面书号 2025-01-23 21:54 8
1. 用我们的爱心和双手,共建温馨美好的家园。
1. With our love and hands, let's jointly build a warm and beautiful home.
2. 民主选举社区居民委员会,是实行社区居民自治的第一步!你们知道有哪些年和谐社区标语吗?下面,小编整理了年和谐社区标语,希望帮助大家。欢迎阅读!
2. Electing the Community Residents' Committee through democratic elections is the first step in implementing self-governance among community residents! Do you know about any annual harmonious community slogans? Below, the editor has compiled a list of annual harmonious community slogans, hoping to help everyone. Welcome to read!
3. 争做社会好公民,争做单位好员工,争做家庭好成员。
3. Strive to be a good citizen in society, a good employee in the unit, and a good family member.
4. 人人为社区,社区为人人。
4. Everyone for the community, and the community for everyone.
5. 以人为本、服务居民
5. People-oriented, serving the residents
6. 积极参加选举,行使当家作主权利!
6. Actively participate in elections and exercise the right to govern yourself!
7. 老有所养 老有所医 老有所乐 老有所为 老有所学
7. Have a comfortable retirement, receive proper medical care, enjoy a happy life, have something to do, and keep learning.
8. 文明礼貌、助人为乐、爱护公物、保护环境、遵纪守法。
8. Be civilized and polite, be helpful and joyful in assisting others, cherish public property, protect the environment, and abide by laws and regulations.
9. 民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督!
9. Democratic elections, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision!
10. 直接选举社区居民委员会,充分行使民主权利!
10. Elect the residents' committee members directly, and fully exercise your democratic rights!
11. 青年服务社区,社区培育青年。
11. Youth serve the community, and the community nurtures the youth.
12. 共建文明家园同享创建成果
12. jointly build a civilized home and share the achievements of the creation
13. 您有什么困难,我们来帮忙;您有什么不平,我们来解决。
13. If you have any difficulties, we will help you; if you have any grievances, we will resolve them.
14. 社区居民委员会是居民自我管理、自我教育、自我服务的群众性自治组织;
14. The Community Residents' Committee is a mass autonomous organization for residents to self-manage, self-educate, and self-service.
15. 和谐社区标语
15. Harmonious Community Slogan
16. 恪守并践行一个最朴实的理念——为人民服务。
16. Adhere to and practice the most straightforward principle: Serve the people.
17. 你我齐心携手,共创和谐城区
17. United in our efforts, let's work together to create a harmonious urban area.
18. 加强社区建设 创建美好家园
18. Strengthen community construction and create a beautiful home.
19. 服务只有更好,没有最好;满意只有起点,没有终点。
19. Service can only get better, never perfect; satisfaction is just the starting point, not the end.
20. 居委会委员居民选,居委会委员为居民
20. The election of neighborhood committee members by residents, neighborhood committee members are elected by residents.
21. 改善社区环境,提高生活质量。
21. Improve the community environment and enhance the quality of life.
22. 以诚相待、恩爱相伴、孝敬老人、教抚小孩、和睦相处、幸福永远
22. Be sincere with each other, cherish each other's company, honor the elderly, nurture the children, live in harmony, and forever enjoy happiness.
23. 搞好社区居民委员会选举,建设管理有序、文明详和的新型社区!
23. Conduct the community residents' committee election well, and build a new community with orderly management, civilization, and harmony!
24. 一张微笑相迎,一声你好相问,一张凳子请坐。
24. A smile to greet you, a "hello" to inquire, and a chair to invite you to sit.
25. 打造平安大院 构建和谐社会
25. Create a peaceful compound; build a harmonious society
26. 坚持党的领导,依法办事!
26. Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party and handle affairs according to law!
27. 坚持群众路线,充分发扬民主!
27. Adhere to the mass line and fully develop democracy!
28. 优化社区秩序、美化社区环境、完善社区服务,形成和谐的社区人际关系。
28. Optimize community order, beautify the community environment, and improve community services to form harmonious interpersonal relationships within the community.
29. 清洁环境,人人有责
29. Keeping the environment clean is the responsibility of everyone.
30. 实行直接选举是居民政治生活中的一件大事!
30. The implementation of direct elections is a major event in the political life of the residents!
31. 符合条件立即办,材料不全帮着办;外来投资优先办,重大事项联合办;多头管理协调办,上报审批协助办;群众有难上门办,跟踪服务主动办。
31. Immediate handling for those who meet the qualifications, assistance provided for incomplete materials; prioritized handling for foreign investment, joint handling for major matters; coordinated handling for multi-department management, assistance provided for reporting and approval; on-site handling for difficulties faced by the masses, proactive follow-up services provided.
32. 创展文明社区,建美好家园
32. Create an innovative civilization community and build a beautiful homeland.
33. 服务进社区,文明进万家
33. Service goes into the community, civilization into every household.
34. 热心公益,互助友爱
34. Passionate about public welfare, mutual help and love.
35. 树立社会新风,争做文明市民
35. Establish new social norms and strive to become a civilized citizen.
36. 以诚相待、恩爱相伴、孝敬老人、教抚小孩、和睦相处、幸福永远?>
36. Treat each other with sincerity, stay together in love, respect the elderly, raise the children, live in harmony, and happiness will always be with us.
