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面书号 2025-01-24 17:45 2


In the bustling factory, the heartbeat intertwines with the roar of machines, each pulse beat seemingly whispering the silent voices of the workers. Reality and emotion converge here, facing the hearts of people, feeling every bit of perseverance and tenacity.

1. 外公弥留之际,外婆整夜地陪他低声聊天,或者看着他,仿佛时间也静止了。

1. On the brink of his death, grandmother stayed by his side all night, whispering to him or simply watching him, as if time had come to a halt.

2. 那只是诗中画中的乡村,当我们真实的走进乡村,用心去感知乡村,便会发现,我们的乡村在经历着苦痛。那里也有阳光,那阳光不是温暖而是毒辣地炙烤着这片土地。远望去,土地上那个佝偻的背影,在朝夕间,在春秋中,在这片土地上耗尽心力。他在这片土地上成长,他的汗水滋养了这片土地;他在这片土地上学会坚强,他的脚步坚实了这片土地;他生于黄土又归于黄土,世世代代,生生不息。风暴来了,他的心如那田间摇曳的庄稼般颤动,他的泪水在他满是沟壑的脸颊上纵横,如那淹没田间的水,层层漫过他的心田,浸没他的呼息。干旱来了,庄稼如他枯瘦的身体一般摇坠,他看不到希望,看不到丰收,他混沌的眼干涸空洞。

2. That is just the rural scene depicted in poetry and paintings. When we truly enter the countryside, and perceive it with our hearts, we will find that our own countryside is undergoing suffering. There is also sunshine there, but it is not warm; instead, it scorchingly bakes this land. From a distance, the hunched figure on the land, day and night, in spring and autumn, exhausts all his efforts on this piece of land. He grew up here, and his sweat nourished this land; he learned to be strong here, and his footsteps made this land solid; he was born of loess and returned to loess, generation after generation, ever-lasting. When the storm comes, his heart trembles like the crops swaying in the fields, and his tears stream down his furrowed cheeks, like the water that floods the fields, layer by layer overwhelming his heart and suffocating his breath. When drought comes, the crops droop like his withered body, and he sees no hope, no harvest, his dim eyes dry and hollow.

3. 首先,我个人认为从穿着入手,符合驻村的要求。接地气是指什么,就是指自己的穿着要符合农村的生活条件,穿着要端庄得体,符合驻村干部的身份,与村民同吃、同住、同劳动,消除入户走访与村民的隔阂,有亲和力,让村民愿意敞开心扉和你进行交流。

3. Firstly, I personally believe that starting with dressing appropriately is in line with the requirements of staying in the village. What does "grounded" mean? It means that one's attire should be suitable for rural living conditions, should be dignified and appropriate, matching the identity of a village cadre, and should eat, live, and work with the villagers together. This helps to eliminate the barriers between visiting households and the villagers, showing a friendly demeanor, and making the villagers more willing to open up and communicate with you.

4. 高估自己能力时候,往往容易盲目把手伸向不该伸手的地方,职场中,我们一定要清楚自己该做什么,能够做什么。在通常情况下,我们都喜欢把一切都想得很美好,就是忘记了鲜花盛开的地方,往往潜伏着陷阱。

4. When overestimating one's own abilities, one often tends to reach out carelessly to places where one should not. In the workplace, we must be clear about what we should do and what we are capable of doing. In most cases, we like to envision everything as perfect, yet we forget that where the flowers bloom, there are often hidden pitfalls.

5. 没有沉不了的船,也没有不会倒闭的企业,一切事在人为,要想让职工付出三倍的努力,领导就必须付出十倍的努力。负责人就是吃苦人。

5. There is no ship that cannot sink, and no company that cannot go bankrupt. Everything depends on human effort. If one wants the workers to put in three times the effort, the leader must put in ten times the effort. The person in charge is the one who bears the brunt of the hardships.

6. 归零心态。不管你在大学多么优秀,到了职场都是新手,不管你拿了什么奖,如果不创造价值,都对公司毫无意义。

6. Zero-based mindset. No matter how outstanding you are in college, you are a beginner in the workplace. No matter what awards you have won, if you do not create value, it means nothing to the company.

7. 平时的生活当中,还是把自己当做一个普通人看待的好,不要认为自己在某些方面比别人强多少,更不能独树一帜。样不仅会拉远与别人之间的距离,更有可能让别人与你为敌。

7. In everyday life, it's better to view oneself as an ordinary person. Don't think you are much better than others in some aspects, and even less should you try to stand out on your own. This not only distances you from others but may also make them your enemies.

