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面书号 2025-01-17 08:28 18


The autumn essence deepens, ancient charm permeates. As the autumn equinox approaches, the world depicted by poets unfolds like a scroll, presenting that tranquility and depth in a poetic manner before our eyes. Today, let us follow in the footsteps of the ancients and appreciate the modern poem of the four lines of the autumn equinox, feeling that time-traveling artistic conception.

1. 译文:高峻的峨眉山前,悬挂着半轮秋月。流动的平羌江上,倒映着精亮月影。

Translation: In front of the towering Emei Mountain, half a crescent moon hangs in the sky. On the flowing Pingxiang River, a bright moon's reflection is mirrored.

2. 立秋七月慢慢走,立秋六月加油。

2. As the beginning of autumn in July approaches slowly, let's work hard in June as the beginning of autumn draws near.

3. 已觉秋窗秋不尽,那堪风雨助凄凉!助秋风雨来何速?惊破秋窗秋梦绿。抱得秋情不忍眠,自向秋屏移泪烛。

3. Already felt that autumn's window is not enough, how can the wind and rain add to the desolation! Why does the autumn wind and rain come so quickly? They startle the green autumn dreams from the autumn window. Holding the autumn feeling, I can't bear to sleep, and I move to the autumn screen to wipe away my tears with the candle.

4. 箫鼓鸣兮发棹歌,欢乐极兮哀情多。少壮几时兮奈老何。

4. The flute and drum sound, and the oars are raised in song; joy is at its peak while sorrow is abundant. When will the youthful vigor be, and what to do about old age?

5. 宁可枝头抱香死,何曾吹落北风中。——郑思肖画菊

5. Would rather die holding the fragrance in the branches, never to be blown away by the north wind. — From Zheng Sishao's painting of chrysanthemums.

6. 《遣兴三首·其二》的作者是杜甫,被选入《全唐诗》的第218卷第2首。

6. The author of "Three Poems to Pass the Time - The Second" is Du Fu, and it is selected in Volume 218, Poem 2 of "The Complete Collection of Tang Poems."

7. 惟将两鬓雪, 明日对秋风。秋窗风雨夕(红楼梦)秋花惨淡秋草黄,耿耿秋灯秋夜长。

7. Only with white hair on both temples, will I face the autumn wind tomorrow. In the autumn evening by the window, when the wind and rain are fierce (A Dream of Red Mansions). The autumn flowers are faint and the autumn grass is yellow, the autumn lamp burns brightly through the long autumn night.

8. 清尊对旻序,高宴有馀欢。年代:北宋 作者:晏几道 作品:虞美人 内容:秋风不似春风好,一夜金英老。

8. Qingzun respects Minxu, the grand banquet is filled with joy. Age: Northern Song Dynasty Author: Yan Jidao Work: Yu Meiren Content: The autumn wind is not as good as the spring breeze, a night of golden blossoms fades.

9. 随意春芳歇,王孙自可留。《秋夜曲》唐王维桂魄初生秋露微,轻罗已薄未更衣。

9. Wherever the spring's fragrance may linger, the noble Wangsun can stay. ("Autumn Night Melody") The autumn moon is just born, with a faint dew, the light silk is thin but I haven't changed my clothes yet. (Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei)

10. (李煜:《虞美人》) 10欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。 (辛弃疾:《丑奴儿·书博山道中》) 11秋丛饶舍似陶家,遍饶篱边日渐斜 (元稹菊花>)

10. (Li Yu: "Yu Mei Ren") 10 Want to say but can't, just say how cool autumn is. (Xin Qiji: "Chou Niu Er: Writing on the Way to Bo Mountain") 11 The autumn flowers are abundant around the houses, like Tao Jia, and they are abundant around the fence as the sun sets. (Yuan Zhen: "Chrysanthemum")

11. 篇制多,一也;一题数首不尽,二也;好作拗体,三也;诗料无所不入,四也;好自标榜,即以诗入诗,五也。此皆诸家所无,其他作法之变,更难尽数。

11. The reasons are as follows: First, there are many pieces; second, a single topic can have multiple poems that do not end; third, a preference for awkward forms; fourth, the poetry can incorporate any material; fifth, a tendency to self-praise, using poetry within poetry. All these are unique to this style, and the variations in other methods are even more numerous and difficult to enumerate.

