面书号 2025-01-16 09:11 147
The years walk on, and the hearts change. A journey of landscapes, a touch of scenery, all bear the marks of time. In this world of constant change, let us together explore that heart that beats with the flow of time.
1. 时光留不住,往事不可追,不知不觉中,你发现,随着年龄的增长,能够聊得来的没几个,有共同语言的更是少之又少。
1. Time cannot be held back, past events cannot be pursued. Unconsciously, you find that as you grow older, there are few people you can talk to, and even fewer with whom you share a common language.
2. 17岁。根据国庆假期时间流逝的速度计算未来的日子。你认为明天是什么日子?""我死的那一天!"
2. 17 years old. Calculate the future days based on the speed of time passing during the National Day holiday. What do you think tomorrow will be?" "The day I die!"
3. 其实,真要联系你,随便找一个理由都可以说服。但是,有些东西过去了就是过去了,所以不打扰是我最后的温柔。
3. In fact, if I really wanted to contact you, I could find any excuse to persuade you. However, some things are gone forever once they pass, so not disturbing you is my last act of tenderness.
4. 慢慢明白,生活中对自己好的人,会随着时间的推移越来越少。
4. Gradually realize that the people who treat you well in life become fewer and fewer over time.
5. 听见花在人间默默绽放,等待时间流逝,看到未来,
5. Hear the flowers silently blooming among the people, waiting for the passage of time, and seeing the future.
6. 没有人真的很忙,谁的往事旧人,也有他们的好,但没好到要念念不忘的地步。因为最好的人,都在你身边守着,而不是让你记着。
6. No one is really too busy. Everyone has their own past and people, and they have their good qualities, but not good enough to be remembered all the time. Because the best people are the ones who are guarding you, not the ones who you keep in mind.
7. 在人生路上与好朋友还是普通朋友都越来越疏远。别说人都长大了有了自己的生活,是都开始顾着自己不愿意再去想着别人了。
7. On the journey of life, both good friends and ordinary friends are becoming increasingly distant. It's not just that people grow up and have their own lives, but everyone starts to think more about themselves and is no longer willing to think about others.
8. 事实上,行走在这世俗红尘中,并不是每个人都能保证最初的模样,或许有些人前一秒还在笑容满面地说非你不可,永不分离,下一秒变冷眼相待,冷漠疏远。有的人,前一段时间还和你亲密无间,下一刻却背信弃义地把你给利用。
8. In fact, walking amidst the secular hustle and bustle of the world, not everyone can guarantee that they will remain true to their initial appearance. Perhaps some people may be smiling and saying that they cannot live without you, that they will never part, only to turn a cold eye and become distant and indifferent the next moment. There are some who were once close to you, but in the next instant, they may betray you and use you for their own purposes.
9. 时间一直在流逝。在这稍纵即逝的时光里,我们为什么要悲伤?
9. Time is always passing. Why should we be sad in this fleeting moment?
10. 有些人只能在你的生命里走过一程,却不能与你终生相伴。
10. Some people can only walk a part of your life, but cannot accompany you for a lifetime.
11. 友谊也有赏味期限,它的寿命就取决于你与他。只要你或者他,其中一个人变了。那么一切,都跟着变了。
11. Friendship also has an expiration date, and its lifespan depends on both of you. As long as either you or him changes, everything changes along with it.
12. 随着时间的推移,年龄越大,知道的越多,看透的越多,快乐的越少。不得不承认,时代变了很多。
12. As time goes by, the older we get, the more we know, the more we see through, and the less happy we are. It has to be admitted that the times have changed a lot.
13. 有些好朋友,真的是不知不觉就疏远了,你连原因都不知道是什么,知道么,我们的曾经,我仍然还记得。
13. Some good friends really drift apart without us even realizing it. You don't even know what the cause is, do you know? Our past, I still remember.
14. 时间久了,人完全变了,就像这张照片。时间久了,照片已经褪色。每个人都有自己的生活,自己的活法。有一天,当我走了,你会关心我吗?