8. 1学法律:不因试用丢权益。2护荷包:变相押金不埋单。3细思量:认清蛊惑不上当。4且留心:免受蒙骗坏心情。5留备份:知识产权拒盗用。

8. 1 Study law: Don't lose rights due to trial. 2 Protect your wallet: Don't pay for disguised deposits. 3 Think carefully: Recognize deceit and don't be deceived. 4 Be alert: Avoid being deceived and having a bad mood. 5 Keep backups: Refuse to let intellectual property be misused.

9. 太阳从地平线上升起,照亮了城市的尽头,照亮了他们的生活。

9. The sun rose from the horizon, illuminating the end of the city, lighting up their lives.

10. 感受乡村,感受农耕文明跳动的脉搏,感受中国最浑厚的呐喊,感受那片土地的厚重,感受那片土地浸润的血汗;感受中国农民最纯朴的执著与坚忍,感受中国农民所经历的苦痛与无奈。

10. Feel the countryside, feel the pulse of the agricultural civilization, feel the deepest roar of China, feel the weight of that land, feel the sweat and blood soaked into it; feel the purest perseverance and tenacity of Chinese farmers, feel the pain and helplessness they have experienced.

11. 少年时,热爱那甜甜的滋味。少年总爱用美好的幻梦来裴点世界。这时候的我们,还单纯、还稚嫩,在激情中燃烧自己。我们“少年不识愁滋味”,我们可以自得地“指点江山,激扬文字”,我们徜徉在对未来的希望之中,年轻气盛,尽管“粪土当年万户侯”!少年是一个热爱美好的境界,是以,许多在少年时已崭露头角。“数学王子”高斯年轻时已誉满世界;年轻的丁俊晖向世界冠军叫板;仍带着稚嫩的郎朗正优雅地为人们送来悦耳琴音……少年时,不言愁,雄赳赳地向人生进军。中年时,已识了尝了那愁苦滋味,是以喜欢又苦又甜的感觉。人生至此,宛若一杯香茗,我们在苦味中挖掘甘醇。这又是另一境界。中年之时,事业与人生大都处于鼎盛之时,许多人生的无奈亦已尽收心底,氤氲出了更为成熟稳重的眼光看世界。“悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。”中年就是一种继往开来的承接时期。携幼负老,中年又是个责任的时期。惟咖啡,苦甜参半,才彰显中年之况味与魅力。

11. In our youth, we loved the sweet taste. The young always love to use beautiful illusions to color the world. At this time, we were innocent and naive, burning ourselves in passion. We "did not know the taste of sorrow in our youth," and we could proudly "point at the world, inspire words," wandering in the hope of the future, full of youthful vigor, even though "the dung of yesterday was the master of ten thousand households"! Youth is a realm of love for beauty, and therefore, many people who have shown their talents in their youth. "The Prince of Mathematics," Gauss, was already famous around the world in his youth; the young Ding Junhui challenged the world champion; and the naive Lang Lang was elegantly bringing melodious piano sounds to people... In youth, we do not speak of sorrow, and bravely march towards life. In middle age, we have tasted the bitter taste of sorrow, and therefore, we like the feeling that is both bitter and sweet. At this stage of life, it is like a cup of fragrant tea, where we dig out the mellow sweetness in the bitterness. This is another realm. In middle age, both career and life are generally at their peak, and many of the inevitabilities of life have been absorbed in the heart, and a more mature and stable perspective has emerged to look at the world. "Understanding that the past cannot be changed, knowing that the future can be pursued." Middle age is a period of inheritance that connects the past with the future. With children in hand and the elderly on our shoulders, middle age is also a period of responsibility. Only coffee, with its bitter and sweet flavors mixed together, can reveal the taste and charm of middle age.

12. 与别人交往,当然是希望双方都能够进行愉快的沟通。们要想让自己变得更吸引人,那么就先要让自己变得更有礼,这样才会显得风度翩翩,别人自然会围着你转了。

12. When interacting with others, it is certainly the hope that both parties can engage in pleasant communication. If we want to become more attractive, we first need to be more polite. This will make us seem elegant, and others will naturally gather around us.

13. 每一个生命就如同一个圆环,它中空而有残缺,却又首尾相衔不失圆满。我们选择了自己的人生自己的生活方式,或贫或富,活着自己,活着自己的生命……

13. Every life is like a ring, hollow and imperfect, yet it connects its ends seamlessly without losing its completeness. We have chosen our own lives and our own ways of living, whether we are poor or rich, living for ourselves, living our own lives...

14. 需要和那些高绩效员工沟通。了解他们认为企业职能需要哪些改进,以便更加精确的预测企业未来的岗位需求,每年的员工调查也是可为HR透露相关的一些信息。

14. It is necessary to communicate with those high-performing employees. Understand what improvements they believe are needed in the corporate functions, in order to more accurately predict the future job demands of the company. The annual employee survey can also provide some relevant information to HR.