37. 热爱社区工作,热心为居民服务。
37. Love community work and are enthusiastic about serving the residents.
38. 你的家,我的家,连在一起是大家;你帮我,我帮你,宛如幸福大家庭
38. Your home, my home, when joined together become our big family; you help me, I help you, just like a happy big family.
39. 一个微笑拉近人,一个问候温暖人,一次服务帮助人。
39. A smile brings people closer, a greeting warms people, and a service helps people.
40. 安全帽,挡住飞来横祸;安全网,挽留宝贵生命。
40. Safety helmets, to block flying disasters; safety nets, to retain precious lives.
41. 实行社区自治,选好社区居民委员会班子!
41. Implement community autonomy and select a good team for the Community Residents' Committee!
42. 弘扬志愿精神 构建和谐社会
42. Promote the spirit of voluntary service and build a harmonious society
43. 把社区建设成“三土”即热土、净土、乐土,建成“三园”即家园、学园、花园
43. Build the community into a "Three Lands" - a warm land, a pure land, and a land of joy, and into a "Three Gardens" - a home, a school, and a garden.
44. 搞好社区居民委员会选举,促进社区改革、发展和稳定!
44. Conduct the election of the Community Residents' Committee well to promote community reform, development, and stability!
45. 推进城市居民自治,建设管理有序、文明和谐的新型社区;
45. Promote the autonomy of urban residents, and build a new type of community with orderly management and a harmonious civilization.
46. 认真贯彻实施《城市居民委员会组织法》!
46. Strictly implement the "Urban Resident Committee Organization Law"!
47. 推进城市居民自治,建设管理有序、文明和谐的新型社区;
47. Promote the autonomy of urban residents, and build a new type of community with orderly management and a civil and harmonious atmosphere.
48. 你的家,我的家,连在一起是大家;你帮我,我帮你,宛如幸福大家庭
48. Your home, my home, together they become our great home; helping each other, you help me, I help you, like a happy big family.
49. 你的满意是我们的希望,你的希望是我们的追求。
49. Your satisfaction is our hope, and your hopes are our pursuit.
50. 社区居民委员会是居民自我管理、自我教育、自我服务的'群众性自治组织;
50. The Residents' Committee of the community is a mass autonomous organization that residents manage, educate, and serve themselves.
51. 社区是我家 建设靠大家
51. The community is my home, its construction depends on everyone.
52. 尽我们所能,服务居民所求。
52. To the best of our ability, serve the needs of the residents.
53. 民主选举社区居民委员会,是实行社区居民自治的第一步!
53. Electing the Residents' Committee through democratic elections is the first step in implementing self-governance among the community residents!
54. 维护群众权益,帮助群众解决难办事、烦心事、不平事。
54. Protect the rights and interests of the masses, and help them solve difficult matters, troublesome issues, and unfair situations.
55. 进一个门办好,缴规定费办成,在承诺日办结。
55. Enter a door, handle all matters, pay the prescribed fees, and complete the transaction by the promised date.
56. 无论是何事情,只要是本村村民的正当要求,且符合相关要求,村支两委都竭尽全力帮助村民办理。
56. In any matter, as long as it is a legitimate demand of the villagers in this village and meets the relevant requirements, the village Party branch and the two committees will make every effort to assist the villagers in handling it.
57. 共建安全社区是你我的义务,共管安全社区是大家的职责。
57. Constructing a safe community is our duty, and jointly managing a safe community is the responsibility of everyone.
58. 社区是我们共同的家园,平安是我们大家的责任。
58. The community is our shared home, and safety is our collective responsibility.
59. 搞好社区居民委员会选举,推动社区两个文明建设!
59. Organize the residents' committee election well and promote the construction of both civilization and community!
60. 珍惜民主权利,投好庄严一票!
60. Cherish your democratic rights and cast your solemn vote wisely!
61. 加强党的领导,是搞好社区居民委员会选举的根本保证!
61. Strengthening the Party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for ensuring the success of the residents' committee election!
62. 提高参与意识,推进社区自治;
62. Enhance awareness of participation and promote community self-governance.
63. 以人为本 服务居民
63. People-oriented, serving the residents
64. 加强领导,精心组织,保证社区居民委员会选举圆满成功!
64. Strengthen leadership, organize meticulously, and ensure the successful completion of the election of the Community Residents' Committee!
65. 尊老爱幼、男女平等、夫妻和睦、勤俭持家、邻里团结。
65. Respect the elderly, love the young, equality between men and women, harmonious relationships between husband and wife, thrifty and economical household management, and unity among neighbors.
66. 主持公正,依法选举!
66. Conduct fair leadership and hold elections by law!
67. 奉献 友爱 互助 进步
67. Devotion, Love, Mutual Assistance, Progress
68. 搞好社区居民委员会选举,推进社区基层民主建设!
68. Do a good job in the election of the Community Residents' Committee and promote the construction of grassroots democracy in the community!
69. 尊重选民意愿,保障选民的民主选举权利!
69. Respect the will of the voters and safeguard the democratic electoral rights of the voters!
70. 社区是大家,帮助你我他。
70. The community is all of us, helping each other.