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面书号 2025-01-24 17:42 2


Secrets, like the most hidden stars in the night sky, shimmer with a brilliance known to none. Sent to those doomed to be unable to protect them, they are like shooting stars crossing the heavens, leaving behind a trace of regret.

1. 8幸福走过,才会浮现感动。如此幸运的我,在锦瑟年华里遇见你,直到那刻,我才体会到繁华后落寞的滋味,明知无缘,却依然痴痴的等待。若是不爱过,就不会寂寞,就不会忧伤。喜欢过,沉溺过,才明白,在微暖的季节心依旧也会冷的。

1. Only after experiencing happiness can the touch of emotion emerge. So lucky am I, to meet you in the prime of my youth, until that moment, I realized the taste of loneliness after prosperity. Knowing that we have no destiny, I still wait with a痴痴的 heart. If there had been no love, there would be no loneliness, no sorrow. Only after liking and being indulged, do I understand that even in the warm season of the heart, it can still be cold.

2. 生相遇,死相随,不谈镜花水月,只看彼此双眸,看到了自己,也看到了对方。

2. Life meets death, death follows life. Let's not talk about vain illusions or dreamlike landscapes, but instead look into each other's eyes. In this gaze, we see ourselves and we see each other.

3. 我心里有个小秘密你想不想知道?让风悄悄告诉你,我喜欢你,真的好喜欢!

3. I have a little secret in my heart, do you want to know? Let the wind whisper it to you, I like you, and I really like you a lot!

4. 能跟你一辈子的人就是:理解你的过去,相信你的未来,并包容你的现在的人。

4. The person who can be with you for a lifetime is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and tolerates your present.

5. 蓦然回首感触悠然上心头,抽空喝口二锅头,闲暇网上训野兽,时间免费来出售,难分黑夜与白昼,只因相思难承受,想你寂寞空悠悠,爱你唯有孤独来承受!爱你!

5. Suddenly, when I look back, a deep feeling wells up in my heart. Taking a moment, I sip a glass of erguotou (a type of Chinese liquor), while in my leisure, I train beasts online. Time is freely on offer for sale. I can't distinguish between night and day, all because the longing is too much to bear. I miss you in your loneliness, endlessly. The only way I can love you is to endure the solitude. I love you!

6. 起初一切皆好,到最终才发觉不开始最为妥当。

6. It's good to start with a good beginning, but only the end is most satisfying.

7. 每一个人的缘分不同,相爱的时间也会有长短,只有尽心尽力的去做,我能够做到的就是:我会让我的爱陪你慢慢的老去。

7. Everyone has different destinies, and the time for love can vary in length. The best I can do is to give my all: I will let my love accompany you as you age slowly.

8. 在林殊的心里,她不后悔当初的那段恋爱,但她后悔自己久久无法从这段感情中走出来,以至于误了自己,也让父母为自己担心。若是能够重来,或许她会早早地听从父母的话,找一个合适的人结婚,不像现在,因为自己的年龄,就连将就的人都难遇到。失去了深爱的人,便不愿再将就自己的余生。

8. In Lin Shu's heart, she does not regret the love affair she had in the past, but she regrets that she was unable to get over it for a long time, which not only wasted herself but also worried her parents. If she could do it over again, perhaps she would have heeded her parents' words early on and married someone suitable, unlike now, where, due to her age, even finding someone to compromise with is difficult. Having lost the one she deeply loved, she is unwilling to compromise the rest of her life.

9. 我觉得一定有很多人暗恋我因为这么多年了,也没有人跟我表白过。

9. I feel that there must be a lot of people who have a secret crush on me because after all these years, no one has ever declared their feelings to me.

10. 如果有爱不能长久,请告诉我这到底算什么缘分;如果有情不能相守,请告诉我谁是你最疼爱的人。

10. If love cannot last forever, please tell me what kind of destiny this is; if affection cannot be maintained, please tell me who is the most beloved person to you.

11. 为我爱的人唱一首歌,一首只属于你的歌;从日出唱到日暮,甜蜜音符一生都不会重复;为我爱的人唱一首歌,一首只属于我们的歌;从今生唱到来世,真诚演绎永远都不会落幕!

