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面书号 2025-01-17 08:25 15


In the long river of time, the story of the remaining years is like a slowly flowing scroll, every stroke filled with the depth and profundity of life. Let us together uncover this scroll named "The Remaining Life Is Long, There's No Need to Compromise," and explore the warm and profound stories within it.

1. 以前想着上学希望早点下课回家,现在上班却希望时间可以漫长一点,自己还没有那么优秀,只有不断磨炼自己,不辜负老板对自己的信任。

1. In the past, I used to look forward to school ending early so I could go home, but now, at work, I wish the time could drag on a bit longer. I'm not quite as outstanding as yet, and I only have to keep honing myself to not let down my boss's trust in me.

2. 愿你忠于自己,认真的活着,狂笑,潇洒的走完余生,永不回头!

2. May you be loyal to yourself, live seriously, laugh wildly, and walk through the rest of your life with elegance, never looking back!

3. 见了太多也听了很多太多遗憾的感情,在一起好几年最后形同陌路,心酸又无奈,希望以后能不辜负自己不辜负别人,再见的时候好好告别不遗憾不后悔。

3. Having seen and heard too many regrets of love, being together for years and ending up like strangers, it's both heart-wrenching and helpless. I hope in the future I won't let myself down or let others down, and when we part, we can say goodbye well without any regrets or regrets.

4. 时间不会让以前的故事重现,以后我也不会出现在你的生活里。我不能回到过去,所以我必须珍惜未来。这个故事真的很配酒。悲伤自己就像把自己推向深渊。你以前从不回头,将来也不会成功。

4. Time will not bring back the stories of the past, and I will not appear in your life in the future either. I cannot go back to the past, so I must cherish the future. This story really goes well with wine. Grieving yourself is like pushing yourself into a abyss. You never looked back before, and you will not succeed in the future either.

5. 累的时候,别忘了还有自己。先善待自己,不辜负现在的青春年华。

5. When you are tired, don't forget to take care of yourself. First, be kind to yourself and don't let the youth of today go to waste.

6. 小奶狗太甜了,从今天起好好爱他,把所有的温柔都给他,不辜负他。

6. The little puppy is too sweet. From today on, love him well, give him all the gentleness, and don't let him down.

7. 生活终究会归于平静,平静前认真对待归于平静坦然接受,总是不辜负自己不管是一个人还是两个人。

7. Life will eventually settle down, and before it does, take it seriously and calmly accept the tranquility. Always do not disappoint yourself, whether you are alone or with someone else.

8. 二十五岁之前的我,还没有到低谷,重拾信心,不辜负大家。

8. Before the age of 25, I had not reached a low point yet. I am picking up my confidence again and not letting everyone down.

9. 不是每一对相爱的情侣都适合一辈子。爱自己,不辜负自己就好。

9. Not every couple in love is suited for a lifetime together. Love yourself and do not let yourself down is enough.

10. 道德是用来约束自己的,而不是用来权衡别人的。严于律己,宽于待人。

10. Morality is meant to约束 oneself, not to weigh others. Be strict with oneself and lenient with others.

11. 船停在码头是最安全的,但那不是造船的目的;人待在家里是最舒服的,但那不是人生的追求。回首过往你会发现,最清晰的脚印,往往印在最泥泞的道路上。放松心态,努力前行,不辜负每一天!早安!

11. The boat is safest when moored at the dock, but that is not the purpose of shipbuilding; it is most comfortable to stay at home, but that is not the pursuit of life. Looking back, you will find that the clearest footprints are often left on the most muddy roads. Relax your mindset, strive forward, and do not waste any day! Good morning!

12. 8突然间,心里酸酸的,想起过去的种种,难为了自己,究竟又有几人能懂呢

12. Suddenly, a sourness in my heart, thinking of all the past, I feel pitiful for myself. After all, how many people can truly understand?

13. 把努力当成你的一种习惯,而不是一时的热血。

13. Treat effort as a habit of yours, not just a temporary burst of enthusiasm.

14. 船停在码头是最安全的,但那不是造船的目的;人待在家里是最舒服的,但那不是人生的追求。放松心态,努力前行,不辜负每一天!