15. 台上一分钟,台下十年功。得有时间坐在办公室里,仅有的半天时间还是在处理一些文案的事情,以及必需的营销策划的事情。曾经不止一次地说过,只有台下强大才有强大的台上。上一分钟,台下十年功。们只有把台下的功夫做足做好做到家,台上才能够挥洒自如。年累月待在客户企业里,不能忽视忽略的还是我们自己的大本营。

15. "A minute on stage requires ten years of preparation off stage." I've said more than once that only with strong preparation off stage can there be a strong performance on stage. We only have half a day to sit in the office, and that time is spent dealing with some paperwork and necessary marketing planning. I've said more than once that only with strong preparation off stage can there be a strong performance on stage. The last minute, ten years of preparation off stage. We must ensure that the preparation off stage is thorough and well done, only then can we perform on stage with ease. Year after year spent in the client's company, we cannot neglect or ignore our own home base.

16. 我常常被那个叫做尾生的古人感动得落泪。“尾生与女子约,女子三日不至,遇大水,尾生抱柱而死。”尾生就是这样一位执著得可爱的君子,为了那一个或许并不重要的约定,为了守住自己心灵深处写给自己的那一份契约,他竟然用生命来壮烈地捍卫它。我从他的身上看到了闪光的两个字———诚信。

16. I am often moved to tears by the ancient person named Weisheng. "Weisheng made an appointment with a woman, but she didn't arrive after three days, and he encountered a great flood. Weisheng held the pillar and drowned." Weisheng is just such an adorable gentleman who is so dedicated. For that one possibly unimportant appointment, and to uphold the contract written in his heart, he even used his life to courageously defend it. From him, I see the shining words of integrity.

17. 1心境,失败了还能有走下去的勇气,因为创业失败是正常,成功纯属意外;2资源,储备的越充分,失败的机率就越小,因为资源是一切成功的支点;3资金,要么自我积累,要么积累能投资你的人际关系,因为资金是创业的武器,徒手起业,精神可嘉却难免缺血而亡。

17. 1 Mindset, the courage to continue even after failure, because startup failure is normal, while success is purely an accident; 2 Resources, the more abundant the reserves, the lower the chance of failure, because resources are the fulcrum of all success; 3 Capital, either self-accumulated or accumulated through your interpersonal relationships that can invest in you, because capital is the weapon of entrepreneurship, starting with nothing is praiseworthy in spirit, but it is inevitable that it will lack the necessary resources and may perish.

18. #心得体会# 导语心得就是工作或学习中的体验和领悟到的东西,亦可以称作心得体会。“心得体会”是一种日常应用文体,属于议论文的范畴。一般篇幅可长可短,结构比较简单。

18. #Reflections and Insights# Introduction: Reflections of experience refer to the things experienced and understood in work or study, and can also be called insights and reflections. "Reflections and insights" is a type of daily applied writing style, belonging to the category of argumentative essays. It can be of varying length, with a relatively simple structure.

19. "一人不兼官,一官不兼事",韩非子的这种思想就属于定位管理思想,实践已经证明这是一种行之有效的管理之道。如果在公司推行"一职多官"的运行机制,那么很容易造成组织机构的臃肿,还容易滋生官僚作风,而且在同一管理层次上,官越多,那么办事效率也就越低。所以,韩非子提倡"一职一官",反对"一人兼官"、"一官兼事"的用人思想,在今天这个用人思想仍然适用。

19. "One person, one position; one position, one task," Han Fei Zi's such thought belongs to the thought of positioning management, and practice has proven that this is an effective management method. If a company implements the operational mechanism of "one person holding multiple positions," it is easy to cause the organization to become bloated, and it is also easy to breed bureaucracy. Moreover, at the same management level, the more officials there are, the lower the efficiency of handling affairs. Therefore, Han Fei Zi advocates "one position, one official," and opposes the employment thought of "one person holding multiple positions" and "one official handling multiple tasks." This employment thought is still applicable in today's society.

20. 生像攀登一座山,而找寻出路,却是一种学习的过程,我们应当在这过程中,学习稳定、冷静,学习如何从慌乱中找到生机。

20. Life is like climbing a mountain, and finding a way out is a process of learning. We should learn to be steady and calm in this process, and learn how to find vitality from chaos.