14. Over time, a person completely changes, just like this photo. Over time, the photo has faded. Everyone has their own life, their own way of living. One day, when I'm gone, will you care about me?
15. 随着时间的流逝,我最好的朋友慢慢离开了我。
15. As time went by, my best friend slowly drifted away from me.
16. 也许你不懂得珍惜,命运总是如此的捉弄人,似乎每人呐,男人心目中的可爱女人,就是他对她好她都无反应的女人可爱。女人愿意有反应,对于男人来说,就代表怕什么路途遥远。走如果方向错了,停下来就是前进。
16. Perhaps you don't know how to cherish, fate always plays such tricks on people. It seems that to every man, the lovely woman in his heart is the one who is adorable despite his kindness. When a woman is willing to respond, it represents to a man that he fears the distance. If the direction is wrong, stopping is a step forward.
17. 我不断地把自己最美好的时光转移到文字里,以逃避时间的流逝。
17. I constantly transfer my best moments to words, to escape the passage of time.
18. 在经历无数分分合合以后你渐渐地明白了一个道理:真心褪去、人走茶凉、皆是人间常态,凭借自己的一己之力很难改变一些人或一些事,人与人之间中的没有所谓的永恒。
18. After experiencing countless separations and reunions, you gradually realize a truth: the truth wears off, people leave and tea grows cold, all are the normal states of human life. It's hard to change some people or some things with just your own efforts, and there is no such thing as eternity among people.
19. 这些在生命里的变数和意外,让你感到惶恐,开始埋怨到世事无常。
19. These variables and surprises in life make you feel anxious, and you start to complain about the impermanence of the world.
20. 真正的友谊不会随着时间的流逝而褪色/相反,那些虚假的友谊每分钟都会一直挂在嘴边。
20. True friendship does not fade with the passage of time; on the contrary, those false friendships are always on the lips every minute.
21. 时间在流逝,内心很纠结。
21. Time is passing, and there is a sense of inner turmoil.
22. 没有联络渠道,就会越来越疏远,然后越来越陌生,相互越来越不信任,最后只能分道扬镳。
22. Without communication channels, relationships will grow more distant and then increasingly unfamiliar, leading to mutual mistrust, and ultimately, the only option will be to part ways.
23. 时间是历史的尘埃,跌跌撞撞难免沾染黄土。久而久之,灰尘堆积,变成黄泥。把我埋在地下睡觉。
23. Time is the dust of history, and it is inevitable to get沾染the earth's soil as it stumbles along. Over time, the dust accumulates and turns into yellow mud. Bury me underground and let me sleep.
24. 我以为这一切永远不会改变,但是随着时间的流逝,一切都不那么美好了。
24. I thought that all this would never change, but as time went by, everything was not as beautiful anymore.
25. 一些关系总是在不知不觉中慢慢疏远,可能是因为彼此长大了的原因,不要难过,别强求。
25. Some relationships gradually drift apart without us realizing it, possibly due to the growth of both parties. Don't be sad, and don't force it.
26. 我知道,随着岁月的洗涤,一切都在改变,有的只是外表的改变,有的则直接从这个世界上消失。所以,我总是努力去回忆,总是努力去回忆。时间长了,人就变得情绪化了。
26. I know that with the passage of time, everything changes, some only in appearance, while others disappear from this world altogether. So, I always strive to remember, always strive to remember. Over time, people become more emotional.
27. 一切都会改变。随着时间的推移,很多人之间的距离会越来越远,直到和你的生活没有交集。
27. Everything will change. As time goes by, the distance between many people will grow increasingly far, until there is no intersection with your life.
28. 但其实,很多时候,人与人之所以走散,不是因为世事难料,而是因为人心善变,在人情与利益的改变下,生命中的那些泛泛之交,渐渐的与你走上不同的人生道路,在人潮中与你分道扬镳。
28. But in fact, many times, the reason why people part ways is not because of the unpredictability of the world, but because of the fickleness of human hearts. Under the changes of human emotions and interests, those casual acquaintances in life gradually take different paths in life, and part ways with you in the bustling crowd.
