环境!?>
52. Launch environmental sanitation efforts to create a clean living environment!
53. 全民发动,积极开展村庄环境整治活动。
53. Mobilize the entire population to actively carry out village environment improvement activities.
54. 加强公司环境的长效管理,创造和谐优美的人居环境。
54. Strengthen the long-term environmental management of the company, creating a harmonious and beautiful living environment.
55. 没有良好卫生习惯的人群是感染甲型HN流感最危险的人群
55. People without good hygiene habits are the most vulnerable group to contract HN1 influenza.
56. 人人讲卫生,家家树新风。
56. Everyone talks about hygiene, every household cultivates new styles.
57. 管住脏乱差,留下真善美!
57. Keep away from dirt, disorder, and ugliness; cherish truth, goodness, and beauty!
58. 关注农村卫生,促进经济发展,推进农村建设。
58. Focus on rural health, promote economic development, and advance rural construction.
59. 有您的爱惜和我们的努力,xx才会更加整洁美丽!
59. With your care and our efforts, xx will become even cleaner and more beautiful!
60. 家家讲卫生,户户比洁净。
60. Every household emphasizes hygiene, and every family competes in cleanliness.
61. 保持环境整洁,请不要乱扔乱倒。
61. Keep the environment clean and please do not litter or dump waste improperly.
62. 卫生关联你我他,齐抓共管靠大家。
62. Hygiene concerns us all, and joint management depends on everyone's efforts.
63. 加强城市的长效管理,创造和谐优美的人居环境。
63. Strengthen the long-term management of cities to create a harmonious and beautiful living environment.
64. 人人动手,消灭四害,提高人民健康水平。
64. Everyone pitches in to eliminate the four pests, thereby improving the health level of the people.
65. 整洁家园人人有责
65. Keeping the home clean is the responsibility of everyone.
66. 情不在切,贴心就行;“纸”不在多,够用就行。
66. It's not about how close the feeling is, as long as it's heartfelt; it's not about how many "papers" there are, as long as they are sufficient.
67. 有了您的真心呵护,公司环境才会更加美丽!
67. With your heartfelt care, the company's environment will be even more beautiful!
68. 讲卫生光荣 不讲卫生可耻
68. Hygiene is glorious, and a lack of hygiene is shameful.
69. 发挥农民主体作用,建设文明整洁新公司环境。
69. Give full play to the main role of farmers, and build a civilized and clean new company environment.
70. 公司环境是我家,文明靠大家。
70. The company's environment is my home, and civilization depends on everyone.
71. 动员起来,讲究卫生,减少疾病,提高群众健康水平
71. Mobilize efforts, practice hygiene, reduce diseases, and improve the health level of the masses.
72. 村庄环境整治是造福百姓的民心工程。
72. The improvement of the village environment is a people's cause that benefits the public.
73. 胡乐是我家,卫生靠大家。
73. Hu Le is my home, cleanliness depends on everyone.
74. 治理“脏乱差”,告别不文明行为,人人从我做起。
74. Tackle the "filthy, disordered, and ugly" environment, bid farewell to uncivilized behavior, and let everyone start with ourselves.
75. 全民发动,积极开展环境卫生整治活动!
75. Mobilize the entire population and actively carry out environmental sanitation improvement activities!
76. 创文明公司环境,做文明市民。
76. Create a civilized corporate environment and be a civilized citizen.
77. 环境关联你我他齐抓共管靠大家。
77. The environment concerns us all; let's work together to manage it effectively.
78. 要想生活好,洁净离不了。
78. To live well, cleanliness is indispensable.
79. 讲究卫生 保持清洁
79. Pay attention to hygiene; keep clean.
80. 革除生活陋习,美化人居环境,优化生存空间。
80. Eradicate bad habits in daily life, beautify the living environment, and optimize the living space.