面书号 2025-01-17 08:27 14
"The busy day has finally come to an end, good night, let the weary body and mind rest in dreams."
1. 工作,越做越会工作。越是忙碌,就越会有闲暇。
1. The more work you do, the better you will get at it. The busier you are, the more leisure you will have.
2. 只有脚知道鞋子的苦,只有嘴知道蜂蜜的甜,只有上帝知道人心。只有天才知道地球的大小,只有山知道天的高度。只有水知道鱼的快乐,只有心感受到眼泪的涩涩。最欣慰的是太阳认识月亮,月亮认识太阳。你周而复始地上升和下降,给地球带来光明和温暖。晚安!
2. Only the feet know the pain of shoes, only the mouth knows the sweetness of honey, and only God knows the human heart. Only the heavens know the size of the earth, only the mountains know the height of the sky. Only the water knows the joy of the fish, only the heart feels the bitterness of tears. The most comforting is that the sun recognizes the moon, and the moon recognizes the sun. You rise and fall cyclically, bringing light and warmth to the earth. Good night!
3. 天下大事,必作于细,古今之事业,必作于悟。这就是韬光养晦的原则。低调的人可以脚踏实地,关注现实,不断提高执行力。他们真的能静下心来,一件一件去落实,一件一件去取得成果,完成一件事,把小胜利积累成大胜利。这样,即使暂时垫底,也能最终成就大事。成功了,最怕的就是自大和浮躁。晚安!
3. Great affairs in the world must be achieved through attention to the minute details, and all endeavors throughout history must be based on insight. This is the principle of韬光养晦. Modest people can be down-to-earth, focusing on reality, and continuously improving their execution capabilities. They are truly able to settle down and implement one thing at a time, achieving one success after another, completing tasks, and accumulating small victories into great victories. In this way, even if they start at the bottom temporarily, they can eventually achieve great things. When success comes, what they fear most is arrogance and impatience. Good night!
4. 爱情是两个人的事,如果你还执着,纠缠,在原地打滚痛苦的爱。久而久之,你会发现是你自己挖的洞,埋在下面的都是青春。晚安!
4. Love is a matter between two people. If you still cling and纠缠, rolling in pain in place, over time, you will find that it's a hole you've dug yourself, and the youth is buried beneath. Good night!
5. 忙碌的一天终于结束啦,愉快的周末悄悄地来临啦,作为一个老人家,我要去睡觉啦,晚安,二维码们,再次祝周末愉快。
5. Finally, a busy day is over, and the delightful weekend is stealthily approaching. As an elderly person, I'm going to sleep now. Good night, QR codes, and once again, I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
6. 我努力是因为我没有别人有的东西。我嫉妒。晚安!
6. I strive because I don't have what others have. I am envious. Goodnight!
7. 有些人和事会来,有些人和事会走,这不是很正常吗?你总是支持离开和失去犹豫不决,纠结于不快乐,竟然变得如此个人主义!年轻人,我们需要学会坦然接受一切不可避免的损失。并学会在渴望之前,想清楚自己愿意相应放弃什么。晚安!
7. Some people and things will come, and some will go; isn't that quite normal? You always hesitate when it comes to leaving and losing, and you're so caught up in unhappiness that you've become so individualistic! Young people, we need to learn to accept all inevitable losses calmly. And we should think clearly about what we are willing to give up before we desire it. Good night!
8. 每个凡人的身体都受了重伤。瘀伤已经在那里了。我们能做的就是改善它,至少让它看起来不那么明显。晚安!
8. Each human body has sustained severe injuries. Bruises are already present. All we can do is improve them, at least make them look less obvious. Good night!
9. 加了一天的班,扎扎实实的忙碌了一整天没休息。终于完美结束。
9. After working an extra shift, I was busy solidly all day without taking a break. Finally, it was perfectly finished.
10. 为了下一个更美好的长假,为了更美好的生活,要努力,努力,更努力地工作。
10. In order to have a better long holiday in the future, in order to live a better life, we must strive, strive, and strive even harder to work.
