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面书号 2025-01-23 21:53 8

1. 吸食毒品,害人害己。

1. Taking drugs is harmful to both oneself and others.

2. 当你的左手去触毒品,你的右脚已迈进鬼门关。

2. When your left hand touches drugs, your right foot has already stepped into the gates of hell.

3. 吸毒品,是花钱买来死亡。

3. Using drugs is purchasing death with money.

4. 禁毒宣传,要从青少年抓起,从娃娃抓起。

4. Anti-drug propaganda should start with teenagers and even from children.

5. 大手小手齐参与,争当禁毒先锋队。

5. Big hands and small hands participate together, striving to become the vanguard of the anti-drug team.

6. “毒品”这简简单单的两个汉字,可是,它却用妖媚的外表,成功诱引了多少无知的人们,从此踏上了一条不归路,这是一条充满了精神和肉体的痛苦,充满了妻离子散的痛苦,充满了“坚强的生存还是懦弱的灭亡”的不归路。

6. The two simple Chinese characters "毒品" (drug) have, with their alluring appearance, successfully lured countless ignorant people into a one-way street. From that moment on, they embarked on a path that is filled with both spiritual and physical pain, with the pain of separation from family, and with the dilemma of choosing between "strong survival" and "weak extinction" — a path with no turning back.

7. “远离毒品,珍爱生命”,这已经不是简单的一句口号了,而是需要全世界人民都动起来的号召。放弃毒品,让未来更美好,不要只贪求一时的`快感,而丧失了原本属于你幸福生活。禁毒,是每个公民应尽的责任,让我们守护我们美好的家园,让毒品远离我们的社会吧!

7. "Stay away from drugs, cherish life," this is no longer just a simple slogan; it is a call to action that requires the entire world's people to mobilize. Abandon drugs for a brighter future; don't seek fleeting pleasure at the cost of the happiness that originally belongs to your life. Combating drug abuse is the responsibility of every citizen. Let us protect our beautiful homeland and keep drugs away from our society!

8. 许多人在他们毒瘾为发作前,和平常人没什么两样,但当他们的毒瘾上来时,就会不顾一切代价,去买毒品来止住毒瘾。没钱的时候更会想到去偷钱甚至去杀人。而其原因只为了得到一小包白粉状的毒品,等待他们的最终是一副冰冷的手铐。许多有钱人和一些及富声望的官员,只为了尝试一下毒品对人体的吸引力,而越发堕落。最终成为了遭人唾弃的千古罪人。

8. Many people seem no different from ordinary individuals before their drug addiction flares up. However, when their cravings strike, they will go to any length, at any cost, to purchase drugs to satisfy their addiction. When they are short of money, they are even more likely to resort to stealing or even committing murder. The reason for all this is merely to obtain a small packet of white powder. What awaits them in the end is a pair of cold handcuffs. Many wealthy individuals and some highly esteemed officials, merely to experience the allure of drugs on the human body, have become increasingly decadent. In the end, they have become eternal sinners who are cursed by all.

9. 全党动手、全民动员,深入持久地开展禁毒斗争。

9. Mobilize the whole Party and the entire population to carry out a deep and lasting campaign against drug addiction.

10. 禁止任何人非法持有毒品。

10. It is prohibited for anyone to possess drugs illegally.

11. 抵制毒品 参与禁毒

11. Resist Drugs, Participate in Drug Control

12. 毒品,你好毒,你好毒,你是个怪物,让人发疯,让人糊涂。

12. Narcotics, how poisonous you are, how poisonous you are. You are a monster, driving people mad, making them confused.

13. 万众一心 禁绝毒品

13. United in purpose, we banish drugs.

14. 吸毒一口,掉入虎口。

14. Take one puff of drugs, and you fall into the mouth of the tiger.

15. 抵制毒品,参与禁毒。

15. Resists drugs and participates in anti-drug efforts.

16. 开展综合治理,根除毒品危害!

16. Carry out comprehensive governance to root out the harm of drugs!

17. 毒品,散尽万家财,离间骨肉情。

17. Narcotics, which consume the wealth of all households, and sever the bonds of kinship.

18. 开展禁毒知识竞赛:根据发放的禁毒知识相关资料,对全体学生开展禁毒知识竞赛。

18. Organize a drug prevention knowledge competition: Conduct a drug prevention knowledge competition for all students based on the distributed drug prevention related materials.