12. 杜甫在唐肃宗 乾元元年(公元758年)六月至乾元二年(公元759年)秋,任华州司功参军。杜甫原在朝中任左拾遗,因直言进谏,触怒权贵,被贬到华州(今华县),负责 祭祀、礼乐、学校、选举、医筮、考课等事。到华州后,杜甫心情十分苦闷和烦恼。他常游西溪畔的郑县亭子(在今杏林镇老官台附近),以排忧遣闷。他在《题郑 县亭子》、《早秋苦热堆案相仍》、《独立》和《瘦马行》等诗中,抒发了对仕途失意、世态炎凉、奸佞进谗的感叹和愤懑。

12. During the period from June of the first year of the Qianyuan era of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 758) to autumn of the second year of the Qianyuan era (A.D. 759), Du Fu served as the Military Officer in charge of Rites in Huazhou. Originally, Du Fu held the position of Left Censor in the imperial court, but due to his straightforward advice and confrontation with the powerful, he was demoted to Huazhou (now Huaxian County) where he was responsible for affairs such as sacrifices, rituals, music, schools, elections, medical divination, and examinations. After arriving in Huazhou, Du Fu was deeply troubled and melancholic. He often visited the Zheng County Pavilion by the Xixi Creek (located near the Old Officer's Platform in today's Xinglin Town) to relieve his distress and boredom. In poems such as "Poem on Zheng County Pavilion," "Bitter Heat in Early Autumn," "Alone," and "The Lean Horse," he expressed his sorrow and resentment over his failure in official career, the coldness of the world, and the treachery of the cunning.

13. ③降虏:指居于秦州一带的少数民族。胡:安史叛军。

13. ③ Subjugated tribes: Refers to the ethnic minorities residing in the area around Qinzhou. Hu: The An Lushan rebellion army.

14. 初秋下雨万物丰收,初秋不下雨人人愁。

14. In the early autumn, if it rains, all things flourish and bear abundant harvests; if it doesn't rain in the early autumn, everyone is worried.

15. 立秋是无雨的空秋,万物从来都是半收割。

15. The Beginning of Autumn is a rainless empty autumn, where all things are always half-harvested.

16. 兰有秀兮菊有芳,怀佳人兮不能忘。泛楼船兮济汾河,横中流兮扬素波。

16. The orchid is beautiful, and the chrysanthemum has a fragrant scent. Thinking of a beautiful woman, I cannot forget her. Boating across the Fen River in a grand ship, we traverse the middle, causing waves of white foam to rise.

17. 明月松间照,清泉石上流。竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟。

17. The bright moon shines among the pines, clear spring flows over the stones. Bamboo groves are loud with washing girls returning, lotus leaves sway as fishing boats pass by.

18. 天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星。《登高》唐杜甫风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。

18. The celestial stairs at night are cool as water, sitting and watching the Cowherd and Weaving Maid. From "Ascending a High Hill" by Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, the wind is fierce, the sky is high, and the monkeys howl mournfully. The river bank is clear, the sand is white, and the birds return to fly.

19. 泪烛摇摇爇短檠,牵愁照恨动离情。谁家秋院无风入?何处秋窗无雨声?罗衾不奈秋风力,残漏声催秋雨急。

19. The teardrop candle flickers, the short lantern burns short, it stirs sorrow and reflects恨, awakening the feeling of parting. In whose autumn courtyard does not the wind enter? Where does not the autumn window hear the sound of rain? The silken quilt cannot bear the autumn wind, the lingering sound of the broken hourglass hastens the autumn rain.