29. 有些感情是需要放手的,抓得太紧,直到想放手的时候,才发现伤痕无法去除,只能随着时间的流逝而淡化。
29. Some emotions are meant to be let go of. When held too tightly, it is only when the time comes to let go that one discovers that the scars are indelible, and they can only fade with the passage of time.
30. 放假的日子就像时间的流逝,上班的时间就像一天一天的过去。
30. Days off feel like the passage of time, while workdays seem to slip by day by day.
31. 不知道你有没有这种感触,随着时间的变化,身边交心的人越来越少。原本以为可以相伴一生的人,随着岁月推移,慢慢走散在这茫茫人海,原本以为可以一生相守,至死不渝的情,却在时间的洪流之中,慢慢变得生疏了。
31. Whether you have this feeling or not, with the passage of time, the number of people with whom you can confide in your heart is getting fewer and fewer. People who were once thought to be lifelong companions gradually drift apart in the vast sea of people, and the love that was once believed to be eternal and unwavering has slowly become alienated in the flood of time.
32. 生活在这个复杂而又难料的世界里,谁都猜不透人心,任凭你随便揣摩,也无济于事,要变的心怎么也阻止不了;这世界上的感情,根本就摸不透,任凭你用心良苦,也无能为力,要走的人,怎么也留不住。
32. Living in this complex and unpredictable world, no one can discern the depths of others' hearts. No matter how much you may speculate, it's futile; a person determined to change cannot be stopped. The emotions in this world are fundamentally unfathomable; no matter how sincerely you try, you cannot stop someone who is determined to leave.
33. 真的只是有时候,看着时间一点点流逝,却无能为力。-
33. It's really just sometimes that, watching time slip away bit by bit, I feel helpless.
34. 随着时间的推移,我们在改变。渐渐的,我们成熟了,长大了,责任多了,轻佻少了。
34. Over time, we change. Gradually, we mature, grow up, take on more responsibilities, and have less triviality.
35. 时间在走,人心在变,许多的名字,越来越模糊;不是不想念,而是渐渐地就疏远了,不是不怀念,而是怕再也回不到曾经了。
35. Time is passing, and people's hearts are changing; many names are becoming increasingly blurred. It's not that we don't miss them, but that we are gradually becoming distant. It's not that we don't cherish the memories, but that we fear we can never return to the past.
36. 情人节,我一个人在家,你在悠闲的逛街!不要注意时间的流逝。
36. On Valentine's Day, I'm home alone, while you're leisurely strolling through the streets! Don't pay attention to the passage of time.
37. 有些人只能在你的岁月友情客串,却不能在你的生活倾情演出。
37. Some people can only make guest appearances in your years of friendship, but they cannot give their all in your life.
38. 不知不觉中,有多少人已经离开;再好的朋友,缺少联系也会淡;再深的感情,不懂珍惜也会断。
38. Unconsciously, so many people have already left; even the best of friends, without contact, will fade; and even the deepest of feelings, without understanding and appreciation, can be broken.
39. 花会随着时间凋谢;随着时间的推移,溪流会干涸;童年也会随着时间的流逝离开我们。
39. Flowers will wither with time; streams will dry up as time goes by; childhood will also leave us as time passes.
40. 很多事情并没有因为时间的流逝而被遗忘& # 39;但是随着时间的推移& # 39;他们已经变得不重要了。
40. Many things are not forgotten because of the passage of time; but as time goes by, they have become unimportant.
41. 时间会告诉你,越普通的公司,越长久。
41. Time will tell you that the more ordinary a company is, the longer it will last.
42. 乍一看,世界上的一切都是美好的,但随着时间的推移,我们会慢慢失去家庭、友情、爱情甚至一切。。。
42. At first glance, everything in the world seems wonderful, but as time goes by, we gradually lose our families, friendships, love, and even everything else...
