面书号 2025-01-17 08:23 9
In the 2023 year when the spring breeze is blowing, the Yuanxiao prayers like brilliant fireworks burst forth, spreading good wishes to thousands of households. At this moment filled with hope, let us together open this scroll of prayers and feel the warmth and power contained in the words.
1. 路再远,家人的关怀也是近的;再冷,家的关怀也是温暖的;旅途再累,想家也是甜蜜的;时间再忙,有家的陪伴也是一种乐趣。祝您新年快乐!
1. No matter how far the road is, the care from family is always close; no matter how cold it is, the warmth of home is always there; no matter how tiring the journey is, missing home is sweet; no matter how busy the time is, having the company of home is also a joy. Happy New Year to you!
2. 在新的一年里祝:春风洋溢你,家庭关心你,爱情滋润你,财神系着你,你朋友忠于你,我这儿祝福你,幸运之星永远照着你,新年快乐! 除夕新年串一串,开心快乐永相伴。好运幸福串一串,家庭和睦财不散。朋友祝福串一串,友谊常青情不散。转发短信串一串,除夕春汪灶节福不断!
2. Wishing you a prosperous new year: May the spring breeze embrace you, family care for you, love nurture you, the God of wealth follow you, and your friends remain loyal to you. May my blessings be with you, the star of luck shine upon you forever, and have a happy New Year! Combining the New Year's Eve and New Year celebrations, happiness and joy will forever accompany you. String together good luck and happiness, and harmony will remain in your family and wealth will not disperse. String together your friends' blessings, and friendship will always be green and feelings will not fade. String together these SMS messages, and the New Year's Eve and Spring Festival blessings will never cease!
3. 旧年挥手告别,心情充满喜悦。烦恼分手,升级幸福核心。一切烦恼都省略了,好运加身。事业渐入佳境,未来大步向前。问候来了,祝你元旦快乐!
3. Bidding farewell to the old year with joy in the heart. Saying goodbye to troubles, we elevate the core of happiness. All troubles are left behind, and good fortune is upon us. Career is on the rise, and the future is stepping forward with great strides. Greetings come, wishing you a happy New Year!
4. 穿越无数山川,跨越无数城市,与让心灵相遇,洗涤你全身的疲惫,愿每一份祝福,每一份欢乐都是音符,为你谱下幸福,祝福你!
4. Traverse countless mountains and rivers, cross endless cities, meet the soul, wash away your entire exhaustion. May every blessing, every joy be a note, composing happiness for you. May I wish you well!
5. 兔年春节到,祝你枣码事业路上金戈铁兔,健康路上英姿勃发,发财路上踏平坎坷,爱情路上朝歌彩雷。天天有人牵挂,职场顺利腾达,富贵荣誉共享,爱人携手天涯。
5. The Year of the Rabbit is here, wishing you prosperity and success in your career, vitality and strength on the path to health, overcoming obstacles on the road to wealth, and joy and happiness on the journey of love. May someone care for you every day, have a smooth career path, share in wealth and honor, and walk through life with your beloved.
6. 快乐来自迟钝的头脑;健康来自清淡的饮食;放松的时候记得要冷静;交友千万不要冷淡;成功一定不是废话;祝福一定要选元旦。祝:元旦快乐!
6. Happiness comes from a钝的 mind; health comes from a light diet; remember to stay calm when relaxing; never be cold in making friends; success is definitely not empty talk; blessings must be chosen on New Year's Day. Wishing: Happy New Year!
7. 你我相拥而听,新年的钟声像年轮的气息,围绕着我们共同的梦想,满满的爱化作真诚的祝福“新年快乐!
7. Hugging each other, we listen to the New Year's bell, its sound like the aroma of annual rings, enveloping our shared dreams. A full heart of love turns into sincere wishes, "Happy New Year!"
8. 日历一页一页的看完,日子一天一天的往前冲,担心缩短距离,迎接冬天,祝新年快乐,新年快乐。
8. Turning the pages of the calendar one by one, the days are rushing forward day by day, worried about shortening the distance, welcoming winter, wishing you a happy New Year, happy New Year.
9. 春节来到,短信报道;新年问好,愿你微笑;生活幸福,好运笼罩;工资翻番,机遇围绕;福禄双全,健康必要;短信一条,一切安好。兜里钞票花光光,克隆短信一箩筐,春节休息真是爽,家人团圆乐满堂,山珍海味满肚装,节后上班减肥忙,朋友提醒你:再忙再减也要注意健康第一哦!
