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面书号 2025-01-24 17:45 3


In this vibrant new world, share effortlessly and make your social circle burst into laughter!

1. 假期清零,一切向钱看,向厚赚, 吉时已到,启程上班。

1. Reset the holiday, focus solely on money, aim for big profits, the right time has arrived, start going to work.

2. 我在小小的工位里面,挖呀挖呀挖, 挣少少的工资,根本不够花。

2. In my tiny work station, I dig and dig and dig, earning just a little bit of pay, which is far from enough to spend.

3. 明明可以靠颜值吃饭,偏偏却要工作, 我不知道明明是谁,反正我是偏偏。

3. Clearly, one could make a living off one's looks, but for some reason, I have to work. I don't know who "Clearly" is, but I am "For Some Reason."

4. 上班还能挣点窝囊费,不上班只剩窝囊废了。

4. Working can still earn some pitiful money, but not working will only make you a pitiful waste.

5. 现在打工要求越来越高了,一定要本人来上班。

5. Now, the requirements for part-time jobs are getting higher and higher, and it is absolutely necessary for the person themselves to come to work.

6. 今天搬砖不狠,明天地位不稳。

6. If you don't work hard today, your position will be unstable tomorrow.

7. 打工人永远在谋生的道路上,热爱生活!

7. Workers are always on the path to making a living, loving life!

8. 什么都是假的, 只有每天买点吃的喝的哄自己上班,才是真的。

8. Everything is fake, but the only thing that's real is buying something to eat and drink every day to哄 (哄, a colloquial Chinese word meaning "cheer up" or "please") yourself to go to work.

9. 生活还是很有意思的,每天都有新的打击。

9. Life is still quite interesting, with new blows every day.

10. 要上班了,心情就像远赴边疆和亲的公主。

10. It's time to go to work, and my mood is like that of a princess who is embarking on a distant journey to her ancestral home.