19. 珍爱生命,拒绝毒品

19. Cherish life, reject drugs.

20. 不忘国耻,拒绝毒品,洁身自好,快乐生活。

20. Remember the national耻辱, refuse drugs, keep oneself clean, and live a happy life.

21. 小小花,毁掉千万家。?>

21. Little flower, destroy ten thousand households. ?>

22. 150年前的英吉利人,带着贪婪的欲望,用鸦片敲开了中国的大门,既而发动了两次鸦片战争,揭开了中国近代史屈辱的一页。有识之士如林则徐者,禁烟,缴烟,销烟,终在历史的舞台上留下应有的尊严。曾经在新中国的建立后消失了很长的一段时间的毒品“贸易”,在改革开放的大潮下,如幽灵般地重新回来。成千上万倍的利润,令不少想快速致富而动了歪心的人趋之若骛,铤而走险,越来越多的毒品被走私进了中国。

22. One hundred and fifty years ago, the English, driven by greedy desires, used opium to knock open the gates of China, and then launched two Opium Wars, which opened a page of shame in the modern history of China. Men of insight like Lin Zexu, who prohibited smoking, seized and destroyed opium, left their due dignity on the stage of history. The drug "trade" that had disappeared for a long time after the establishment of New China reappeared like a ghost under the great wave of reform and opening up. Tens of thousands of times profit, tempted many people with crooked hearts who wanted to get rich quickly, and they took desperate risks, leading to an increasing amount of drugs being smuggled into China.

23. 拒绝毒品,坚定不移,从现在开始。

23. Refuse drugs, be resolute, starting now.

24. 一位曾经从事文艺事业的女士,是这样讲述她的吸毒、戒毒那可怕的经历的:“其实我的吸毒过程很简单:几个朋友去旅游,看到同往一个旅馆的两个巴基斯坦人在吸那鬼玩意儿,他们仿佛飞入了仙境、梦境一样,在白云中捉迷藏,在银河上嬉戏。”当我见到学校的公告栏上贴着这样的故事后,不禁为她担忧:这一位女士一旦敲开了毒品大家族的门,就等于挖好了自己的坟。在我看来毒品还是一个“第三者”,把一个个幸福美满的家庭拆散,把一个个无辜孩子的幼小心灵抹黑。

24. A lady who once engaged in the arts and literature recounted her terrifying experience of drug addiction and rehabilitation: "In fact, my journey into drug addiction was quite simple: a few friends went on a trip and saw two Pakistanis in the same hotel smoking that devilish stuff. They seemed to have entered a fairyland or dreamland, hiding and playing hide-and-seek among the white clouds and frolicking on the Milky Way." When I saw this story posted on the school bulletin board, I couldn't help but worry for her: Once this lady opened the door to the drug family, it was as if she had dug her own grave. In my view, drugs are still a "third party" that tears apart happy and harmonious families, and stains the innocent and tender minds of children.

25. 莫沾毒品,莫交毒友。

25. Do not dabble in drugs, and do not associate with drug-users.

26. 禁毒展板展示:开展关于毒品危害的展,提高同学们对毒品的认知水平。

26. Drug Prevention Display Board: Organize exhibitions on the harm of drugs to enhance the awareness of drug issues among the students.

27. 手牵手参与禁毒,心贴心珍爱生命。

27. Join hands to participate in anti-drug efforts, cherish life with a heart-to-heart approach.

28. 毒品理当被人唾弃、遗忘。它会让一个人失去家人,失去一切人间完美的事物,让他觉得人间已无值得他留念的了,从而结束了自我宝贵的生命。会让一个和睦的家庭,充满硝烟的战火。毒品会让人意志消沉,会促进一个民族的兴亡。为防止毒品的猖獗,让我们做好准备。

28. Narcotics deserve to be scorned and forgotten. They can make a person lose their family and everything that is perfect in the world, making them feel that there is nothing left worth cherishing in life, and thus ending their precious life. They can turn a harmonious family into a battlefield filled with the smoke of war. Narcotics can lead to a person's spirit being broken and can promote the rise and fall of a nation. To prevent the spread of drugs, let us prepare ourselves.

29. 时的欢快,一生的禁锢。

29. Temporary joy, a lifelong imprisonment.

30. 毒品犯罪是全球性的社会公害,在当今的世界同,几乎没有一个国家能够避开它的浩劫,然而毒品泛滥又是一个极难治理的问题。

30. Drug-related crimes are a global social scourge, and in today's world, almost no country can escape its ravages. However, the problem of drug proliferation is extremely difficult to control.