20. 庭芜生白露,岁候感遐心。策蹇惭远途,巢枝思故林。

20. The garden's grasses grow white dew, the seasons evoke a distant heart. Riding a slow donkey, I feel ashamed of the long journey, and in the nest on the branches, I miss my old forest.

21. 此来一见垂纶者,却忆旧居明月溪。子夜四时歌·秋歌 秋风入窗里,罗帐起飘扬。

21. Having come to see the angler here, I can't help but recall the bright moonlit stream of my old home. "Sons of the Night" Song of Autumn · Autumn wind enters the window, the silk curtain rises and flutters.

22. ,字子美,自号少陵野老,汉族,巩县(今河南巩义)人。杜甫曾祖父(杜审言父亲)起由襄阳(今属湖北)迁居巩县(今河南巩义)。盛唐时期伟大的现实主义诗人。他忧国忧民,人格高尚,他的约1500首诗歌被保留了下来,诗艺精湛,他在中国古典诗歌中的影响非常深远,被后世尊称为“诗圣”,他的诗也被称为“诗史”。杜甫与李白合称“李杜”,为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”。

22. Du Fu, styled as Zi Mei, also known as Shaodiling Yalao, was a Han nationality person from Gongxian County (now part of Gongyi City in Henan Province). Du Fu's great-grandfather (Du Anyan, his father) moved from Xiangyang (now part of Hubei Province) to Gongxian County (now part of Gongyi City in Henan Province). He was a great realist poet during the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Concerned about the country and the people, he had an upright character. His approximately 1,500 poems have been preserved, displaying exquisite poetry skills. His influence on classical Chinese poetry was profound, and he was respectfully referred to as the "Poet Sage" by later generations. His poems are also known as "the History of Poetry." Du Fu, along with Li Bai, are collectively known as "Li and Du." To distinguish them from the other two poets, Li Shangyin and Du Mu, collectively known as "the Young Li and Du," Du Fu and Li Bai were also collectively referred to as "the Great Li and Du."

23. 更谁来凭曲阑干,惟有雁边斜月、照关山。双星旧约年年在,笑尽人情改。

23. Who else can rely on the curved balustrade? Only the slanting moon on the edge of the wild geese, shining upon the mountain pass. The old promise of the double stars is renewed every year, while the changing of human emotions is laughed away.

24. 叶心朱实看时落,阶面青苔先自生。复有楼台衔暮景,不劳钟鼓报新晴。

24. The heart-shaped leaves and purple fruits fall as I watch, the green moss on the steps grows by itself. There are also pavilions embracing the twilight, needing no bells or drums to announce the new clear weather.

25. 惟将两鬓雪, 明日对秋风。秋窗风雨夕(红楼梦) 秋花惨淡秋草黄,耿耿秋灯秋夜长。

25. Only with white hair on both temples, will I meet the autumn wind tomorrow. The autumn evening by the window, with wind and rain (A Dream of the Red Chamber). Pale autumn flowers and withered autumn grass, a dim autumn lamp in the long autumn night.

26. 秋天不冷,种子不黄。

26. If autumn is not cold, the seeds will not turn yellow.

27. 子美诗妙处乃在无意于文。夫无意而意已至,非广之以《国风》《雅》《颂》,深之以《离骚》《九歌》,安能咀嚼其意味,闯然入其门耶?故使后生辈自求之,则得之深矣。

27. The charm of Zimei's poetry lies in his lack of conscious effort in crafting it. If one is unaware yet the meaning is profound, how can one fully appreciate its taste and suddenly enter its realm without expanding one's knowledge through the 'Classics of the States' ('Guofeng'), 'Elegant Songs' ('Yan'), and 'Prayers' ('Song'), and deepening it through 'The Lament' ('Liu'e') and 'Nine Songs'? Therefore, if the younger generation seeks it out on their own, they will gain a deep understanding of it.

