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面书号 2025-01-23 21:56 7

1. 公共场所从业人员多长时间进行一次健康体检从业人员必须具备什么条件方可从事直接为顾客服务的工作

1. How often should staff members in public places undergo a health examination? What conditions must they meet to engage in work that directly serves customers?

2. 答:按照《公共场所卫生管理条例》第八条的规定,经营单位须取得卫生许可证后,方可向工商行政管理部门申请登记,办理营业执照。公共场所经营者应当按照规定向县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门申请卫生许可证。未取得卫生许可证的,不得营业。公共场所卫生许可证有效期限为四年,每两年复核一次。公共场所卫生许可证应当在经营场所醒目位置公示。

2. Answer: According to Article 8 of the Public Place Hygiene Management Regulations, the operating unit must obtain a health permit before applying to the administrative department of industry and commerce for registration and handling a business license. Operators of public places shall apply for a health permit with the health administration department of the local people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the regulations. Those who have not obtained a health permit shall not engage in business. The validity period of the public place health permit is four years, and it is reviewed every two years. The public place health permit shall be publicly displayed in a prominent position in the operating place.

3. 树公共卫生爱心热心细心耐心的服务理念

3. Tree public health with a concept of loving, enthusiastic, careful, and patient service.

4. 用心服务,有爱相助,公共卫生铸就健康路

4. Devoted service, with love as the companion, public health paves the way for a healthy life.

5. 开展保持楼道清洁卫生活动,营造良好的居民生活空间,切实提高居民在此过程中的参与度和满意率,为居民创造一个整洁、健康、舒适的居住环境具有重要意义。

5. Carrying out activities to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the corridors is of great significance in creating a good living space for residents, effectively improving their participation and satisfaction in the process, and providing them with a clean, healthy, and comfortable living environment.

6. 公共卫生以人为本,关爱健康以情感人

6. Public health focuses on people, using emotions to care for health.

7. 对未依法取得公共场所卫生许可证擅自营业的,将负什么法律责任

7. What legal liabilities will be incurred for operating in public places without a public place health license obtained in accordance with the law?

8. 保障农民享有基本卫生服务

8. Ensuring that farmers have access to basic health services

9. 以涂改、转让、倒卖、伪造的卫生许可证擅自营业的。

9. Those who operate businesses擅自营业擅自 operate businesses by altering, transferring, selling, or forging health permits.

10. 新的《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》是何时颁布什么时候施行

10. When was the new "Detailed Implementation Measures of the Public Place Health Management Regulations" promulgated and when was it implemented?

11. 干干净净的楼道 ,上上下下的享受 。

11. Clean and tidy corridors, a pleasant experience up and down.

12. 答:公共场所经营者应当组织从业人员每年进行健康检查,从业人员在取得有效健康合格证明后方可上岗。

12. Answer: Public place operators shall organize health checks for their staff members annually. Staff members may start working only after obtaining valid health qualification certificates.

13. [公共场所]:乱丢乱扔废弃物,您还扔掉 什么

13. [Public Places]: Littering, what else are you throwing away?

14. 金钱是一时的财富,环境是世代的瑰 宝。

14. Money is temporary wealth, while the environment is a gem of generations.

15. 身边的医生,健康的使者

15. A doctor close to you, an envoy of health

16. 公共场所经营者安排未获得有效健康合格证明的从业人员从事直接为顾客服务工作的,将负什么法律责任

16. If the operator of a public place arranges employees who have not obtained an effective health qualification certificate to engage in direct customer service work, what legal liability will they face?

17. 家门口的贴心医护,社区里的健康卫士。

17. Compassionate healthcare at your doorstep, a health guardian in the community.

18. 心系万千家庭,情牵百姓健康。

18. Heartstrings connected to thousands of families, deeply concerned about the health of the people.

19. [ 湖畔]:美丽的厦门,白鹭的家园。

19. [By the Lake]: Beautiful Xiamen, the home of the white egrets.

20. [园林绿地]:奉献一份爱心,滋润一片绿 叶。

20. [Garden Green Spaces]: Offer a heart of love, nourish a leaf of green.

21. 加强慢性非传染性疾病管理,开展健康干预和促进工作

21. Strengthen the management of chronic non-communicable diseases, and carry out health intervention and promotion activities.

22. 庭厕所一定要设化粪池,排粪要进下水道,阴阳沟要干净,无污水污泥,室内外做到无垃圾,经常保持清洁卫生。

22. The toilet in the courtyard must be equipped with a septic tank, feces must be discharged into the sewer, the drainage ditches must be clean, free of wastewater and sludge, and there should be no garbage indoors or outdoors. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness and hygiene at all times.