9. The Spring Festival is here, and I send you a text message to report; on New Year's Day, I wish you a smile; may your life be filled with happiness and good luck; may your salary double and opportunities surround you; may you enjoy both fortune and health; with a text message, all is well. Your pocket is empty, filled with cloned texts; taking a break during the Spring Festival is really enjoyable, and family reunions are filled with joy; the mountain delicacies and delicious foods are filling your stomach; after the holiday, you rush back to work and start dieting, and friends remind you: no matter how busy you are, don't forget that your health comes first!
10. 当新年到来的时候,我想送上我真诚的祝福:愿你的好运像阳光一样照耀着你,愿你的健康像茶一样滋润着你,愿你的幸福像红酒一样陶醉着你,愿你的生活像鲜花一样照耀着你。愿你在新的一年里拥有许多美好的事物和欢笑!
10. As the New Year arrives, I would like to offer my sincere wishes: May your good fortune shine upon you like the sun, may your health nourish you like tea, may your happiness intoxicate you like wine, and may your life be illuminated like flowers. May you have many wonderful things and laughter in the new year!
11. 转眼间元旦就过去了。我希望我的朋友:在新的一年里,让你的烦恼飞走,让你的好运显露,让你的快乐无穷无尽,让你的快乐充实。祝你元旦后工作愉快!
11. The New Year's Day has passed in a blink of an eye. I hope my friends: in the new year, let your troubles fly away, let your good luck show up, let your happiness be endless, and let your joy be filled. Wishing you a pleasant work after the New Year's Day!
12. 江湖人,漂泊心,元旦问候,事业有成,万事如意!新年进步!一路走来的朋友们,我会永远真心祝福你们!
12. Renowned throughout the land, a wandering heart, New Year greetings, career success, and all things go well! Happy New Year and keep making progress! To all the friends who have walked this path with me, I will always sincerely wish you well!
13. 新年送你快乐的小草,生机勃勃;新年送你许愿树,人人羡慕。在新的一年里送你快乐的鲜花,甜蜜幸福的笑声;新年送你开心果,更吉祥,更幸福。新年快乐!
13. I send you a joyful little grass for the New Year, brimming with vitality; I send you a wishing tree that everyone envies. May you be surrounded by happy flowers and sweet, happy laughter in the new year; and I send you开心果, filled with more prosperity and happiness. Happy New Year!
14. 年年开心,岁岁快乐,一生幸福,一生平安,家庭和睦,祝人生每一个愿望都能实现!新年快乐!
14. May you be happy every year, joyful every season, blessed throughout your life, safe all your days, and enjoy harmony in your family. Wishing all your wishes come true in life! Happy New Year!
15. 免年送你幸运兔,抬头见喜,低头捡财。送你快乐兔,左转开心,右转逍遥。送你流氓兔,人见人爱,车见车载。送你祝福兔,新年快乐,春节吉祥。
15. I send you a lucky rabbit for the year, looking up brings joy, looking down gathers wealth. I send you a happy rabbit, turning left brings happiness, turning right brings freedom. I send you a charming rabbit, everyone loves, cars carry. I send you a blessed rabbit, happy New Year, auspicious Spring Festival.
16. 新年大吉,祝你一如既往,二人同心,三口之家,四季欢畅,五福临门,六六顺意,七喜来财,八方鸿运,九九吉祥,十分美满! 悄悄为你降临下的是吉庆,静静为你散放的是温馨,默默为你祝愿的是色兰,深深为你期待的是成功,送上我最真诚的祝福,春节快乐!
16. Happy New Year! May you continue to be as you are, with two hearts as one, a family of three, joy all year round, five blessings at the door, everything going smoothly, prosperity coming with joy, good fortune from all directions, auspiciousness in every aspect, and a perfect life! What quietly descends for you is joy, what quietly spreads for you is warmth, what silently wishes for you is serenity, what deeply awaits for you is success. Offer you my most sincere blessings, Happy Spring Festival!
17. 愿美丽陪你散步,健康陪你吃饭,幸福陪你休息,幸福陪你聊天,平安陪你工作,幸福陪你休闲。愿我的祝福伴随你迎接新年,祝你新年快乐!