11. 最近心里开始萌发,想要买房的念头,好想拥有一套属于自己的房子,可以遮挡风雨,卸下我所有的疲惫。
11. Lately, the idea of buying a house has started to sprout in my heart. I so much want to have a house of my own, a place that can shield me from the wind and rain, and relieve all my fatigue.
12. 在我年轻的时候,我不知道有多少悲伤、痴呆和疯狂让我失望。一路笑,万物退。如今,岁月渐长,岁月流转,我却还在这里贪山贪水,体会着属于我的种种苦与乐。晚安!
12. When I was young, I didn't know how many sorrows, idiocies, and madness disappointed me. Along the way, laughter fades away, and all things retreat. Now, as the years grow longer and time flows by, I am still here, indulging in the mountains and waters, experiencing the various joys and sorrows that belong to me. Good night!
13. 忙碌的时光虽然匆匆,但不虚度。无论今后的日子怎样,我仍会选择这样忙碌的方式生活,就如同现在。我在忙碌的工作中享受着生活,感悟着生活。
13. Although the busy time passes quickly, it is not wasted. No matter how the days ahead may be, I will still choose to live in this busy manner, just like now. I enjoy life and perceive it in the midst of my busy work.
14. 工作越来越忙,累得起不来床,压力越来越大,都让生活整怕,闲时又越来越没劲!
14. Work is getting busier and busier, so tired that one can't get out of bed. The pressure is increasing, making life a worry, and during free time, there is less and less motivation!
15. 生活中,真实的自己背负着面具的自己。现实中,一个简单的自己,负载着一个复杂的自己。看戏,去看歌剧,演戏。生活看似主宰一切,其实是表象背后的真实想法。什么是真理?真相背后,欲望是主谋。不要相信眼睛,不要相信耳朵,只有感性的心是对的,理解就好。晚安!
15. In life, the real self carries the mask of the self. In reality, a simple self bears the burden of a complex self. Watch a play, go see an opera, act. Life seems to dominate everything, but it is the true thoughts behind the surface. What is truth? Behind the truth, desire is the mastermind. Do not believe your eyes, do not believe your ears; only the intuitive heart is right, just understand. Good night!
16. 生活是一部大百科全书,包罗万象;生活是一把七弦琴。晚安!
16. Life is a great encyclopedia, encompassing all things; life is a seven-stringed zither. Good night!
17. 归零,让不好的不影响未来,好的不迷惑现在。晚安!
17. Reset, allowing the bad not to affect the future and the good not to confuse the present. Good night!
18. 听自己喜欢的歌,追自己喜欢的剧,看自己喜欢的书,做自己喜欢的事,过自己喜欢的生活,不要依赖,不要寻找,不要在乎,不管是什么,快跑吧,男孩!晚安!
18. Listen to your favorite songs, follow your favorite dramas, read your favorite books, do what you like, live the life you like, don't depend on, don't seek, don't care, no matter what, run fast, boy! Good night!
19. 脸上一副困倦的样子,连扯动嘴皮子的力气也没有了。双眼迷离,没有焦距,似乎在说赶紧给我张床吧。
19. With a look of exhaustion on his face, he didn't even have the strength to move his lips. His eyes were glazed over, lacking focus, as if he was saying, "Please give me a bed quickly."
20. 没有能力去纠结自己,有能力就去纠结别人。晚安!
20. Unable to worry about oneself, one has the ability to worry about others. Good night!
21. 我很快乐,因为我为了理想而努力着;为了明天,为了未来,我不怕辛苦,更不惧忙碌。
21. I am happy because I strive for ideals; for tomorrow, for the future, I do not fear hardship, nor am I afraid of being busy.
22. 周末结束了,但是我的爱没有停止,我的祝福没有断,我还要去上班。我希望重新开始,我会轻松地去上班,下班后会有吃不完的食物。哥们,周末过后我还是很开心的。晚安!