23. 预约健康让未来少些遗憾。

23. Booking health care for a healthier future with fewer regrets.

24. 35今天,你微笑了吗你问候了吗你礼让了吗你帮助别人了吗

24. 35 Today, did you smile? Did you greet someone? Did you give way? Did you help anyone?

25. 别让坚强的生命,成为足下阴魂。 草坪

25. Do not let the strong life become a ghost under your feet. Lawn.

26. 建立健全公共卫生服务网络,有效防治传染病

26. Establish and improve a sound public health service network to effectively prevent and control infectious diseases.

27. [窗口单位,旅游景点]:厦门欢迎您,请 您爱厦门。

27. [Window Units, Tourist Attractions]: Welcome to Xiamen, please love Xiamen.

28. 雪中送炭,祝家家平安

28. To bring a firewood in the snow, wishing every household peace and safety.

29. 让我们共同营造洁静的生活空间。

29. Let us jointly create a clean and serene living space.

30. 答:公共场所是指人群汇集的地方,是供人们娱乐、休息、消费的场所,为人们提供各种服务的部门。

30. Answer: Public places refer to locations where people gather, which are venues for people to enjoy themselves, rest, and consume, and provide various services to the public.

31. 亲情的关照,真心真意守护百姓身体健康,规范化管理,尽职尽责奉献公共卫生服务。

31. To care for family ties, to sincerely and wholeheartedly protect the health of the people, to standardize management, and to dedicate oneself to the public health service with responsibility and diligence.

32. 让公共卫生与健康更近,让服务与百姓更亲。你们常见保持公共卫生标语有哪些?那么小编给你推荐保持公共卫生标语,希望大家喜欢!

32. Bring public health and health closer to the people, and make services more accessible to the public. What are the common public health slogans you often see? Then, the editor recommends some public health slogans for you, hoping you will like them!

33. 为加强城市管理,增强广大市民环境卫生意识,提高市民生活质量和健康水平,社区居委会与辖区内的所有居民户制定环境卫生公约,请广大市民共同遵守。

33. In order to strengthen urban management, enhance the environmental health awareness of the majority of citizens, and improve the quality of life and health level of the people, the community residents' committee and all households within the jurisdiction have formulated an environmental health convention. We kindly request all citizens to jointly abide by it.

34. [风景旅游景点]:观美好风景,做文明游 客。

34. [Scenic Tourist Attraction]: Enjoy beautiful scenery, be a civilized tourist.

35. 健康生命有约,真情服务无限

35. Commitment to a healthy life, unlimited dedication to sincere service.

36. 答:公共场所经营者应当设置醒目的禁止吸烟警语和标志。室外公共场所设置的吸烟区不得位于行人必经的通道上。公共场所不得设置自动售烟机。公共场所经营者应当开展吸烟危害健康的宣传,对吸烟者进行劝阻。

36. Answer: Operators of public places should set up prominent no-smoking warnings and signs. Smoking areas set up in outdoor public places should not be located on pathways that pedestrians must pass through. Public places should not have automatic cigarette vending machines. Operators of public places should carry out public health education on the hazards of smoking and dissuade smokers.

37. 答:《公共场所卫生管理条例实施细则》是2011年3月10日颁布的,自2011年5月1日起施行。

37. Answer: The Detailed Implementation Measures of the Public Place Sanitation Management Regulations were promulgated on March 10, 2011, and have been implemented since May 1, 2011.

38. 重视预防:不得病少得病晚得病不得大病

38. Emphasize prevention: Avoid getting sick, get sick less, and get sick later, avoid serious illnesses.

39. 29给我一片洁净的天空,我才能翱翔;给我一片蔚蓝的海洋,我才能遨游;给我一个美丽、文明、宁静的校园,我才能在知识的海洋中扬帆起航!

39. Give me a clean sky, and I can soar; give me a vast azure ocean, and I can navigate; give me a beautiful, civilized, and tranquil campus, and I can set sail in the ocean of knowledge!

40. 让公共卫生与健康更近,让服务与百姓更亲。

40. Bring public health and health care closer to the people, and make services more accessible and closer to the public.

41. 树文明新风,创文明社区,建文明城市。

41. Cultivate a new breeze of civilization, create a civilized community, and build a civilized city.

42. 为了防止传染疾病,哪些公共用品、用具必须进行消毒

42. In order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, which public articles and utensils must be disinfected?

43. 均等化服务有情有义,健康生活无忧无虑。

43. Equalization services are compassionate and meaningful, ensuring a worry-free and healthy life.

44. [园林绿地]:草木有生应珍贵,人皆有知 要自爱。

44. [Garden Green Spaces]: Plants and trees are living beings that should be cherished, and everyone should know to take care of themselves.

