面书号 2025-01-23 21:51 9
1. 4当你加入一个团队管理群的时候别人欢迎你怎样在群里回
1. When you join a team management group, how should you respond to others welcoming you in the group?
2. 35充分利用时间,最大限度地压缩非学习时间,各种学习以外的事情速战速决。
2. Make full use of time, maximize the compression of non-learning time, and handle things outside of studying swiftly and efficiently.
3. 60人生的价值,应当看他贡献了什么,而不是看他取得了什么。
3. The value of a person's life at 60 should be measured by what they have contributed, not by what they have gained.
4. 莘莘学子勤学多思继往开来。
4. A multitude of students diligently study and think, carrying forward the legacy and opening up new paths.
5. 学生的健康成长和未来发展高于一切。
5. The healthy growth and future development of students take precedence over everything else.
6. 59时刻努力着,为铸就中考新辉煌而努力奋斗!
6. Strive at 5:59, working hard to forge a new brilliance in the middle school entrance examination!
7. 67实施素质教育,勇立时代潮头;落实科教兴国,谱写八中华章。
7. Implement quality education, daring to stand at the forefront of the times; implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, and compose a new chapter in the history of the eight great nations.
8. 36栉风沐雨养莘莘学子,呕心沥血育科大精英。
8. With the bracing wind and rain, nurturing countless students, and with devoted efforts and tireless toil, fostering the elite of science and technology.
9. 14放你在这海洋上,别无他意,只要你开采这知识的海洋。
9. 14 Place you here upon this ocean, with no other intention, just for you to explore the vast ocean of knowledge.
10. 9快乐人生三句话:“太好了!”“我能行!”“让我来帮助你!”
10. Three sayings for a happy life: "That's great!" "I can do it!" "Let me help you!"
11. 33深情版:最终等到你,还好我没放下~~~
11. 33 Deeply Emotional Version: Finally, I've waited for you, and it's good that I didn't give up~~~
12. 43成功不在于分数的高低,而在于你有没有尽了最大的努力。
12. Success does not lie in the high or low of your scores, but in whether you have made your utmost effort.
13. 74栉风沐雨养莘莘学子,呕心沥血育科大精英。
13. 74 Tending to the numerous students with toil and rain, nurturing scientific and technological elites with dedication and sweat.
14. 111推进学校活动文化建设,实现孩子健康快乐成长。
14. Promote the cultural construction of school activities, realizing the healthy and happy growth of children.
15. 坚持社会主义办学方向,努力培养社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人。
15. Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools and strive to cultivate qualified builders and reliable successors for socialism.
16. 21取胜要靠耐心和毅力,任何侥幸只会酿成失败的后果。
16. To achieve victory requires patience and perseverance; any reliance on chance will only lead to the consequences of failure.
17. 笑脸喜迎新同学,热情拥抱新伙伴。
17. A smiling face warmly welcomes new classmates, and a warm embrace is extended to new companions.
18. 科教兴国人才为本
18. The development of science and education is vital for the country, with talents as the foundation.
19. 26人生是海洋,希望是舵手的罗盘,大学生活你准备好了吗
19. Life is the ocean, hope is the compass of the helmsman, are you ready for college life?
20. 宣传部分的一大重点就是创作标语或者口号,根据普遍性来讲,优秀的标语更能吸引我们,好的口号标语是怎么样的呢?
20. One of the major focuses of the Propaganda Department is the creation of slogans or catchphrases. Generally speaking, excellent slogans are more attractive to us. How should a good slogan or catchphrase be?
21. 58巨笔长卷,写不尽沧海新颜洪波涌;画板宏图,展不完文彩风流艺德馨。
21. The 58-foot long scroll cannot write out the ever-changing new look of the Cangshan; the grand canvas cannot fully display the artistic elegance, literary charm, and moral aroma.
22. 目标是动力,关爱是基石,让家校筑起孩子的成功之路。
22. Goals are the driving force, care is the foundation, let schools and families build the road to the children's success.
23. 31新的起点,我们携手努力;新的航程,我们迎风扬帆
23. A new starting point, we strive together; a new journey, we sail into the wind.
24. 56和谐大学汇精英,浓墨重彩书伟篇;绿色校园聚新锐,春华秋实谱宏章。
24. 56 Harmonious University gathers elite talents, vividly writing grand chapters; Green campus assembles new talents, spring flowers and autumn fruits composing grand epics.
25. 31用青春的活力幻化绚烂彩虹,用生命的热情谱写生动旋律!
25. With the vitality of youth, transform into a resplendent rainbow, and with the passion of life, compose a vivid melody!
26. 21素质高一分,形象美时分,校园是我家,关爱你我他。
26. A higher quality by one point, a more beautiful image, the campus is my home, caring for you, me, and him.
27. 培育英才建百年大业与时俱进创中华名校。
27. Cultivate outstanding talents to establish a century-long great cause, keep pace with the times, and create a world-renowned Chinese university.