17. May beauty accompany you on walks, health be with you at meals, happiness be with you during rest, happiness be with you in conversation, safety be with you at work, and happiness be with you in leisure. May my blessings accompany you in welcoming the New Year, and wish you a happy New Year!
18. 我想问你一个问题,如何才能到你的心里,亲爱的,元旦快乐!新年快乐!
18. I want to ask you a question, how can I reach your heart, my dear, Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
19. 和风送暖华夏意,谐成安乐福寿齐。兔欲月娥奔前路,年复今朝寄往昔。
19. The gentle breeze of the Japanese style warms the Chinese heart, harmoniously creating joy and longevity. The rabbit desires to run ahead with the moon fairy, as the New Year brings back memories of the past.
20. 辞旧迎新,一年多了,家乡快乐,幸福快乐。新年快乐!详情请参考附件(其他短信),我会让我的朋友带给你。
20. Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, it's been over a year. Home is filled with joy and happiness. Happy New Year! For more details, please refer to the attachment (other messages), which I will have my friends pass on to you.
21. 兔年未到礼物到,送个幸福做你的奴隶,永远服从你的命令。送个快乐做你的司机,永远指挥肢衫你快乐的旅程。送个健康做你的身影,永远离不开你的生命,预祝兔年吉祥如意。
21. The Year of the Rabbit hasn't arrived yet, but the gifts have. Send happiness to be your slave, forever obeying your commands. Send joy to be your driver, forever guiding the limbs of your happy journey. Send health to be your shadow, forever inseparable from your life. Wishing you all the best for the Year of the Rabbit.
22. 很久没联系了,想你,过年特别想你;好久不见,想你了,元旦送你。我们好久不见的每一天,包装成一个方形的祝福字体,祝你元旦快乐,远方团圆快乐!
22. It's been a long time since we've been in touch, I miss you, I miss you especially during the New Year; long time no see, I miss you, I send you New Year's Day wishes. We pack each day of our long time apart into a square-shaped blessing character, wishing you a happy New Year, and happiness for family reunions from afar!
23. 元旦动员:释放你的快乐,展示你的热情,展示你的微笑,展示你的活力,享受节日的欢乐,庆祝元旦,别忘了拿出你的人民币,发一些祝福短信!
23. New Year's Day Mobilization: Let loose your happiness, show your passion, display your smile, show your vitality, enjoy the festive joy, celebrate New Year's Day, and don't forget to take out your RMB and send some祝福 messages!
24. 这年头,女人当男人,男人当超人,超人当机器人。照顾好你自己。它来了。祝你闲暇时光,身体健康,快乐每一天,元旦快乐!
24. These days, women act like men, men act like supermen, and supermen act like robots. Take care of yourself. It's coming. Wishing you a leisurely time, good health, and happiness every day, Happy New Year!
25. 新年快乐祝你:一如既往,两人同心,一家三口,四季平安,五福临门,幸福四面八方,吉祥如意,九九年大吉,非常幸福,满园缤纷!
25. Happy New Year! May you: as usual, be as one in heart, have a family of three, peace throughout the four seasons, five blessings at the gate, happiness in all directions, auspiciousness and good fortune, great luck in the year 99, very happy, and a garden full of colorful flowers!
26. 金虎含笑归,虎去威犹在。玉兔凳饥哪迎春至,兔来运更昌。祝福添喜气,愿你兔年,宏兔更神气,前兔多福气,路兔遇贵气。兔年快乐,新春大吉。
26. The golden tiger smiles as it returns, its might remains even after it departs. The jade rabbit sits hungry, waiting for the arrival of spring. As the rabbit comes, fortune flourishes even more. Wishing you joy and happiness, may you have a prosperous Year of the Rabbit, where the rabbit is more majestic, the rabbit brings more blessings, and the rabbit encounters auspiciousness. Happy Year of the Rabbit, and a prosperous New Year.
27. 新年就快到眼前,提前给你拜个年。祝你风顺火顺,一顺百顺,事事顺心,天地顺人,情顺意顺,诸事一帆风顺,恭祝2023兔年吉祥如意。
27. The New Year is just around the corner, so I'm greeting you early. Wishing you smooth sailing and a prosperous year, with everything going your way, the heavens and earth aligning with your will, emotions and intentions flowing smoothly, and all your endeavors sailing smoothly. Heartily wishing you a lucky and auspicious Year of the Rabbit in 2023.