11. Sing a song for the one I love, a song that belongs only to you; sing from dawn till dusk, the sweet notes will never repeat in a lifetime; sing a song for the one I love, a song that belongs to us; sing from this life to the next, the sincere performance will never close its curtains!

12. 我和他散了,其实我还爱他,你们谁可以理解我一下,一下就好。

12. I broke up with him, but actually, I still love him. Can anyone understand me for a moment, just a moment would be fine.

13. 如果你爱我,我愿折断天使的羽冀,只为人世间与你的这次相遇;如果你爱我,我愿来世青灯古,但求今生永不分离。

13. If you love me, I would break the wings of an angel, just for this one encounter with you in the human world; if you love me, I would wish for a dimly lit ancient lamp in my next life, but only to ensure we never part in this life.

14. 找个恋人很简单,可找个相守一生的终身伴侣很难,所以,珍惜现在所拥有的一切。

14. It's easy to find a lover, but it's hard to find a lifelong companion to share life with, so cherish everything you have now.

15. 我傻傻地等,痴痴地盼,盼你来到我这边;我使劲地想,深深地念,痴心一片没变化;我反复地按,重重地发,愿看信息的你,能接受我爱你吗?

15. Foolishly I wait, passionately I hope, for you to come to my side; I strive to think, deeply I remember, my devoted heart remains unchanged; I press repeatedly, press heavily, hoping that you, who are willing to read this message, can accept that I love you?

16. 每个人的青春也就那么几年,可以只要爱情不要面包的日子也就那么几年,过了这几年,余下的时间,考虑的便不再是爱情了。

16. Everyone's youth is only a few years, and there are only a few years when one can prioritize love over bread. After these few years, the rest of the time, what one considers is no longer just love.

17. 25没有我在家等着你,不要,忘了回家的路。

17. 25 Don't come home without me waiting for you, please, don't forget the way home.

18. 我发觉对她的爱,是可以让我付出一切名位利益、地位,甚至生命,有一种豁出去的感觉。--李连杰对利智我亲爱的 我只爱 我挚爱 我唯爱 我深爱的 涛我最爱我夫人,成婚然后在她那里,我只不过是一个孩子,一个乖乖的、黑黑的小孩儿。--刘显要的地位对郭蔼明我只想用我的吻遍布你的每寸肌肤。

18. I find that my love for her is something that can make me sacrifice all the fame, wealth, status, and even my life, giving me a sense of giving it all up. -- Bruce Lee on Brigitte Lin My dear, I only love, deeply love, cherish, and have a profound love for Tao. I love my wife the most. After getting married and being with her, I am just a child, a docile, dark-skinned little kid. -- Liu Xian on Kow Gwei Ming I only want to use my kisses to cover every inch of your skin. -- on Kow Gwei Ming

19. 享受生活的甜蜜,呵护你给的温柔,共聚人生的浪漫,万生造化换得今生相伴,相守千年彼此依赖,爱就长长远远,嫁给我,让我们快乐永远。

19. Enjoy the sweetness of life, cherish the gentleness you give, gather for the romance of life, the creation of ten thousand lives has brought us together for this life, to depend on each other for a thousand years, love is long and far, marry me, let us be happy forever.

20. 不敢瞅你,一瞅我就脸红;不敢睁眼,一睁眼就似看到你;不敢想你,一想就梦见你;不敢说你,一说就说个不停。我可以爱你吗?

20. I dare not look at you, for a glance at you makes my face blush; I dare not open my eyes, for a moment of opening them feels like seeing you; I dare not think of you, for thinking of you is like dreaming of you; I dare not speak of you, for as soon as I start talking, I can't stop. Can I love you?

21. 爱不是靠嘴巴说出来的,而是用行动来证明的。如果两个人在一起,只要感觉到彼此的爱,那才是真正的爱。

21. Love is not expressed through words, but proven through actions. If two people are together and feel each other's love, that is the true love.

22. 不愿意醒来时,台灯投射在墙上只有我孤独的身影。

22. When I didn't want to wake up, the desk lamp cast only my lonely silhouette on the wall.

23. 世界上没有真正合适的两个人,只有磨合磨合磨合,希望恋爱中人们都好好珍惜,既然相爱就不要轻易放开彼此。

23. There are no two people in the world who are truly suitable for each other; it's all about adjusting and compromising, and I hope that those in love will cherish each other well. If you love each other, don't easily let go of each other.