21. 愧哉斯人。如断翅蝴蝶般,拍打着残翼,徒劳地旋舞着飞坠泥间。我的脑海里,浮现出父辈辛劳的身影:一抹黄褐的平原。地平线上,一处又一处用木椽夹打成一尺多厚的土墙。冲天而起的白杨、苦楝、紫槐,枝干粗壮如桶,叶却小似铜钱,迎风正反翻覆,如一曲天籁,传进父辈的耳里。他们赤着膀子,挥鞭吆喝着山川一样团块组合似的黄牛,拉动着三角状的铧犁。这群辛辛苦苦从祖祖辈辈留下的黄土地里抠口粮的人呵,“诚与信”,就是他们的生命线。

21. Alas, such a person. Like a butterfly with broken wings, flapping its残翼, vainly twirling and falling into the mud. In my mind, the image of my ancestors' hard work emerges: a patch of yellow-brown plain. On the horizon, wall after wall, more than a foot thick, made by pounding wooden posts. The white poplars, bitter mulberry, and purple locust trees rise into the sky, their trunks as thick as barrels, but their leaves as small as copper coins, fluttering and flipping in the wind like a celestial melody, reaching the ears of my ancestors. They, with their bare arms, brandishing whips and shouting at the mass of yellow oxen that are like mountains and hills, pulling the triangular plow. These people, who have toiled hard in the yellow land passed down from generation to generation, "Honesty and trust" is their lifeline.

22. 新材料作文,虽然不强求文章开头引述材料,但本文开篇贴紧原材料,第一段从因果关系概叙材料,第二段亮出自己的立意 (“设想”)。这样,文路清晰,容易为读者所接受。

22. The essay on new materials does not strictly require the use of quotes from the original material at the beginning of the article. However, this essay closely adheres to the original material at the very beginning. The first paragraph summarizes the material in terms of cause and effect, and the second paragraph clearly states the author's own perspective (or "idea"). In this way, the essay's path is clear and easy for readers to accept.

23. 真诚地做人,那么会对别人有更大的吸引力,大家都会愿意与真诚的人进行交往,因为与这样的人交往不会有什么压力,也不用天天对其进行防备。际往往都始于真诚。

23. Be sincere in your character, and it will have a greater appeal to others. Everyone would be willing to interact with sincere individuals, as dealing with such people does not bring any pressure and there is no need to be on guard against them every day. Interpersonal relationships often begin with sincerity.

24. 一种人是企业的成本,一种人是企业的价值。为成本型的那部分人是企业永远的痛,作为价值型的那部分人是企业永远的爱。适合当老板的人一般会被成本型的那部分人淘汰掉,死得很惨,只有内心强大的管理者将成本型的那部分人淘汰掉,企业才能生成下来。

24. There are two types of people in a business: one is a cost, and the other is a value. Those who are costs are a perpetual pain for the business, while those who bring value are an eternal love. Generally, those suitable to be business owners are eliminated by the cost-type people, suffering a severe defeat. Only when strong-willed managers eliminate the cost-type people can the business survive.

25. 然而,在他们日益长高的身体上,我看到了他们的成长。记得一位记者问一个打工子弟学校的孩子,学成后是否会回到家乡时,小姑娘毫不犹豫地说:当然,一定回去!那一刻,我差点落下泪来,为他们的成长。

25. However, on their increasingly tall bodies, I saw their growth. Remember, a journalist asked a child from a laborer's school whether he would return to his hometown after graduation, and the little girl said without hesitation: Of course, I will definitely go back! At that moment, I almost shed tears, moved by their growth.

26. 自开展大走访活动以来,我每周按计划入户,与村民聊天、交朋友,我能明显感觉到,这样走心的交流,拉近了机关干部和群众的距离,也融洽了干群关系。在这个过程中,我感受到了村民的热情,也体会到很多家庭的不易,给我很大的触动,也提醒着我要做的工作还有很多。

27. 都说“幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸”,我走访的北孙家村崔某荣,是一个“不幸”中却心怀希望的“幸福”人。她是贫困户,对象患有尿毒症,自己身体也不好,是我们所谓的“弱势群体”,但她始终对生活充满热爱,对党和政府充满感激,对未来满满的憧憬很乐观。她的乐观给我很大的触动,与她相比,我们已经足够幸福了,却总还这个不满那个不愿意,抱怨孩子吵闹或者工作太累,实属不该。从崔某荣的身上,我学到了乐观、积极和坚韧的品质,没有谁的日子是一帆风顺的,要知足、常乐,生活再难,山高人为峰。