28. 兔年来到,福兔祝你鸿福齐天,万事如意。祥兔祝你财气冲天,好运无穷。吉兔祝你吉星高照,心想事成,灵兔祝尔天天开心,福寿安康。朋友则祝你免年如意,万事顺心。
28. The Year of the Rabbit has arrived, the Lucky Rabbit wishes you great blessings and all your wishes come true. The Prosperous Rabbit wishes you wealth soaring to the heavens and endless good luck. The Lucky Rabbit wishes you good fortune shining brightly, your heart's desires fulfilled, and the Spirit Rabbit wishes you happiness every day and health and longevity. As for friends, I wish you a Year of the Rabbit filled with happiness and all your wishes come true.
29. 真诚携手,我们的财富共赢。我们同舟共济,荣辱与共。努力奋斗,我们成功分享。新年即将开启,我们一路走好。我的事业蒸蒸日上,我的生活很美好。元旦快乐!
29. With sincere collaboration, we share in mutual prosperity. Together in the same boat, we share in both honor and hardship. Striving together, we share in success. As the New Year approaches, let's continue our journey well. My career is flourishing, and my life is very beautiful. Happy New Year!
30. 新年吃蛋糕,我给你切。断绝烦恼,断绝伤害,断绝悲伤,断绝忙碌。平安做奶油,快乐做底子,我送你一个特别的元旦蛋糕。祝你元旦快乐。
30. Eating cake on New Year's Day, I'll cut it for you. Cut off worries, cut off injuries, cut off sadness, cut off busyness. Peace as the cream, happiness as the foundation, I send you a special New Year's Day cake. Wish you a happy New Year.
31. 大年初一送一团“元”。祝你们团圆,天伦之乐!送“元”满,祝你好运幸福!送上一个爱的“袁”,祝你亲情、爱情、友情、爱情比黄金还强!提前祝元旦快乐!
31. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, send a bundle of 'Yuan'. Wishing you reunion and family happiness! Sending a full 'Yuan' means wishing you good luck and happiness! Offer a loving 'Yuan', wishing you stronger than gold in family, love, friendship, and romance! Wishing you a happy New Year in advance!
32. 生肖玉兔年,幸福快乐开心年,新春开门喜相逢,心想事成万事顺,吉祥如意幸运年。五谷丰登丰收年,普天同庆迎新年,家家户户乐陶陶,祝君新年快乐。
32. The Year of the Wooden Rabbit, a year of happiness, joy, and contentment. The New Year's door opens to meet joy, with everything going as one wishes and everything proceeding smoothly. A year of auspiciousness, good fortune, and luck. A bountiful harvest year, with everyone celebrating the New Year together. Every household is in high spirits. Wishing you a happy New Year.
33. 我会和你一起过元旦元旦,希望能共度余生!亲爱的,元旦快乐!新年快乐!
33. I will spend New Year's Day with you, hoping to spend the rest of my life together! Darling, Happy New Year's Day! Happy New Year!
34. 兢兢业业2022无可奈何兔奔去,神神秘秘2023似曾相识龙归来。祝福你新年吉祥,身体棒棒,工作顺利,爱情甜蜜,合家幸福,圆圆满满。
34. Diligently and tirelessly, 2022 has slipped away with no choice but to run, and mysteriously, 2023 seems familiar as the dragon returns. Wishing you a prosperous New Year, a strong body, smooth work, sweet love, a happy family, and a perfect life.
35. 新年快乐事业顺利,工作顺利,爱情甜蜜!身体有用之不竭的力量,财源滚滚来!身体好,吃的香,牙好,胃口好,一切都开心顺利!
35. Happy New Year! May your career go smoothly, work go well, and love be sweet! May you have an inexhaustible source of strength, and may wealth flow in! Stay healthy, eat well, have good teeth, a good appetite, and may everything be joyful and go smoothly!
36. 点点滴滴的爱,信息之声传递真情,祝福和问候送不停,祝你天天好心情,亲情爱情都好,工作顺利,钱天天赚,快乐微笑一辈子!
36. Little by little, love is conveyed through the voice of information, blessings and greetings never stop, wishing you a good mood every day, both family and love are good, work goes smoothly, money is earned every day, and happiness and smiles for a lifetime!