28. 七掘金八掘银(秋耕的重要性)。

28. July is for gold digging, August for silver digging (the importance of autumn plowing).

29. 鹤鸣初警候,雁上欲凌寒。月镜如开匣,云缨似缀冠。

29. The crane caws as the alarm sounds, the wild geese rise to brave the cold. The moon, like a mirror, opens its case, while the clouds, like tassels, adorn the crown.

30. 平生去外饰,直道如不羁。未得操割效,忽复寒暑移。

30. Throughout my life, I have discarded external trappings, living a straightforward life as if unbound. Without achieving the desired accomplishments, time suddenly shifts through the cycles of winter and summer.

31. 潮声归海鸟初下,草色连江人自迷。碧落晴分平楚外,青山晚出穆陵西。

31. The sound of the tide returns to the sea as the birds first descend, the green grass extends along the river and people are lost in the scenery. The azure sky is clear beyond the level plain, and the green mountains emerge in the evening to the west of Muling Pass.

32. 杜诗近体,气局阔大,使事典切,而人所不可及处,尤在错综任意,寓变化于严整之中,斯足以凌轹千古。

32. Du Shi's near-form poetry has a broad and grand style, with meticulous use of classical references. What particularly sets it apart from others is its intricate and arbitrary arrangement, which embodies change within strict order. This is more than enough to outshine all the centuries.

33. 译文:自古以来每逢秋天都会感到悲凉寂寥,我却认为秋天要胜过春天。

33. Translation: Since ancient times, people have always felt melancholic and desolate during autumn. However, I believe that autumn surpasses spring.

34. 大概杜有三难:极盛难继,首创难工,遘衰难挽。子建以至太白,诗家能事都尽,杜后起,集其大成,一也;排律近体,前人未备,伐山道源,为百世师,二也;开元既往,大历继兴,砥柱其间,唐以复振,三也。

34. It is said that Du has three difficulties: it is hard to sustain extreme prosperity, it is difficult to achieve originality, and it is hard to turn around decline. From Zi Jian to Tai Bai, the poets have exhausted their abilities in poetry. Du rose later, compiling the ultimate achievement, which is one; he established the near-classical style of prosody, which was not prepared by predecessors, explored the origin of poetry, and became a teacher for a thousand generations, which is two; after the Tang Dynasty's Kaiyuan era had passed and the Dali period emerged, he stood firm in the middle, and the Tang Dynasty was revitalized, which is three.

35. 子美诗奄有古今。学者能识国风、骚人之旨,然后知子美用意处;识汉魏诗,然后知子美遣词处。

35. Zi Mei's poetry encompasses both ancient and modern times. Scholars can understand the essence of the national songs and the poets, then they will know where Zi Mei's intentions lie; they can understand the poetry of the Han and Wei dynasties, then they will know where Zi Mei excels in word choice.

36. 怃然忧成老,空尔白头吟。年代:唐 作者:刘沧 作品:浙江晚渡怀古 内容:蝉噪秋风满古堤,荻花寒渡思萋萋。

36. Alas, the worry of aging grows old, you sigh with white hair in vain. Age: Tang Dynasty Author: Liu Chang Work: Thoughts on the Ancient Crossing in Zhejiang at Dusk Content: Cicadas sing amidst the autumn breeze, filling the ancient embankment, the reeds in the cold crossing evoke deep thoughts.

37. 译文:悲对秋景感慨万里漂泊常年为客,一生当中疾病缠身今日独上高台。

37. Translation: In the autumn scenery, one laments the thousands of miles of wandering and being a guest all year round, plagued by illness throughout one's life, today alone ascending the high platform.

38. 场“野无遗贤”的闹剧,参加考试的士子全部落选。科举之路既不通,杜甫为实现自己的政治理想,不得不转走权贵之门,投赠干谒等,但都无结果。他客居长安

38. The farce of the scene "no talents left in the field" resulted in all the candidates failing the exam. With the imperial examination route blocked, Du Fu had to turn to the doors of the nobility, offering gifts and making visits, but all to no avail. He was a guest in Chang'an.