45. 10礼貌是最容易做到的事情,也是最容易忽视的事情,但她却是最珍贵的事情。

45. Politeness is the easiest thing to do and the easiest to overlook, but it is also the most precious thing.

46. 县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门如何对公共场所卫生监督实施量化分级管理

46. How do the health administrative departments of local people's governments at or above the county level implement quantitative and graded management of public place health supervision?

47. 我当公共卫生服务使者,你享健康美好生活。

47. I am your public health service messenger, and you enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

48. 答:空气、微小气候(湿度、温度、风速)、水质、采光、照明、噪声、集中空调通风系统、顾客用品用具和卫生设施等。

48. Answer: Air, microclimate (humidity, temperature, wind speed), water quality, lighting, illumination, noise, centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems, customer goods and utensils, and sanitation facilities, etc.

49. 参加农医保,享受免费健康体检

49. Participating in the rural medical insurance program, enjoy free health check-ups.

50. [绿地、休闲场所]:草绿花红际,健康美 丽时。

50. [Green Spaces, Leisure Areas]: Where grass is green and flowers bloom, it's a time of health and beauty.

51. 注重礼仪,文明用餐,爱护环境,人人有责自觉遵守就餐纪律,养成饮食卫生习惯

51. Pay attention to etiquette, dine civilly, cherish the environment, it is everyone's responsibility to自觉 comply with dining discipline and develop healthy eating habits.

52. 开展婚前检查,提高人口素质

52. Carry out pre-marital examinations to improve the quality of the population.

53. 答:公共场所经营者变更单位名称、法定代表人或负责人的,应当向原发证卫生行政部门办理变更手续。

53. Answer: If the operator of a public place changes the unit name, legal representative, or person in charge, they should apply for the change procedures with the original issuing health administration department.

54. 树公共卫生爱心热心细心耐心的服务理念,创居民就医暖心舒心放心欢心的医疗氛围。

54. Establish a service philosophy of love, enthusiasm, attention to detail, and patience in public health, creating a medical atmosphere that is warm, comfortable, reassuring, and joyful for residents to seek medical care.

55. 会议的结果是行动,没有行动的会议是最浪费的行为

55. The outcome of a meeting is action; a meeting without action is the most wasteful behavior.

56. 卫生服务无限情,社区居民乐融融

56. Infinite love in health services, harmonious community life for residents.

57. 全民动员、全民参与、共同营造健康楼道环境。

57. Mobilize the whole population, encourage everyone to participate, and collectively create a healthy corridor environment.

58. 防患未然,原人人健康

58. Prevent problems before they occur, and ensure everyone's health.

59. 按照《公共场所卫生管理条例》的规定,我国公共场所的范围主要是指下列公共场所:①宾馆、饭店、旅馆、招待所、车马店、咖啡馆、酒吧、茶座;②公共浴室、理发店、美容店;③影剧院、录像厅(室)、游艺厅(室)、舞厅、音乐厅;④体育场(馆)、游泳场(馆)、公园;⑤展览馆、博物馆、美术馆、图书馆;⑥商场(店)、书店;⑦候诊室、候车(机、船)室、公共交通工具。共7类28种。

59. According to the provisions of the "Regulations on Public Place Sanitation," the scope of public places in our country mainly refers to the following types of public places: ① hotels, restaurants, inns, hostels, horse and carriage stores, cafes, bars, tea houses; ② public bathhouses, barber shops, beauty salons; ③ cinemas, video halls (rooms), amusement halls (rooms), dance halls, concert halls; ④ stadiums (arenas), swimming pools (pools), parks; ⑤ exhibition halls, museums, art galleries, libraries; ⑥ shopping malls (stores), bookstores; ⑦ waiting rooms for medical appointments, waiting rooms for buses (planes, ships), public transportation vehicles. A total of 7 categories and 28 types.

60. 答:公共场所进行新建、改建、扩建的,应当符合有关卫生标准和要求,经营者应当按照有关规定办理预防性卫生审查手续。预防性卫生审查程序和具体要求由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门制定。

60. Answer: For the construction, renovation, or expansion of public places, they shall comply with relevant health standards and requirements. Operators shall handle the procedures for preventive health reviews in accordance with relevant regulations. The procedures and specific requirements for preventive health reviews shall be formulated by the health administrative departments of the provincial, autonomous regional, or municipal people's governments.