14. The safest place for a boat is at the dock, but that is not the purpose of shipbuilding; the most comfortable place for a person is at home, but that is not the pursuit of life. Relax your mindset, strive forward, and don't waste every single day!

15. 3我以为我忘了可是每每回头想想都会自嘲我还会想你啊

15.3 I thought I had forgotten, but every time I think back, I can't help but mock myself for still thinking of you.

16. 不辜负这时光韶华,我们欠生活一个态度,从容舒缓,平静祥和,生活不是漆黑一片,生活总会有那些光明的呈现。生活的前方方向在哪里?突破内心的迷惑,在生命那些迷茫中穿梭,成为一种峰回路转,判若云泥。

16. Not to waste this youthful time, we owe life an attitude of composure and relaxation, peace and tranquility. Life is not all dark, and there will always be those moments of brightness. Where is the direction ahead in life? Break through the inner confusion, navigate through the迷茫 of life, and become a journey of twists and turns, as different as heaven and earth.

17. 女生最好的姿态就是每天画个淡妆,穿上自己喜欢的衣服,不羡慕任何人,不嘲笑任何人,安安静静的工作,过自己想要的生活。

17. The best posture for girls is to apply a light makeup every day, wear clothes you like, not envy anyone, not mock anyone, work quietly, and live the life you want.

18. 愿以后的生活是,不为难自己,不辜负岁月,时光浓淡相宜,人心远近相安。

18. May the life to come be such that it does not burden oneself, does not let the years be in vain, where time is neither too thick nor too thin, and where the hearts of people are at peace regardless of their distance.

19. 女孩子为什么要努力?为了将来的自己有更多的筹码和底气。当你素面朝天,一身休闲,逛逛街边摊的时候,别人会觉得你爱生活,接地气。当你头戴皇冠,穿上华丽的礼服和水晶鞋的时候,别人也觉得你气质脱俗,担当的起。早安!

19. Why should girls strive hard? It's for the future self to have more chips and confidence. When you go out with a plain face, casual clothes, and stroll around street stalls, people think you love life and are down-to-earth. When you wear a crown, elegant evening gown, and crystal shoes, people also think you have an extraordinary temperament and are capable. Good morning!

20. 好的第一印象是得到认可的第一步,无论好坏形成第一印象非常容易,但是改变却很难。唯有真诚以对、充分的准备才是形成第一印象的关键,日常便是初印象。利用一切可利用的间隙时间前进,才能不辜负时间、不孤独精彩!

20. A good first impression is the first step to recognition. Whether good or bad, forming a first impression is very easy, but changing it is difficult. Only sincerity and thorough preparation are the key to forming a first impression, and everyday life is the initial impression. Make use of every available moment to move forward, so as not to waste time and not to be alone in the pursuit of brilliance!

21. 每个人都有自己的执着,或许在别人看来是浪费时间,但在他们看来,却有着无比重要的意义。

21. Everyone has their own obsession, which may seem like a waste of time to others, but to them, it holds immeasurable significance.

22. 10过去的终将成为回忆,往后的不将就,平淡简单的过完自己的下半生。

22. The past will become memories, and in the future, I will not compromise. Spend the latter part of my life simply and peacefully.

23. 听了过来人的话,更多的还是要自己去经历哟,希望攀攀不要辜负期望,不辜负自己~

23. Having listened to the words of the wise, it's more important to experience things for oneself. I hope that Pan Pan doesn't disappoint expectations, or themselves.

24. 我对未来的设想大概是这样的。家人平安,朋友就那么几个,喜欢的人会陪我很久。对过去不后悔,对未来越来越勇敢。

24. My vision for the future is roughly like this. My family is safe, I have just a few friends, and the people I like will accompany me for a long time. I have no regrets about the past, and I am becoming braver about the future.

25. 有个尴尬的年纪,叫做结婚还太早,恋爱有些晚。跟小孩一起玩无聊,跟大人呆一起又没共同话题。在家太闲,出门没钱。啥都不想被骂没理想,想法多了被指不踏实。青春就是这样,让人有些无所适从,但若干年过去后才发现它的美好和重要。

25. There is an awkward age where it's too early to get married and too late to start dating. Playing with children is boring, and conversing with adults lacks common topics. Staying at home is too idle, but going out lacks money. Not wanting to be scolded for lacking ambition, but having too many ideas is accused of being unreliable. Youth is like that, making one feel somewhat confused, but after a few years, one realizes its beauty and importance.