28. 37建筑学子搭座桥,民院在这头,小马哥在那头。
28. A group of architecture students built a bridge, with the People's University at one end and Xiao Ma Ge at the other.
29. 8人生因年轻的你们而激情飞越;学院因奋斗的你们而光辉灿烂
29. Life soars with passion because of the youth like you; the academy shines brightly because of your struggles.
30. 15民生保障有人问,群众困难有人帮,矛盾纠纷有人管。
30. There is someone to help with people's livelihood security, someone to assist with the difficulties of the masses, and someone to manage disputes and contradictions.
31. 47振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。
31. The hope for rejuvenating the nation lies in education, and the hope for rejuvenating education lies in teachers.
32. 73珍惜美好时光,不忘勤学苦练,成就精彩人生!
32. Cherish the beautiful moments, never forget to study hard and practice diligently, and achieve an extraordinary life!
33. 让我们珍惜一百天,拼搏一百天,把握好每一分钟!
33. Let us cherish the next one hundred days, strive for one hundred days, and make the most of every minute!
34. 38当人家在你上面时,不必存心找茬,工作是大家团结一致努力的结果,无论对手如何使你难堪,千万别跟他较劲,轻轻地露齿微笑,静心干好中工作。
34. 38 When others are above you, do not deliberately look for trouble. Work is the result of everyone's united efforts. No matter how embarrassing your opponents make you, never argue with them. Just give a gentle smile with your teeth slightly showing, and focus on doing your job well.
35. 42在一个同事面前不要说另一个同事的坏话。要坚持在背后说别人好话,别担心这好话传不到当事人耳朵里。如果有人在你面前说某人坏话时,你要微笑。
35. 42 Do not speak ill of a colleague in the presence of another colleague. Insist on speaking well of others behind their back, and do not worry that these good words will not reach the ears of the person concerned. If someone speaks ill of someone in your presence, smile.
36. 29天行健,学长以实力打倒高富帅;地势坤,学姐凭智慧战胜白富美。
36. After 29 days of perseverance, the elder brother defeated the rich and handsome with his strength; with the earth's yielding nature, the elder sister triumphed over the beautiful and wealthy with her wisdom.
37. 欢迎领导再次莅临中华励志检查指导工作!
37. Welcome the leaders to inspect and guide the work of Zhonghua励志 again!
38. 27欢迎你加入我们,我带你四处看看,请跟我来。
38. 27 Welcome to join us, I will show you around. Please follow me.
39. 7昔者,高考雄狮;今者,车辆学子;来者,世界鳌头。
39. In the past, the fierce lion of the college entrance examination; now, the vehicle students; in the future, the top of the world.
40. 6有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,才能知道你的位置。
40.6 Sometimes you need to fall hard to know where you stand.
41. 放你在这海洋上,别无他意,只要你开采这知识的海洋。
41. I place you here on this ocean with no other intention than for you to explore the vast ocean of knowledge.
42. 34未来,我们携手播种希望;成功,我们伴你一路而行。
42. 34 In the future, we will plant hope together; success, we will accompany you all the way.
43. 65用青春的活力,幻化绚烂彩虹;用生命的热情,谱写生动旋律。
43. With the vitality of youth, transform into a resplendent rainbow; with the passion of life, compose a vivid melody.
44. 40只要是广科的person,就都是广科的portion。
44. If a person is from Guangke, then they are part of Guangke's proportion.
45. 60在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。
45. In the real life, every great achievement begins with faith and takes the first step with faith.
46. 31分分秒秒做些有益的事,每时每刻戒掉无聊的行为。
46. Spend every minute and second doing something beneficial, and戒掉无聊的行为at every moment.
47. 50今日我以母校为荣 明天母校为我骄傲
47. Today, I am proud of my alma mater; tomorrow, my alma mater will be proud of me.
48. 35相信自己,磨砺自己,充实自己,展示自己,放飞自己。
48. Believe in yourself, refine yourself, enrich yourself, showcase yourself, and let yourself soar.
49. 43新学期,新起点,学海无止境;新方向,新理念,人生有彼岸!
49. A new semester, a new start, the sea of knowledge has no end; a new direction, a new idea, life has a destination!
50. 29希望你们年青的一代,也能象蜡烛为人照明那样,有一分热,发一分光,忠诚而踏实地为人类伟大的事业贡献自己的力量。
50. 29 I hope that your younger generation can also, like a candle lighting the way for others, contribute your own strength to the great cause of humanity with a heart full of passion and a steadfast commitment, shining a light with every bit of warmth you have.
51. 16父心母心,师者之心;德育智育。育人之本。
51. The heart of a father, the heart of a mother, the heart of a teacher; moral and intellectual education. The essence of educating people.