面书号 2025-01-17 08:27 13
In the vast river of history, the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation – Chinese characters, has given birth to a unique language art. Today, let us unveil the mystery of "Simple Morning Affirmations" (the simplest morning greetings) and feel the profound cultural heritage behind the simple yet touching words.
1. 选择前有一张真诚坚定的脸;选择之后,有一颗永远不变的心。早上好,世界!
1. A sincere and resolute face before the choice; a heart that remains unchanging after the choice. Good morning, world!
2. (
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3. 时间会带来惊喜,只要我们愿意认真地、满怀希望地过好每一天。早上好,世界!
3. Time will bring surprises, as long as we are willing to live each day seriously and with hope. Good morning, world!
4. 人生只有一次,所以一定要听从自己的内心,做真正让自己开心的事。早上好,世界!
4. Life is only once, so always listen to your heart and do things that truly make you happy. Good morning, world!
5. 你的努力没有多大改变,并不能证明你一无是处。毕竟你要为你过去的懒惰付出代价。这个时候你要更加努力,欠下的债总会还清的,日子总会是阳光灿烂的。早上好,世界!
5. Your efforts have not brought about significant changes, and that does not prove that you are without merit. After all, you have to pay for your past laziness. Now is the time for you to work even harder. The debts you owe will be paid off eventually, and the days will be bright and sunny. Good morning, world!
6. 少偷懒,多改变,在成为自己想要的人之前,做自己力所能及的事。早上好,世界!有时我们不得不流下所有的眼泪,为一颗微笑的心腾出空间。早上好,世界!
6. Don't be lazy, change more, and do what you can before becoming the person you want to be. Good morning, world! Sometimes we have to shed all our tears to make space for a smiling heart. Good morning, world!
7. 放下一件心事真好。一着急,怎么也想不开,就扔掉了。早上好,世界!
7. It's really nice to put down a heavy heart. In a hurry, I couldn't think it through and just discarded it. Good morning, world!
8. 不要因为爱人的沉默和不理解而沮丧,因为时间会告诉你越是普通的公司,时间越长。早上好,世界!
8. Don't be discouraged by your loved one's silence and lack of understanding, because time will tell you that the more ordinary the company, the longer the time. Good morning, world!
9. 睡去昨天的疲惫,忘记昨天的烦恼,睁开今天的眼睛,开启今天的美好。早上好,亲爱的!早上好,世界!
9. Rest from yesterday's fatigue, forget yesterday's worries, open your eyes today, and embark on today's beauty. Good morning, dear! Good morning, world!
10. 当你真的很喜欢一件事,但是这件事伤害了你,其实是上帝在考验你是否足够坚持。早上好,世界!
10. When you really like something but it ends up hurting you, it's actually God testing whether you are sufficiently persistent. Good morning, world!
11. 从现在开始,做一个内心阳光的人。不再有悲伤,不再有强烈的急躁,向上,靠近太阳。早上好,世界!
11. From now on, be a person with a sunny heart. No more sadness, no more intense impatience, move upwards, towards the sun. Good morning, world!
12. 在心中种下一棵梦想之树,让它和我们一起成长。早上好,世界!
12. Plant a seed of a dream in your heart, let it grow with us. Good morning, world!
13. 成熟意味着出门总是自己带伞,很少再淋湿;就是你能控制自己的眼泪,很少感动自己哭。早上好,世界!
13. Maturity means carrying an umbrella with you whenever you go out, rarely getting wet anymore; it's about being able to control your own tears, rarely being moved to cry. Good morning, world!
14. 你必须坚强。没有人知道,当你想哭的时候,你发现已经没有眼泪了。如果你不坚强,谁会为你勇敢?早上好,世界!
14. You must be strong. No one knows that when you want to cry, you find that there are no tears left. If you are not strong, who will be brave for you? Good morning, world!
15. 成熟不是看你多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多少责任。早上好,世界!
15. Maturity is not about how old you are, but about how much responsibility you can shoulder. Good morning, world!
16. 你不必因为迁就自己而失去自我,也不必为了维护自己而得罪任何人。一个人有一个人的优秀品质。早上好,世界!
16. You don't have to lose yourself by accommodating others, nor do you have to offend anyone to maintain your dignity. Each person has their own unique qualities. Good morning, world!
17. 所有的时间都是在失望之后浪费掉的,然后可以把某一段从记忆中提起来,拍拍沉积在上面的灰尘,感叹这是最好的时光。早上好,世界!
17. All time is wasted after disappointment, then a certain period can be retrieved from memory, the dust on it brushed off, and one can marvel at it as the best of times. Good morning, world!
18. 时间将我们抛向不可预知的未知,我们终将学会以自己的方式成长。早上好,世界!
18. Time throws us into the unpredictable unknown, and we will eventually learn to grow in our own way. Good morning, world!
19. 生活是一个过程。可悲的是,无法重复。幸运的是,这不需要重复。早上好,世界!
19. Life is a process. Unfortunately, it cannot be repeated. Fortunately, it doesn't need to be repeated. Good morning, world!
20. 没有理由继续的时候,随便找个理由重新开始。早上好,世界!
20. When there's no reason to continue, just find any excuse to start over. Good morning, world!