26. 所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来都是微不足道。所有的失败,与失去自己的失败比起来,更是微不足道。

26. All victories pale in comparison to the victory over oneself. All failures are even more negligible when compared to the failure of losing oneself.

27. 你就只记得我的毒舌、我的野蛮、我的泼妇,却记不住当初爱你的我。

27. You only remember my sarcastic remarks, my rudeness, and my shrewishness, but you can't recall the person who once loved you.

28. 我要成为自己,也成为你的光,你看这世界开满了花。努力不辜负每一个真心w。

28. I want to be myself and also become your light. Look, this world is blooming with flowers. Strive not to disappoint every sincere heart.

29. 9愿你忠于自己,活得认真、笑得放肆、走得潇洒,余生不将就,往事不回头!

29. May you be true to yourself, live seriously, laugh freely, and walk gracefully. Don't compromise in the rest of your life, and don't look back at the past!

30. 要成为,更加勇敢坚定的人,更加积极乐观的人,更好的人,不辜负爱我的人。

30. To become a braver and more resolute person, a more positive and optimistic person, a better person, and not to disappoint those who love me.

31. 以后我不会轻易主动,也不会嫉妒任何人。

31. In the future, I will not act proactively easily, nor will I envy anyone.

32. 生活就是生下来活下去。我们没有理由放弃,也没有借口抱怨,默默的努力,未来一定不辜负!

32. Life is about being born and surviving. We have no reason to give up or to complain with excuses. With silent efforts, the future will definitely not let us down!

33. 承蒙时光不弃,终究又长大一岁,感谢每个阶段的自己,愿未来的日子里,不将就,不辜负。

33. Grateful for time's unwavering embrace, I have grown another year older. Thank you to myself at every stage, and may the days ahead be filled with no compromise and no disappointment.

34. 希望往后的日子里,眼里是阳光笑里是坦荡,不将就不辜负。

34. Hope in the days to come, may the eyes see sunshine and the smile be open-hearted, not to compromise and not to let anyone down.

35. 今天晚上,灯光亮满了整个达园,为19届毕业生留灯,很美,也很甜,也就意味着我结束了大二的生活,马上开启了我的大三生涯,还有很多想要做却没来的及的事情,我要慢慢努力,不辜负青春,不辜负自己,也祝愿所有学姐学长一路繁华,前程似锦。

35. Tonight, the lights are shining all over Da Garden, left on for the 19th graduating class, it's very beautiful and sweet. It also means that I have ended my second-year life and am about to embark on my third-year journey. There are still many things I want to do but haven't had the chance to. I will work hard slowly, not to waste my youth and not to let myself down. I also wish all the senior sisters and brothers a prosperous journey and a bright future.

36. 世界上最恶心的事情,就是你看见了一个人虚伪的一面,可是其他人没看见,他们以为她就是表面上的那么美好,然后你就变成了其他人眼里的心机女。

36. The most disgusting thing in the world is when you see someone's fake side, but others don't see it; they think she is as beautiful as she appears on the surface, and then you become the cunning woman in the eyes of others.

37. 喜欢一样东西,不要问别人好看不好看。喜欢胜过一切真理,原则不等于我的乐趣。

37. When you like something, don't ask others if it's beautiful or not. Like surpasses all truths, and principles do not equal my enjoyment.

38. 每个人的一生,都会遇到一场猝不及防的大雨,如果你淋了雨,希望有人为你撑伞;如果没有,希望你有心情听雨。

38. In everyone's life, there will come a sudden downpour that catches you off guard. If you get rained on, I hope there's someone there to hold an umbrella over you; and if not, I hope you have the mood to listen to the rain.

39. 我以为我忘了,但每次回想起来,我都自嘲。我仍然会想念你。

39. I thought I had forgotten, but every time I recall it, I mock myself. I still miss you.