26. Since the start of the mass visiting campaign, I have been visiting households as planned every week, chatting with villagers and making friends. I can clearly feel that this heartfelt communication has narrowed the gap between government officials and the people, and also harmonized the relationship between cadres and the masses. During this process, I have felt the warmth of the villagers and also understood the difficulties faced by many families, which has deeply moved me and reminded me that there is still much work to be done. 27. It is said that "happy families are all alike, but unhappy families have their own misfortunes." The Cui Rong of the Bei Sunjiazhuang village that I visited is a "happy" person who is hopeful amidst "unhappiness." She is a贫困户 (poor household member), her partner suffers from uremia, and she herself is not in good health, which makes her part of the so-called "vulnerable groups." However, she has always been full of love for life, gratitude towards the Party and the government, and a full of optimism about the future. Her optimism has greatly moved me. Compared to her, we are already very fortunate, yet we still complain about this and that, about children being noisy or work being too tiring, which is truly unwarranted. From Cui Rong, I have learned the qualities of optimism, positivity, and perseverance. No one's life is smooth sailing; we should be content and happy. Life may be hard, but as the saying goes, even at the top of a mountain, there is always a person standing tall.

28. 那些唱着“不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有”的浮躁的人们,或许忘记了婚姻是一份幸福的契约,更是心灵的契约,只有用心守护、才能获得幸福的果实。

28. Those people who sing the lyrics "I don't care about the eternity of the sky and earth, I only care about having had it" are perhaps forgetting that marriage is a contract of happiness, and even more so a contract of the soul. Only by devoting one's heart to nurturing it can one reap the fruits of happiness.

29. 自我认知——明白我是谁。我的职场核心竞争力是什么。第

29. Self-awareness - Understand who I am. What are my core competencies in the workplace.

30. 脉搏沉、快、促、紧、滑、涩……典型的吹牛皮后心悸、早搏导致的心脏衰竭的先兆。

30. Deep, rapid, thready, tense, slippery, sticky... These are typical symptoms of palpitations after blowing hot air, and can be a sign of heart failure caused by premature beats.

31. 小时候,我爱去外公家。外公知道好多趣事,外婆的厨艺精湛。每每听外公眉飞色舞地讲完一段,爷孙俩都饿了。于是外公蹑手蹑脚钻进厨房,趁外婆没在,夹几片刚炸好的鸡排,赶忙回来和我分享,像一个小孩子。有几次外公被外婆“人赃并获”,只得被外婆打手。然后我们乖乖地摆好桌子准备开饭,那个时候,真开心。

31. When I was little, I loved to go to my grandfather's house. My grandfather knew so many interesting stories, and my grandmother was an expert in cooking. Every time after he finished telling a story with great enthusiasm, both grandfather and I would be hungry. So my grandfather would sneak into the kitchen, grab a few slices of freshly fried chicken cutlets while my grandmother was not around, and rush back to share them with me, like a little kid. There were a few times when my grandfather was caught red-handed by my grandmother, and he had to be scolded by her. Then we would neatly set the table and prepare for the meal, and that was truly a happy time.

32. 记得那年春晚他们稚气的宣言:“我们的学校很小,但我们的成绩不差”“我们不和城里的孩子比爸爸”“北京的2008,也是我们的2008!”他们逐渐成熟,告别昨天的羞怯,开始迎接新的一天。

32. Remember that year's Spring Festival Gala, when they made their childlike declaration: "Our school is small, but our achievements are not bad." "We don't compare our fathers with the children from the city." "The 2008 in Beijing is also our 2008!" As they gradually mature, they bid farewell to yesterday's shyness and start to embrace a new day.

33. "性格"可以改变吗?没必要!重要的是展现"不一样的你"!

33. "Can character be changed? There's no need! What's important is to show the 'different you'!"

34. 跟老百姓坐到一条板凳上,谈生活话未来,影响的不仅仅是我们宣讲政策,教育群众,更多的是我们自身学到了什么,改变了什么,脚下沾有多少泥土,心中就会沉淀多少对群众的赤子深情。

34. Sitting on the same bench with the common people, discussing life and the future, the impact is not just about us propagating policies and educating the masses; more importantly, it is about what we ourselves have learned and what we have changed. The more soil under our feet, the deeper our sincere love for the people will settle in our hearts.

35. 当我们用鄙夷的目光看着他们,我们是否想过是他们用血汗带给了我们生的希望。

35. When we look at them with scornful eyes, have we ever thought that it is their blood and sweat that have brought us the hope of life?

36. 经营企业必须要从战略开始。昨天和今天都在给自己充电,分别学习了企业经营、高效团队建设的培训资料。感受最大的就是经营企业必须要从战略开始,战略决定成败,战略执行则需要高效的团队。高效团队建设则需要有对人关爱的文化,使员工能够接受,达成共识,对领导者的挑战则是如何把价值观变成思想和行为,变成一种集体的力量。

36. Operating a business must start with strategy. Yesterday and today, I have been recharging myself by studying training materials on business operation and efficient team building. The most significant feeling is that operating a business must start with strategy, as strategy determines success or failure, and the execution of strategy requires an efficient team. Efficient team building requires a culture of caring for people, enabling employees to accept and reach consensus. The challenge for leaders is how to transform values into thoughts and actions, into a collective force.