39. 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都收藏过自己喜欢的古诗吧,古诗是古代诗歌的泛称。你所见过的古诗是什么样的呢?

39. In our daily studies, work, and life, haven't we all collected our favorite ancient poems before? Ancient poems are a general term for classical poetry. What kind of ancient poems have you seen?

40. 山谷云,老杜作诗,退之作文,无一字无来处,盖后人读书少,故谓韩、杜自作此语耳。

40. The clouds in the valley, the poems by the old Du, the essays by Zhi, not a single word is without a source. It is because the later generations read few books, so they say that Han and Du made these words by themselves.

41. 怃然忧成老,空尔白头吟。年代:唐作者:刘沧作品:浙江晚渡怀古内容:蝉噪秋风满古堤,荻花寒渡思萋萋。

41. Alas, you grow old with worry, sighing with white hair in vain. Year: Tang Dynasty Author: Liu Chang Work: Thoughts on the Late Crossing in Zhejiang Content: Cicadas chirp in the autumn breeze along the ancient embankment, and the reeds by the cold river evoke deep thoughts.

42. 或问:子美五七言律较盛唐诸公何如?曰:盛唐诸公唯在兴趣,故体多浑圆,语多活泼;若子美则以意为主,以独造为宗,故体多严整,语多沉着耳。此各自为胜,未可以优劣论也。

42. Question: How does Zi Mei's five-character and seven-character律诗与 the poets of the flourishing Tang Dynasty compare? Answer: The poets of the flourishing Tang Dynasty focused solely on interest, thus their works are often rounded and lively in language; whereas Zi Mei emphasizes the theme and aims for unique creation, hence his works tend to be strictly structured and his language is often profound and solemn. Each has their own strengths, and it cannot be determined by a simple assessment of good and bad.

43. 燕归巢后即离群,吟倚东风恨日曛。一别一年方见我,游来游去不禁君。——罗邺《惜春》

43. After the swallows return to their nests, they leave the group, lamenting under the east wind as the day darkens. It's been a year since we parted, and I see you only to wander aimlessly, unable to stay with you. — Luo Ye's "Regret for Spring"

44. 银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。(杜牧:《秋夕》)

44. Silver candles in autumn light make the painting screen cold, a light silk fan sweeps at the floating fireflies. (Du Mu: "Autumn Evening")

45. 天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星。《登高》唐杜甫 风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。

45. The night sky on the celestial stairs is cool as water, sitting and watching the stars of the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid. ("Ascending the Heights") - Tang Dynasty, Du Fu Wind is fierce, the sky high, monkeys howl in sorrow, The river bank is clear, the sand is white, birds return to their nests.

46. 移舟泊烟渚,日暮客愁新野旷天低树,江清月近人

46. We moor the boat at the misty riverbank, the dusk brings new sorrow to the traveler. Vast plains stretch to the horizon, the sky is low over the trees, the river is clear, and the moon seems closer to the people.

47. 织女机丝虚夜月,石鲸鳞甲动秋风。波漂菰米沉云黑,露冷莲房坠粉红。

47. The silk of the loom weaves in the empty night moon, the scales of the stone whale stir with the autumn wind. The waves float the black clouds with the sinking of the millet, the dew chills the lotus rooms where the pink powder falls.

48. 初秋荞麦开白露花,寒露把荞麦接到家里。

48. In the early autumn, buckwheat blooms with white flowers, and the Cold Dew harvest brings the buckwheat into the home.

49. 秋雷初起,百日见霜。

49. The autumn thunder begins, and in a hundred days frost will appear.

50. 随意春芳歇,王孙自可留。《秋夜曲》唐王维 桂魄初生秋露微,轻罗已薄未更衣。

50. Let the spring's fragrance freely fade away, the prince's descendants can stay as they wish. ("The Song of Autumn Night") Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei The moon's essence begins to rise with the faint autumn dew, light silk is thin yet no new clothes are worn.