31. 毒品犹如吞噬人的黑洞是不会留下一丝光亮。

31. Narcotics are like a black hole that engulfs people, leaving not a trace of light.

32. 禁毒的宣传活动有校内发放禁毒的相关资料、开展禁毒知识竞赛、电子屏宣传禁毒标语、出好一期关于禁毒的板报、禁毒展板展示、观看禁毒教育视频、开展一次禁毒主题班会、利用校园网或微信平台宣传。

32. Anti-drug publicity activities include distributing anti-drug materials on campus, organizing anti-drug knowledge competitions, displaying anti-drug slogans on electronic screens, publishing a special issue of anti-drug bulletin boards, showcasing anti-drug exhibition boards, watching anti-drug educational videos, conducting an anti-drug themed class meeting, and promoting through the campus network or WeChat platform.

33. 刚开始吸毒的人群,有很多都属于对毒品好奇,可一沾染上了,却终身都离不开,对于我们来说,“爱”是多么简单而又纯洁的字眼,然而在他们眼中,不过是一个可利用的工具,利用他人的善良与天真,乞讨到钱,再去买毒品,就算来之不易,钱在她们手中还没捂热,就已经交到了毒贩的手里。自尊对他们来说,都已经是垃圾了。生命里,只有毒品是最重要的。

33. Many people who start using drugs do so out of curiosity, but once they get involved, they can't shake it off for the rest of their lives. To us, "love" is such a simple and pure word, but in their eyes, it's just a tool that can be exploited. They take advantage of others' kindness and innocence to beg for money, then use it to buy drugs. Even though the money comes from hard work, it hasn't even warmed up in their hands before it ends up in the hands of drug dealers. To them, self-respect is already garbage. In their lives, drugs are the most important thing.

34. 电子屏宣传禁毒标语:在6月26日国际禁毒日前后,电子屏宣传标语,营造禁毒氛围。

34. Electronic screen anti-drug slogan promotion: Around June 26th, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, use electronic screens to display anti-drug slogans to create an atmosphere against drug abuse.

35. 全民动员,根绝毒害。

35. Mobilize the entire population to eradicate the drug menace.

36. 禁绝毒品 人人有责

36. Prohibiting drugs is the responsibility of everyone.

37. 吸食毒品,家破人亡;远离毒品,国泰民安。

37. Using drugs leads to broken homes and loss of life; staying away from drugs ensures national stability and peace among the people.

38. 禁毒大舞台,有你更精彩!

38. Anti-drug grand stage, you make it more exciting!

39. 利用校园网、微信平台宣传:在校园微信平台上宣传关于禁毒的内容。通过上述等形式加大力度进行禁毒方面的宣传、教育,提高全体师生的禁毒意识,切实让每一位师生,珍爱生命,远离毒品。

39. Utilize the campus network and WeChat platform for promotion: Promote content about drug control on the campus WeChat platform. Through the above-mentioned forms and other means, strengthen the efforts in promoting and educating about drug control, enhance the awareness of drug control among all teachers and students, and truly ensure that every teacher and student cherishes life and stays away from drugs.

40. 吸毒就等于进入了地狱,天堂将与你遥遥相望。

40. Drug addiction is equivalent to entering hell, with heaven遥遥相望 far away from you.

41. 毒品祸国殃民,禁毒国泰民安。

41. Narcotics bring disaster to the country and harm the people, while drug control brings peace and security to the nation.

42. 认清毒害 戒断毒瘾

42. Understand the危害 of Drugs and Overcome Drug Addiction

43. 珍爱生命 远离毒品

43. Cherish life and stay away from drugs.

44. 全民动员 扫除毒害

44. Mobilize the entire population to eradicate drug abuse

45. 珍爱生命 拒绝毒品

45. Cherish life, refuse drugs.

46. 开展创建无毒害社区活动,确保一方净土。

46. Carry out activities to establish drug-free communities to ensure a clean and pure land.

47. 禁绝毒品 利国利民

47. Banning drugs is beneficial to the country and the people.

48. 树木因为蛀虫而枯萎,生命因为毒品而凋零。

48. Trees wither because of the infestation of borers, and life fades because of drugs.

49. 创建全国无毒平安城,创造美丽和谐生活。

49. Create a nationwide无毒 (toxin-free) safe city, and foster a beautiful and harmonious way of life.

50. 严厉打击制贩毒活动

50. Severely crack down on drug production and trafficking activities