37. 此病例不是首次发现,十分具有代表性,望患者注意,切莫相互传染。

37. This case is not the first discovery and is highly representative. Patients are advised to pay attention and avoid spreading the infection to each other.

38. 在一些企业中,女性的职位和收入低于男性,我认为,并不能简单地归结为男女不平等。女性不是在职场中不够努力,而是女性的努力通常受家庭事务和自身生理特点干扰,不如男性持久和稳定。

38. In some enterprises, women's positions and incomes are lower than those of men. I believe that this cannot be simply attributed to gender inequality. Women are not less hardworking in the workplace; rather, their efforts are often interrupted by domestic affairs and their own physiological characteristics, which are not as persistent and stable as those of men.

39. 一想到你我就一天卖命工作,不然我就可能会失去你,而你总是与我若即若离。下班,你就不能来的痛快些吗?祝大家按时下班,度过愉快的夜晚。

39. Just thinking about you makes me work tirelessly every day; otherwise, I might lose you, and you always seem to be just out of reach. After work, can't you come a bit more freely? Wishing everyone a timely end to work and a pleasant evening.

40. 曾几何时,人们开始用坚墙固壁将自己“安全”地囚禁在一方小小的水泥笼子里。是为了防范什么?或者是为了隐藏什么?当人们残忍地践踏着人与人之间的信任与友好时,究竟有没有想过到底是什么使人与人之间变得如此多疑与善嫉?当人们在钢筋水泥的丛林里旋转着生存时,他们会不会担心自己的眼睛有一天会变成没有情意的金属质?当人们戴着精心打造的假面在人前假笑着走过,他们,又有没有觉得生命中缺少了一点什么?

40. Not long ago, people began to enclose themselves in a "safe" little concrete cage, with solid walls and strong defenses. Was it to prevent something? Or was it to hide something? When people cruelly trample on the trust and friendship between each other, have they ever thought about what makes people so suspicious and envious of each other? When people are spinning through the jungle of reinforced concrete and steel, do they worry that one day their eyes will become emotionless metal? When people wear meticulously crafted masks and smile insincerely in front of others, do they ever feel that something is missing in their lives?

41. 找到你的优点,维护你的优点,在婚姻中和在职场中一样,永远保持你的不可替代性——这个社会的真谛就是,你的劳动和报酬不是成正比,而是和你的劳动的不可替代性成正比。

41. Discover and nurture your strengths, maintaining your uniqueness in both marriage and the workplace—this is the essence of society: your labor and compensation are not directly proportional, but rather, they are in proportion to the irreplaceability of your labor.

42. 做最好的自己,让自己变得更加优秀,这样别人就会自然而然地聚集到你的周田。际其实就是表现一种做人的智慧,只有你会做人,做好一个人,赢得了人。才能更好地进行交际活动。

42. Be the best version of yourself and strive to become more outstanding. This way, others will naturally gather around you. It's actually an expression of wisdom in interpersonal relations. Only when you know how to be a person, do a good job at being a person, and win others, can you better engage in social activities.

43. 青少年时期,是人生的黄金时期,是人生中至真至美至纯的时期。而诚信是最不应该又最容易让人忽视的美德。我们有必要把诚信高高举起,让人人都能看见,并被她的温暖光芒吸引。

43. The teenage years are the golden period of life, the most genuine, beautiful, and pure period in one's life. Integrity is the virtue that should not be overlooked yet is the easiest to ignore. It is necessary for us to hold integrity up high, so that everyone can see it and be attracted by its warm light.

44. 不管什么情况下,上司永远是对的;不管什么时候,要能容忍下属的错误;不要认为自己永远是对的,不要容忍自己的错误!

44. In any situation, the superior is always right; at any time, one must be able to tolerate the mistakes of subordinates; do not think that you are always right, and do not tolerate your own mistakes!

45. 在职场中,不仅要敢于提问,还要擅于提问。向他人发问前应当先捋清思路问问自己是否处理过类似问题,而不是遇到问题不经思考地直接向别人求助,只有那些含金量高的提问才能够在解决问题时为自己赢得更多的工作机会。

45. In the workplace, one should not only dare to ask questions but also be skilled at it. Before asking others, one should first clarify their thoughts and ask themselves if they have dealt with a similar issue before, rather than seeking help from others without thinking when faced with a problem. Only questions with high value can win oneself more work opportunities when solving problems.