22. The weekend is over, but my love hasn't stopped, my blessings haven't ended, and I still have to go to work. I hope to start anew, and I'll go to work with ease, with an abundance of food to enjoy after work. Bro, after the weekend, I'm still very happy. Good night!
23. 你不能控制天气,但你可以改变心情。你不能改变自己的外表,但你可以掌握自己。你不能预见明天,但你可以珍惜今天。晚安!
23. You cannot control the weather, but you can change your mood. You cannot change your appearance, but you can master yourself. You cannot foresee tomorrow, but you can cherish today. Good night!
24. 这个世界上唯一比别人说的更难听的,就是没人说你。晚安!
24. The only thing harder to hear in this world than what others say is that no one says anything at all. Good night!
25. 世界在变,让人困惑。别着急,好好生活,稳扎稳打,坚持就好,期待它自然到来;不要生气,你跑不掉,但也不能强求。与其生病,不如生气了就不要赶;不要抱怨,过去已经凝固,未来不可预知。把仇恨埋在历史里,用爱书写明天。不要羡慕,天鹅有它的志向,雀也有它的方向。成败只是表象,你自己也清楚。晚安!
25. The world is changing, and it can be confusing. Don't rush, live well, take things one step at a time, perseverance is key, and just wait for it to come naturally; don't get angry, you can't escape, but you also can't force it. It's better not to be angry than to rush away when you are; don't complain, the past has solidified, and the future is unpredictable. Bury hatred in history, and write tomorrow with love. Don't envy, swans have their aspirations, and sparrows have their direction. Success or failure is just a superficial appearance, and you are also aware of it. Good night!
26. 下班了。感觉史上最忙碌的一天结束了。还好,辛苦有人看得见。
26. The workday is over. Feels like the busiest day in history has come to an end. Fortunately, the hard work has not gone unnoticed.
27. 忙碌而又充实的一天,工作上的进步总会让我很有成就感,心情愉悦继续保持。
27. A busy yet fulfilling day, the progress in work always brings me a sense of achievement, and I maintain a cheerful mood.
28. 一天的忙碌工作结束后再来虐一下放松放松!能找到我么?
28. After a busy day's work, come to虐一下 to relax and unwind! Can you find me?
29. 生活需要一种理解和感悟。待人接物最重要的是真诚,待人接物最重要的是谦逊;学会欣赏自己,就等于拥有了通往幸福的金钥匙。欣赏自己不是自恋。欣赏自己不是自恋。欣赏自己不是自恋。欣赏自己并不自满。晚安!
29. Life requires a sense of understanding and appreciation. The most important thing in dealing with people is sincerity, and the most important thing is modesty; to learn to appreciate oneself is to possess the golden key to happiness. Appreciating oneself is not narcissism. Appreciating oneself is not narcissism. Appreciating oneself is not narcissism. Appreciating oneself is not self-satisfied. Good night!
30. 在忙碌的一天结束后,我更想坐在椅子上发呆。
30. After a busy day, I would rather sit on the chair and daydream.
31. 无论你的才华和知识多么出众,如果你缺乏热情,那就像在纸上画饼充饥,对你晚安毫无帮助!
31. No matter how outstanding your talent and knowledge may be, if you lack passion, it's like drawing cakes on paper to fill your hunger—it won't do you any good in the evening!
32. 月满了就亏,水满了就溢。有些东西得到了总会失去,这是常识。所以,在生活中,面对失去的,要淡定如水,面对得到的,也要保持一颗平常心。只有微笑面对生活,我们才能拥有广阔的人生境界。晚安!
32. When the moon is full, it wanes; when water is full, it overflows. Some things, once gained, will be lost, which is common sense. Therefore, in life, we should remain calm as water when facing loss, and maintain a peaceful heart when facing gain. Only by smiling at life can we possess a vast realm of life. Good night!
33. 人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。晚安!