61. 答:对未依法取得公共场所卫生许可证擅自营业的,由县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门责令限期改正,给予警告,并处以五百元以上五千元以下罚款;有下列情形之一的,处以五千元以上三万元以下罚款:(

61. Answer: For those who operate businesses in public places without obtaining the public place health license in accordance with the law, the health administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall order them to make corrections within a specified time, issue warnings, and impose fines of between 500 yuan and 5,000 yuan; if any of the following circumstances are present, fines of between 5,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan shall be imposed:

62. 保护身体健康,促进经济发展

62. Protect physical health, promote economic development

63. 您在基本公共卫生服务的关爱里

63. You are loved in the care of basic public health services.

64. 21天空是温暖的摇篮,不要再向天空吐烟,让地球心酸;草地是美丽的地毯,不要再乱扔杂物,让地球难堪!

64. The 21 days sky is a warm cradle, don't spew smoke into the sky anymore, let the Earth feel sorrow; the grassland is a beautiful carpet, don't litter carelessly anymore, let the Earth feel ashamed!

65. 预约健康? 让未来少些遗憾

65. Book a healthy future? Let there be fewer regrets in the future.

66. 12鸟儿因翅膀而自由翱翔,鲜花因芬芳而美丽,校园因文明而将更加进步。

66. Birds soar freely with their wings, flowers are beautiful with their fragrance, and the campus will be more progressive due to civilization.

67. 看过“保持公共卫生标语”

67. Seen "Maintain Public Health Slogans"

68. 加强健康宣教,提高农民预防保健意识

68. Strengthen health education and raise farmers' awareness of preventive healthcare.

69. 老人妇女儿童残障是我们的家人,宣传预防保健医疗是我们的职守,敬业诚信关爱助人是我们的理念,健康幸福欢乐和谐是我们的追求。

69. The elderly, women, children, and the disabled are our family members. Promoting preventive healthcare is our duty, professionalism, honesty, and caring for others are our philosophy, and the pursuit of health, happiness, joy, and harmony is our goal.

70. [海岸、沙滩]:海上花园美在海、请给海 洋多点爱。

70. [Coast, Beach]: The sea garden is beautiful in the sea, please give the ocean more love.

71. 贴心暖心与民心真情相映,便民惠民与人民健康相随。

71. Heartwarming and considerate, they resonate with the people's genuine feelings; convenient and beneficial, they accompany the people's health.

72. 健康人生路,卫生永呵护。

72. A healthy life path, sanitation forever guards.

73. 患有痢疾、伤寒、甲型病毒性肝炎、戊型病毒性肝炎等消化道传染病的人员,以及患有活动性肺结核、化脓性或者渗出性皮肤病等疾病的人员,治愈前不得从事直接为顾客服务的工作。

73. Individuals suffering from gastrointestinal infectious diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, and hepatitis E, as well as those with active pulmonary tuberculosis, suppurative or exudative skin diseases, and other conditions, shall not engage in direct customer service work before being cured.

74. 28花儿用美丽装扮世界,我们用行动美化校园!

74. 28 Flowers adorn the world with beauty, we beautify our campus with our actions!

75. [旅游、休闲场所]:您走过的地方来前去 后都一样洁净。

75. [Tourism, Leisure Places]: The places you pass through remain clean, whether coming or going.

76. 自觉服从社区居委会管理,积极参与和支持垃圾袋装代运,积极缴纳垃圾清运费,积极参与灭鼠、灭蟑、灭蝇、灭蚊等除四害活动,积极参与爱国卫生运动月活动。

76. Voluntarily submit to the management of the neighborhood committee, actively participate and support the bagged waste collection service, actively pay for waste collection fees, actively participate in activities such as rodent control, cockroach control, fly control, and mosquito control, and actively participate in the activities of the month of patriotic health campaign.

77. 公共卫生服务以人为本,健康呵护以爱为魂。

77. Public health services are people-oriented, with health care guided by the soul of love.

78. 答:由县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门责令限期改正,给予警告,并可处以二千元以下罚款;逾期不改正,造成公共场所卫生质量不符合卫生标准和要求的,处以二千元以上二万元以下罚款;情节严重的,可以依法责令停业整顿,直至吊销卫生许可证。

Answer: The local health administrative department at or above the county level shall order the correction within a specified period, issue a warning, and may impose a fine of not more than 2,000 yuan; if not corrected within the time limit, causing the public place sanitation quality to fail to meet health standards and requirements, a fine of between 2,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan may be imposed; in serious cases, the business may be ordered to suspend operations and be rectified in accordance with law, and in severe cases, the health permit may be revoked.

79. 小家大家社区一家,千好万好健康最好。

79. Whether in a small or a large community, one family is as good as another. Among all the good things in the world, good health is the best.

80. 答:消费者可通过查看卫生许可证、公共场所卫生信誉度等级、卫生检测报告等了解公共场所的卫生状况。上述三项内容应当在公共场所醒目位置公示。

Answer: Consumers can understand the sanitation condition of public places by checking the health permit, the health credit rating of public places, and health inspection reports. The above three items shall be publicly displayed in prominent positions in public places.