46. 喜欢争斗的人让人厌恶,但现在的职场上,也只有这样才可以得势。善被人欺,习惯忍让,只会让别人会觉得你好欺负,这现在已经成为职场上的一种思维定势了。

46. People who enjoy quarrels are讨厌, but in today's workplace, only by doing so can one gain prominence. Goodness is taken advantage of, and being accustomed to yielding only makes others think you're easy to bully, which has now become a stereotype in the workplace.

47. 在生活中,心理上的凹点有很多种。学失败是凹点,求职失败是凹点,事业遭遇挫折是凹点,人际关系紧张是凹点。着些许绝望的味道,给人心理上的冲击,除了伤痛,还留下疤痕与凹点,然而正是这些历经风雨的凹点,却有着超乎想象的持久力与提升力。

47. In life, there are many kinds of psychological dips. Failing in learning is a dip, failing in job hunting is a dip, encountering setbacks in one's career is a dip, and tense interpersonal relationships are a dip. These dips carry a hint of despair, causing psychological impact. Apart from the pain, they leave scars and dips. However, it is precisely these dips that have withstood the storms, possessing an unexpectedly strong endurance and upward mobility.

48. 上帝对每个人最公平的地方就是时间,每个人每天都拥有24小时。聪明的善用时间安排,让这24小时发挥出最大功效,就成为个人与众不同的关键。职场中你要的就是提高自己的工资效率。

48. The most fair place for everyone in God's eyes is time, as everyone has 24 hours each day. Using time wisely to maximize its potential is the key that sets individuals apart. In the workplace, what you seek is to improve your wage efficiency.

49. 作为一名***员、一名人民警察,我满怀激情、脚踏实地的走在进村入户的路上,这是一次锻炼,更是一次挑战。转眼间,已过去一个半月,回顾走访经历,有酸甜有苦辣,令我收获颇多,感悟颇深,这对我今后的工作和生活将产生重要的影响。

50. 入户走访是了解和掌握社情民意的重要渠道,是精细化服务辖区群众的重要举措。

49. As a *** member, a people's police officer, I walk with passion and a firm stance on the path of going into villages and households. This is both a training and a challenge. In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed. Looking back on my experience of visiting and talking with people, there are both sweetness and bitterness, and I have gained a lot, both in understanding and depth. This will have a significant impact on my future work and life. 50. Visiting households is an important channel for understanding and grasping the social situation and public opinion, and it is an important measure for providing refined services to the residents in the jurisdiction.

51. 本文站在“人生”的高度,采取片断组接的方式抒写了“诚信”对人生的重要,引名言,叙事例,事例和名言相互呼应,互促互动,水到渠成地完成“出色人生的定义”。文章四个小标题命名巧妙,小标题之间有较为巧妙的内在联系,使文章浑然一体,无割裂之感。对“出色人生”的定义有自己的思考,体现了一定的独创性,在较短的时间内写出此类文章,实属不易。

51. This article, standing at the height of "life," adopts a method of fragmentary montage to express the importance of "honesty" in life. It quotes famous sayings, narrates examples, and makes the examples and sayings resonate with each other, interact and promote each other, naturally leading to the completion of the "definition of an outstanding life." The four subheadings of the article are cleverly named, and there are relatively clever internal connections between the subheadings, making the article a coherent whole without a sense of disconnection. The definition of "an outstanding life" reflects personal thoughts and shows a certain originality. It is not easy to write such an article in a short period of time.

52. 企业一定要营造"尊重知识,尊重人才"的氛围,促进人才脱颖而出,还需要建立识才、用才、爱才、聚才的机制,激励广大人才群体,只有这样,企业才能在经济全球化的新挑战中生存下去,同时获得长足的发展。

52. Enterprises must create an atmosphere of "respect for knowledge and talents" to promote the outstanding performance of talents. In addition, it is necessary to establish mechanisms for identifying, utilizing, loving, and gathering talents to motivate the vast talent community. Only in this way can enterprises survive in the new challenges of economic globalization and achieve substantial development.

53. 在城市尽头,没有繁华的街市,闪亮的霓虹;在城市的尽头,只有破旧的棚户区,有饱经生活风霜的生命;在城市的尽头,有他们这样一群人。

53. At the end of the city, there are no bustling streets and bright neon lights; at the end of the city, there are only dilapidated shantytowns and lives that have withstood the storms of life; at the end of the city, there is a group of people like them.

54. 前几日偷闲翻了翻报纸。有一则消息说,个人信用不佳者三年内拒绝注册公司、担任企业法人或应聘高层管理人员。

54. A few days ago, I took a break to flip through the newspapers. There was a news item stating that individuals with poor credit will be refused registration of companies, appointment as legal representatives of enterprises, or employment as senior management personnel within the next three years.