51. 诗有以涩为妙者,少陵诗中有此味,宜进此一解。涩对滑看,如碾玉为山,终不如天然英石之妙,

51. There are poems that find beauty in awkwardness, and this can be found in the poetry of Du Fu. It is advisable to delve into this interpretation. When comparing awkwardness to smoothness, it is like polishing jade into a mountain, which is ultimately not as exquisite as the natural beauty of fine stone.

52. 湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。(刘禹锡:《望洞庭》)

52. The lake's light and the autumn moon blend together, the pond surface calm like a mirror unpolished. (From Liu Yuxi: "Gazing at Dongting Lake")

53. 或问王荆公云:编四家诗,以杜甫为第一,李白为第四,岂白之才格词致不逮甫也?公曰:白之歌诗,豪放飘逸,人固莫及,然其格止于此而已,不知变也。至于甫,则悲欢穷泰,发敛抑扬,疾徐纵横,无施不可。故其诗有平淡简易者,有绵丽精确者,有严重威武若三军之帅者,有奋迅驰骤若泛驾之马者,有淡泊闲静若山谷隐士者,有风流蕴藉若贵介公子者。盖其诗绪密而思深,观者苟不能臻其阃奥,未易识其妙处,夫岂浅近者所能窥哉!此甫所以光掩前人而后来无继也。

53. Someone asked Wang Jingong, "In compiling the poems of the four schools, you ranked Du Fu as the first and Li Bai as the fourth. Is it not because Li Bai's talent, style, and artistic expression are not as good as Du Fu's?" Wang Jingong replied: "Li Bai's songs and poems are grand, free-spirited, and elegant, which no one can match. However, his style stops there and he lacks the ability to change. As for Du Fu, he expresses joy and sorrow, prosperity and adversity, with a natural flow of energy, both rapid and leisurely, and he can do anything. Therefore, his poems range from simple and plain to delicate and precise, from solemn and majestic like a commander of an army to energetic and swift like a wild horse, from tranquil and secluded like a hermit in the mountains to stylish and generous like a noble prince. His poetry is dense in its structure and profound in its thought. If one cannot reach the essence of his poetry, it is not easy to understand its subtleties. How could it be that something superficial could penetrate it? This is why Du Fu's brilliance obscured those who came before him and no one has succeeded him later."

54. 立秋,挂勾。

54. The Beginning of Autumn, hang a hook.

55. 天宝六载,玄宗诏天下“通一艺者”到长安应试,杜甫也参加了考试。由于权相李林甫编导了

55. In the sixth year of the Tianbao era, Emperor Xuanzong issued an edict to the entire empire inviting those who were "skilled in one art" to take the examination in Chang'an. Du Fu also participated in the exam. However, the powerful prime minister Li Linfu had orchestrated...

56. 秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜。--魏·曹丕《燕歌行》

56. The autumn wind is cool and sorrowful, the trees and grasses sway, and dew turns to frost. -- Cao Pi of the Wei Dynasty, "Yan Ge Xing"

57. 唐兴,诗人承陈隋风流,浮靡相矜。至宋之问、沈佺期等,研揣声音,浮切不差,而号律诗,竞相沿袭。逮开元间,稍裁以雅正。然恃华者质反,好丽者壮违;人得一概,皆自名所长。至甫,浑涵汪茫,千汇万状,兼古今而有之。他人不足,甫乃厌徐,残膏剩馥,沾丐后人多矣。故元稹谓“诗人以来,未有如子美者”。甫又善陈时事,律切精深,至千言不少衰、世号“诗史”。昌黎韩愈于文章慎许可,至歌诗独推曰:“李杜文章在,光芒万丈长。”诚可信云。