43. 一见钟情,只是个传说;日久生情,才是真拥有。没有天生适合的两个人,只有后来磨合的两颗心;没有一世不变的激情,只有一生不悔的深情。知道让步不是认输,而是在乎;懂得原谅不是没生气,而是放不下。值得的人,才会做值得的事;舍不得的情,才会说舍不得的话。时间在走,人心在变,不变的才是朋友。
43. Love at first sight is just a legend; love that grows over time is the true possession. There are no two people who are perfectly suited from the start, only two hearts that are honed over time; there is no eternal passion, only deep love that is never regretted. Knowing when to give in is not about admitting defeat, but about caring; understanding forgiveness is not about not being angry, but about not being able to let go. Only someone worthy will do something worthy; only someone who can't bear to let go will say words of reluctance. Time moves on, and hearts change, but what remains constant is friendship.
44. 流逝的时间不会停止。我爱你。~
44. Time will not stop flowing. I love you. ~
45. 其实人生就是你看着时间一点一点流逝,却抓不住。被强j而不知反抗;被删无奈"
45. In fact, life is watching time pass by bit by bit, but being unable to grasp it. Being raped and not being able to resist; being deleted and feeling helpless.
46. 时间像流星雨一样划过我的心田,时间的流逝,我内心的成长,我更加、、、、
46. Time has raced across my heart like a meteor shower, and with its passing, my inner growth has become more and more...
47. 这篇文章深刻的说明了爱情的真谛,也说明友情的可贵,我们一定要好好的珍惜来之不易的爱情,当然也要珍惜你我身边的好朋友,有自己的实际行动来维护爱情,呵护友情。
47. This article profoundly explains the essence of love and also highlights the value of friendship. We must cherish the love that is hard to come by, of course, and also treasure the good friends around us. We should take practical actions to maintain love and nurture friendship.
48. 有许多事情无法言语,说不清,道不明。彼此之间的关系,慢慢疏远,直到了无痕迹。心里还有福福,明天会更好。
48. There are many things that cannot be expressed in words, that are unclear, and that cannot be explained. The relationship between each other gradually becomes distant, until it leaves no trace. There is still hope in the heart, and tomorrow will be better.
49. 梦想太天真,但现实是残酷的海誓山盟那只是谎言。再深的感情也经不起时间的流逝。
49. Dreams are too naive, but reality is残酷 (残酷) and solemn promises are just lies. Even the deepest feelings cannot withstand the passage of time.
50. 所以当缘分过去,你不必执着,不必去遗憾人走茶凉,物是人非,只有适当的放手,恰好地转身,看清楚已经变质的人心,放弃已经落幕的感情,才是淡定之人应该做的。
50. Therefore, when fate has passed, you should not be obsessed or regret the departure of people and the fading of tea, or the change of people but not things. Only by letting go appropriately, turning around just right, seeing clearly the corrupted hearts of others, and giving up the love that has ended, is it what a composed person should do.
51. 我渐渐知道,对自己好的人,会随着时间的推移越来越少;
51. I gradually realize that the people who are good to me become fewer and fewer over time.
52. 时间是沧海一粟,我们无法让它不为我们疯狂。
52. Time is but a drop in the ocean, and we cannot prevent it from going mad for us.
53. 我们越长大,过得最快的不是感情,而是时间。
53. As we grow older, it's not emotions that pass by the fastest, but time.
54. 有些人只能陪你走平坦的岁月,却不能陪你渡过风雨连片。
54. Some people can only accompany you through smooth years, but not through continuous hardships.
55. 以后的路,慢慢走;彼此的情,用心处。即使有一天,离开了,疏远了,陌生了,至少有美好的回忆和真实的过程。
55. Take the road ahead step by step; nurture the bond with care. Even if one day we part ways, grow distant, or become strangers, at least we will have beautiful memories and a genuine process to cherish.
56. 随着时间的推移。人会越来越后悔,越来越陷入回忆。
56. As time goes by, people will become more and more regretful and more deeply immersed in memories.