33. Life is like a cup of tea, it won't be bitter all the time, but it will always be bitter for a while. Good night!
34. 生活无非就是让别人微笑,偶尔对别人微笑。晚安!
34. Life is nothing but making others smile and occasionally smiling at others. Good night!
35. 有些人就像甘蔗。吃起来很费力气,但给你的感觉很甜。有些人就像洋葱,剥了就流泪,到最后发现自己没有心。做人,用心看人,不要用眼睛。晚安!
35. Some people are like sugarcane. It takes a lot of effort to chew, but it leaves a sweet feeling. Some people are like onions, they shed tears once peeled, and in the end, they find out they have no heart. Be a person, look at others with your heart, not with your eyes. Good night!
36. 用一双欣赏的眼睛而不是批判的眼睛去看世界,你会收获快乐和幸福!一个人的生活不可能尽如人意,但他想无愧于我的心。成长是一颗童心的痛。当我打开一扇心窗时,我看到了世界和我自己的心。有时候,我们的心就像镜子一样,能有一个美好的心情,是人间最美的。晚安!
36. Look at the world with eyes of appreciation rather than criticism, and you will reap joy and happiness! No one's life can be perfect all the time, but he wants to live without any regrets in my heart. Growth is the pain of a childlike heart. When I open a window of my heart, I see the world and my own heart. Sometimes, our hearts are like mirrors, and having a good mood is the most beautiful thing in the world. Good night!
37. 时光如流水,一去不复返,稍纵即逝,容不得你有一点停留,一点留恋。我渐渐开始明白,人的一生有多短暂,活着就要做点什么,否则对你来说很可惜,所以人生有理想,有奋斗,有奋斗,有追求,但同时也有彷徨,失落,孤独,遗憾!晚安!
37. Time flows like water, once gone, it never returns, fleeting, leaving no room for any pause or longing. I am gradually beginning to understand how short a person's life can be, and that one should do something while alive, otherwise it would be a pity. Therefore, life has ideals, struggles, and pursuits, but at the same time, it also has confusion, disappointment, loneliness, and regrets! Good night!
38. 人生有点是非,深刻之处总是在平凡之处。每个人都知道今天是什么日子。既然还活着,就不要跳水,关键时刻不要深。至少让我知道,开心,开心。晚安!
38. Life has its ups and downs, and the profound moments are always found in the ordinary. Everyone knows what day it is today. Since we are still alive, let's not dive in, and don't go too deep at critical moments. At least let me know, happy, happy. Good night!
39. 不到最后一刻不要放弃。最后能得到好东西不是运气。有时候,你要在前面努力,才能在后面偶遇。晚安!
39. Do not give up until the last moment. Getting something good in the end is not just luck. Sometimes, you have to work hard beforehand in order to meet it unexpectedly. Good night!
40. 你最好学会妥善处理自己的无聊,找点有意义的事情做,尽量减少从无聊到恐慌的时间。培养一个爱好,有很多事情是你很有兴趣想做的。这些事情不一定是一个人做的,你也可以和朋友一起去,一起享受生活,而不是浪费生命。无聊的时候想到别人,表面上看起来是爱,是依赖,是价值。其实对别人也不公平。晚安!
40. You'd better learn to handle your boredom well, find something meaningful to do, and try to minimize the time from boredom to panic. Cultivate a hobby, as there are many things that you are very interested in doing. These things don't necessarily have to be done alone; you can also go with friends, enjoy life together, rather than wasting your life. Thinking of others when you are bored seems to be love, dependence, and value on the surface. In reality, it's also unfair to others. Good night!
41. 生活中,很多东西不属于我们,而只是一种经历,一种成长,一种体验。太多的欲望只会增加生活的负担。聪明的人懂得选择,能及时放弃,能大胆选择自己的人生方向。只有懂得放下过去、欲望和贪婪的人,才能活得更充实、轻松、精彩。晚安!