57. During the Tang Dynasty, poets inherited the elegance of the Chen and Sui dynasties, and there was a competition of sophistication. By the time of Song Qian and Shen Quanqi, they meticulously studied the sounds, and their poetry was smooth and precise, thus being labeled as "regulated verse," and it was passed down in competition. By the Kaiyuan period, it was slightly refined to be more elegant. However, those who relied on ornateness were actually lacking in substance, and those who preferred beauty were actually in violation of strength; everyone thought they had their own strengths. By the time of Fu, his poetry was profound and boundless, with a myriad of styles and forms, encompassing both the ancient and the modern. Where others fell short, Fu was so abundant that he left behind a wealth of inspiration for future generations. Therefore, Yuan Zhen said, "Since the time of poets, there has never been anyone like Zimei." Fu was also skilled at discussing current events, his regulated verse was precise and profound, and it never waned in its eloquence, earning him the title of "the poetry of history." Han Yu of Changli, who was cautious in granting approval for literary works, uniquely praised the poetry of Li Bai and Du Fu by saying, "The literary works of Li and Du shine brightly, stretching a million miles." This is indeed credible.

58. 秋丛饶舍似陶家,遍饶篱边日渐斜、(元稹<菊花>)

58. The autumn clusters around the house resemble Tao's, As the sun sets, the fence is filled with them. (Yuan Zhen <Chrysanthemums>)

59. 有期无定是无期,说与小云新恨、也低眉。年代:唐 作者:杨凭 作品:雨中怨秋 内容:辞家远客怆秋风,千里寒云与断蓬。

59. Uncertain periods are like indefinite ones; express to Xiao Yun your new grievances, and bow your head. Dynasty: Tang; Author: Yang Ping; Work: Complaints in the Rain about Autumn; Content: Grieved by the autumn wind after leaving home, a distant traveler, thousands of miles away, with cold clouds and broken fluff.

60. 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 (王维的:《山居秋暝》)。

60. After a new rain in the empty mountains, the weather turns autumnal in the late evening. (From: Wang Wei's "Mountain Dwelling in the Autumn Evening").

61. 古今诗人众矣,而杜子美为首,岂非以其流落饥寒,终身不用,而一饭未尝忘君也欤?

61. There have been countless poets throughout history, and Du Zi mei is at the forefront, isn't it because, despite being stranded in poverty and cold, and not being employed all his life, he never forgot his king with even a single meal?

62. 宦成名不立,志存岁已驰。五十而无闻,古人深所疵。

62. The fame of Huan Cheng was not established, and his ambitions had already waned with the passing years. To be unheard of by the age of fifty was deeply criticized by the ancients.

63. 菜甲未齐初出叶,树阴方合掩重门。幽深冻馁皆推分,静者还应为讨论。

63. The mustard leaves are just unfurled, and the tree shade just covers the heavy doors. The quiet and the cold both push their separate parts, and the silent ones should still discuss.

64. 古之人,如杜子美之雄浑博大,其在山林与朝廷无以异,其在乐士与兵戈险厄无以异,所不同者山川风土之变,而不改者忠厚直谅之志。志定,则气浩然,则骨挺然,孟子所谓“至大至刚塞乎天地”者,实有其物,向光怪熊熊,自然溢发。少陵独步千古,岂骚人香草,高士清操而已哉!

64. The ancients, like Du Zimei with his grandeur and magnificence, were no different in the mountains and forests from the court, nor were they different in the company of scholars from amidst the dangers and perils of war and arms. What differentiated them was the change of mountains, rivers, winds, and soil, but what remained unchanged was their loyal and straightforward spirit. Once one's resolve is firm, one's spirit becomes grand and one's character becomes firm. This is what Mencius referred to as "the greatest and the most firm, filling the heavens and the earth." Such a spirit truly exists and naturally overflows towards the light and wonders. Shaoling walked alone through the ages, was it merely because of the poets and their fragrant grass, or the noble scholars with their pure conduct?