55. 我常常怀念远古,那是一个充满人格魅力的时代。那些君子翩翩风度的背后,是一个用诚实、信用、执著的信念支撑的人的结构。那别萧萧易水而去的壮士,难道他不留恋自己的家园故国?难道他不知道深入虎穴的险恶与危难?他义无反顾地去了,去得那样坚定,带着一腔对国君的忠诚和满怀对誓言的忠贞。那手执和氏璧在秦王殿上慷慨陈词的蔺相如,难道不知秦王的阴险与贪婪?他在出发前已经许下完璧归赵的诺言!他正是循着一条实践诺言的艰难道路在英勇地捍卫国家的利益和个人心灵深处那份不朽的契约。

55. I often think of ancient times with longing, an era brimming with personal charm. Behind the elegant demeanor of those gentlemen was a structure supported by the beliefs of honesty, credibility, and perseverance. Did the brave warriors who left for the river with the sorrowful sound of willows not cherish their homes and motherland? Did they not know the dangers and perils of venturing into the lair of a tiger? They went without hesitation, with such determination, carrying a heart full of loyalty to their ruler and a deep commitment to their oaths. Lian Xiangru, who held the jade of He Shi in his hands and spoke courageously in front of the Qin King's throne, did he not know the cunning and greed of the Qin King? He had already vowed to return the jade to Zhao before setting off! It was precisely along the arduous path of fulfilling his promises that he valiantly defended the interests of the state and that unbreakable contract hidden deep within his personal soul.

56. 那些想着“有权不用,过期作废”的贪婪的人们,或许忘记了当初在党旗下旦旦的誓言,那是行为的约束,更是信仰的直白,一个连自己的信仰都可以抛弃的人,社会也会最终将他抛弃。

56. Those greedy people who think, "Use it or lose it," may have forgotten the solemn promises they made under the party flag at the beginning. Those are constraints on behavior, and even more, they are the straightforward expression of faith. A person who can abandon their own faith will eventually be abandoned by society.

57. 点评:这篇文章选材很好,选取了外公和外婆之间的小动作、小对话,看起来琐碎、寻常,但是非常生活化,而且渗透了人物情感,极为传神地描摹了恩爱老年夫妻之间的相濡以沫。作者对生活观察细致、体验深刻,所以文章以情感人。

57. Review: This article has a good choice of material, selecting small actions and conversations between the grandfather and grandmother, which may seem trivial and ordinary at first glance. However, they are very life-like and infused with the characters' emotions. The author's portrayal is extremely vivid, capturing the intimate bond between a loving elderly couple. The author's detailed observation of life and profound experience make the article touch the hearts of readers through emotions.

58. 在职场上摔过几个跟头,才能真正炼成金刚不坏之身。

58. Only after falling a few times in the workplace can one truly forge an indestructible body.

59. 生活中,我们每个人都承担着一定的责任。果欲把自己本该承担的职任推卸给别人,结果只会让肩上的压力越来越大。

59. In life, each of us carries certain responsibilities. If one were to shift the duties that they should be taking on to others, the result would only be to increase the weight of the pressure on their shoulders.

60. 淡定从容,看破为师,看透得道,道者久远。日都泡在企业里,和那些经理人们、员工们在一起,感受最大的是变化太快,让我们来不及细思量,一切就会成为过去。去不代表现在,现在不代表未来,需要的是要有一定的前瞻性,站得高看得远,坚持不懈,行之,远之,得之,失之……风云变幻,眼花缭乱中,淡定从容,看破为师,看透得道,道者久远。

60. Composed and calm, see through the teacher, see through to the path, the path is long-lasting. Every day immersed in the enterprise, with those managers and employees, the most felt is that everything changes too quickly, and before we have time to ponder, it becomes the past. "Leaving" does not represent the present, and the present does not represent the future. What is needed is to have a certain foresight, stand high and see far, persevere, act, reach, lose... Amidst the changing skies and dazzling scenery, be composed and calm, see through the teacher, see through to the path, the path is long-lasting.

61. 职场中,并非每一个给你产生情绪压力的人,都是你职场上的小人,也并非每一个不那么合作的人都要被归入恶人的类别。有明辨那些真正需要远离的人,才能区分善恶,减少困扰。

61. In the workplace, not everyone who causes you emotional stress is a troublemaker, and not everyone who is not very cooperative should be classified as a bad person. Only by discerning those who truly need to be kept at a distance can you distinguish between good and evil, and reduce disturbances.

62. 不要参与办公室政治,这不是你能玩的,你参与了,最后就是炮灰。

62. Don't get involved in office politics; this is not a game you can play. If you do get involved, you'll end up as cannon fodder.