41. In life, many things do not belong to us, but are merely experiences, growth, and a sense of adventure. Too many desires only add to the burden of life. Wise people know how to choose, can give up in time, and can boldly choose the direction of their own life. Only those who understand how to let go of the past, desires, and greed can live a more fulfilling, relaxed, and exciting life. Good night!
42. 不要等到失去了才知道珍惜;不要等到后悔才知道自己做错了;不要等到吵架了才知道和好;不要等委屈了才认识朋友;不要等到错过了才知道回头;不要等到离开才知道自己错过了什么;生命有限,不要留下太多等待,时间最宝贵;把握现在的时间,让生活更精彩!晚安!
42. Don't wait until you lose something to know its value; don't wait until you regret to realize you've made a mistake; don't wait until you argue to know how to make peace; don't wait until you're wronged to make friends; don't wait until you miss something to know you should turn back; don't wait until you leave to know what you've missed; life is limited, don't leave too much waiting, time is the most precious; grasp the present time, and make life more colorful! Good night!
43. 一件事情的发生不能衡量一颗心的平静,但是一颗心的平静可以影响一件事情的解决。一个人的深度无法衡量一颗心的平静,但一颗心的平静可以显示一个人的深度。让我们豁然开朗的可能只是一个道理,控制我们情绪的可能只是一个心结。放松心态,以平常心应对世间一切无常!晚安!
43. The occurrence of an event cannot measure the peace of a heart, but the peace of a heart can influence the resolution of an event. One's depth cannot measure the peace of a heart, but the peace of a heart can reveal one's depth. What may illuminate us is just a principle, and what may control our emotions is just a mental knot. Relax our mindset and face all the impermanence in the world with a calm heart! Good night!
44. 不要因为小小的争执而远离自己最亲密的朋友,也不要因为小小的怨恨而忘记别人的恩情。晚安!
44. Do not distance yourself from your closest friends over small disputes, nor forget others' kindness due to minor grievances. Good night!
45. 时光的碎痕没能切割过去,如歌的行板,那些细节久久不肯离去。我失落的情怀在文字中蔓延,那些藏在风中的散乱思绪,增添了最痴情。据说很多人在这里坠入了红尘。对我来说,都是传说中的童话。我匆匆回头瞥了一眼,把你写进了我的世界。佛说:此为劫,必远矣。我永远不会明白。晚安!
45. The cracks in time couldn't sever the past, like a lyrical and measured melody, those details lingered on for a long time. My lost feelings spread in the words, those scattered thoughts hidden in the wind added the most devoted. It is said that many people have fallen into the dust of the world here. To me, they are all fairy tales from legends. I quickly turned my head and glanced back, writing you into my world. Buddha said: This is a disaster, it must be far away. I will never understand. Good night!
46. 一天的忙碌结束了,这是有意义的一天,再也不会有相同的日子,为更好的自己,加油!
46. The busy day is over, and it has been a meaningful one. There will never be another day like this. Keep going for a better you!
47. 漫长的一天终于结束了,在这一天当中工作非常的劳累,非常的辛苦,感觉自己真的是筋疲力尽了。现在终于可以好好的休息了,一天的劳动成果也许就只有这么一点点,但是人总是要知足的,知足者常乐。
47. The long day has finally come to an end. Throughout the day, the work was incredibly exhausting and strenuous, and I truly felt myself completely drained. Now, at last, I can rest properly. Perhaps the fruits of a day's labor are only this little, but one must always be content. Those who are contented are often happy.
48. 路自己走出来;机会是自己创造的。人不能创造机会,但可以抓住那些已经出现的机会。累了就慢下来。错了,就想到结尾。只有苦了才会知道满足。只有当你受伤的时候,你才能理解力量。晚安!
48. The road is carved out by oneself; opportunities are created by oneself. People cannot create opportunities, but they can seize those that have already appeared. Slow down when you're tired. Reflect on the end when you make a mistake. Only through hardship can one know satisfaction. Only when you are hurt can you understand the power. Good night!