24. 爱情的火焰,不可能一直轰轰烈烈,否则,迟早会燃尽。只有柔柔的亮着,暖暖的照着,才能相守一生。

24. The flame of love cannot always be roaring, otherwise, it will eventually burn out. Only by softly glowing and warmly illuminating can it last a lifetime.

25. 如果有来世,我愿意做你的瞳孔,在你照镜子的时候,可以把你最深情的注视给我!

25. If there is a next life, I would like to be your pupil, so that when you look in the mirror, you can give me your deepest gaze!

26. 不管你将来可以活多久,我都会陪着你到最后,我会陪着你一起活着,我也会陪着你死去!因为我知道你怕寂寞。就连世界终结的那个瞬间,我都会陪在你身边的。

26. No matter how long you live in the future, I will be by your side until the end. I will live with you and I will accompany you in death! Because I know you are afraid of loneliness. Even at the moment the world ends, I will be by your side.

27. 我用歌曲表心意,将我爱意传予你,请你不要拒绝我,你有真情我珍惜,将我诚意说与你,爱你爱你就爱你!

27. I express my feelings through songs, conveying my love to you. Please do not reject me. I cherish your sincerity, and I will tell you of my honest intentions. I love you, and I love you just the way you are!

28. 你笑一下,我的心就跟着你跳一下。你不停的笑,我的心就不停的跳!所以你要不停的笑,我才不会因为你而死掉!

28. When you smile, my heart follows you and jumps. As long as you keep smiling, my heart keeps jumping! So you must keep smiling, or I might die because of you!

29. 爱情有时像在等公交车,不想坐的公交车接二连三频频为你停留,而真正想坐的,却怎么也等不到,像是一场存心的恶作剧。等到公交车终于姗姗来迟时,却像约好似地结伙成行连来两三辆,让人不知如何是好。无论坐上哪辆,都抹不去心头淡淡的怅惘,总担心错过的是否才是最好的选择。

29. Love sometimes feels like waiting for a bus. The buses you don't want to take keep stopping one after another for you, while the one you really want to catch is never there, as if it's a deliberate practical joke. When the bus finally arrives late, it seems to arrive in pairs or groups of two or three, as if by appointment, leaving you at a loss for what to do. No matter which bus you get on, the faint melancholy in your heart cannot be erased, and you always worry whether what you missed might have been the best choice.

30. 婚姻的魅力在于,两个不相干的人从相识相知相爱相守。

30. The charm of marriage lies in the journey of two unrelated individuals from getting to know each other, falling in love, and staying together.

31. 爱情就像手中的沙一样,你握的越紧它撒漏的越快!

31. Love is like the sand in your hand; the tighter you hold it, the faster it slips through your fingers!

32. 如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便愿他安好。

32. If you love each other, let's hold hands until old age; if you miss each other, may he be well.

33. 喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看着你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去了。

33. I like your smile, I like to watch you quietly, and my worries fly away like clouds all of a sudden.

34. 4无法忘记的思念,依旧在深夜,在月光的隐射下显得依然清晰自如,上演着一个一个没有结局的故事,起初的誓言在红尘的淹没中没有了音讯,结局在岁月的抽打下没有了尽头。

34. The unforgettable longing remains vivid and unobstructed in the dead of night, under the subtle glow of the moonlight, presenting one story after another without an ending. The initial promises have lost their voice in the whirlpool of the world, and the ending has no end under the blows of time.

35. 嫁给我吧!嫁给我以后,我就是世界上第二幸福的人,因为世界上第一幸福的人就是你。

35. Marry me! After you marry me, I will be the second happiest person in the world, because the first happiest person in the world is you.

36. 34你的心是我去到世界尽头也想回来的地方。

36. 34 Your heart is the place I would go to the end of the world and still want to come back to.

37. 山有情才青,水有意才柔,世上万物无不因为有情才更加美丽。亲爱的,我对你的爱至死不渝!

37. Only mountains become green with affection, only water becomes soft with intention, and all things in the world are more beautiful because of their affection. My dear, my love for you is eternal and unwavering!