49. 人生就像一本书,会有很多不同的版本。但唯一不方便的是,珍惜就是幸福,幸福是它的本质,让我们充满信心。不要为难自己,也不要为难自己。让你的心越走越宽,让它包容痛苦。宽广的胸怀是没有烦恼的。晚安!
49. Life is like a book, with many different versions. The only inconvenience is that珍惜 is happiness, and happiness is its essence, filling us with confidence. Don't put yourself in difficulty, and don't put yourself in difficulty. Let your heart grow wider and wider, allowing it to embrace pain. A broad-minded heart is without worries. Good night!
50. 终于理解为啥下班回家到停车场还要多坐一会儿,因为这一刻所有疲惫都卸下了。
50. Finally understand why I need to sit for a while in the parking lot after work before heading home, because at this moment, all the fatigue is shed.
51. 有匮乏才有希望。凡事都不完美,人生总有缺憾。我们应该用一颗完美的心去接受不完美的人生。没有满分的人生,就像提着一箩筐永远不满足的人。因为不满意,所以会不断的挑,收获越来越多。所谓的完美,其实只来自于我们的内心。只有真正懂得包容不完美的人,才能获得更多的完美。晚安!
51. There is hope where there is scarcity. Nothing is perfect, and life is always imperfect. We should accept the imperfect life with a perfect heart. There is no perfect life, just like carrying a basket of people who are never satisfied. Because of dissatisfaction, they will keep picking, and their harvests will become increasingly abundant. So-called perfection actually comes from within us. Only those who truly understand how to embrace imperfection can achieve more perfection. Good night!
52. 在漫长的道路上,你愿意一个人站着,忍受孤独和寂寞,承受体力和精神的压迫,只让汗水溶于泪水,但你的脚步从未停止。干得好,就算拿不到桂冠,坚持下去也一定会赢得最后的掌声。晚安!
52. On the long journey, are you willing to stand alone, enduring loneliness and solitude, bearing the physical and mental oppression, letting only sweat dissolve into tears, but never stopping your脚步. Well done, even if you don't win the laurel wreath, perseverance will definitely win the final applause. Good night!
53. 人,大事难,看责任,逆境好,看胸怀。无论是喜是怒,看涵养,看付出与索取,看智慧,看成败,看坚持。广交朋友,断交无义,饮清茶,戒色花酒,开方便之门,闭是非之口。找一个阴凉的地方,用心去品味这种变化着的,精彩而艰难的生活。生活的美好会在你瞬间的感知中变成永恒的美好!晚安!
53. For people, big events are difficult. Look at responsibility, look at perseverance in adversity, look at breadth of mind. Whether it is joy or anger, look at character, look at giving and taking, look at wisdom, look at success and failure, look at persistence. Make friends widely, sever relations with the unworthy, drink pure tea, avoid colorful intoxicating wine, open the door to convenience, and close the mouth of right and wrong. Find a cool place, and use your heart to savor this changing, wonderful yet arduous life. The beauty of life will become eternal in an instant of your perception! Good night!
54. 有些人事,看得清楚,也看轻了。时间使深的更深,浅的更浅。一万年没有人能一眼看到所有的人事,这就是我们受伤的原因。很少有不热血的青春故事。许多人事总是随着年轮淡出记忆。不是我喜欢忘记,而是你的心不够厚,经不起时间的沉淀。人生没有永远的伤,只有一辈子不想醒来的梦。晚安!
54. Some people and things are clearly seen yet easily dismissed. Time makes the profound deeper and the shallow shallower. No one in ten thousand years can see all human affairs at a glance, which is why we get hurt. There are rarely stories of youth that do not carry passion. Many people and things fade from memory with the turning of the years. It's not that I like to forget, but rather that your heart is not thick enough to withstand the沉淀 of time. Life has no permanent wounds, only a dream that one wishes to never wake from. Good night!