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面书号 2025-01-16 09:09 147


In the bustling corners of the metropolis, there is a group of special women who tell their own stories with unique four-character idioms. This is the world of "Four-character Idioms Praise Girls."

1. 大学女生不一般,都是活泼聪明的。周围丰富多彩的生活带来幸福和快乐。随着书籍的成长,思想在流动。学习之心发光,前途一片光明。

1. University girls are not ordinary, they are lively and intelligent. The colorful and rich life around brings happiness and joy. As books grow, thoughts flow. The heart of learning shines, and the future is bright.

2. 天生丽质、天生尤物、水灵秀气、美丽动人、樱桃小口

2. Naturally beautiful, a natural rarity, delicate and charming, lovely and captivating, a cherry-like mouth

3. 快乐的节拍扎着马尾辫翩翩起舞,青春的歌声流淌,求学的身影定格在教学楼里,英雄宣言记录在留言簿里。

3. Happy rhythms dance with ponytails, youthful songs flow, the figure of studying is captured in the teaching building, and the hero's declaration is recorded in the guestbook.

4. 巾帼英雄 巾帼丈夫 惊鸿艳影 及笄年华 嫁鸡随鸡

4. Daughters of valiant spirit, sons of indomitable will, the dazzling figure of a swan, the years of coming of age, and following the rooster wherever it goes (a traditional Chinese proverb about a woman's role in marriage).

5. 你的微笑如此美丽,我无法忘记。你的手那么温柔,我怎么逃;你的心好善良,让我的感情荡漾。

5. Your smile is so beautiful, I can't forget it. Your hands are so gentle, how can I escape; your heart is so kind, it makes my feelings sway.

6. 出 处

6. Source

7. 情意绵绵 书声琅琅 死气沉沉 网恢恢

7. Deep in affection, the sound of books resounds; lifeless, a vast net stretches.

8. 白雪皑皑 板钉钉 波光粼粼 薄暮冥冥

8. Snow-capped peaks, nails driven in, shimmering ripples on the water, twilight dimly veiled.

9. 闭月羞花、端庄优雅、大家闺秀、优雅大方、秀外慧中

9. Close the moon and shy flowers, dignified and elegant, refined maiden, graceful and generous, beautiful on the outside and wise in the heart.

10. 鱼沉雁落 远山芙蓉 章台杨柳 朱唇皓齿 左家娇女

10. Fish sink and swans fall, distant mountains bloom with osmanthus, willows on Zhangtai Avenue, lips as red as coral, teeth as white as jade, the lovely daughter of the Left family.

11. 明眸善睐 女大十八变 男尊女卑 破瓜之年 飘茵落溷

11. Bright eyes, charming; women change every 18 years; men are superior to women; in the prime of youth; being born into a wealthy or humble family; rising from humble beginnings.

12. 在人流中,我一眼就找到了你。我不敢说你是她们中最美的,但我敢说你是她们中最好的。清秀的身材,优雅迷人的神态,尤其是乌亮的头发,有一种说不出的魅力。

12. Among the crowd, I found you at a glance. I dare not say you are the most beautiful among them, but I dare say you are the best. With a delicate figure, an elegant and charming demeanor, especially your dark, lustrous hair, there's an indescribable charm.

13. 逞娇呈美 春暖花香 春色满园 春深似海 斗美夸丽

13. Show off her charm and beauty; spring is warm, flowers are in full bloom, the garden is full of spring colors, and the depth of spring is like the sea; compete in beauty and boast of elegance.

14. 仙女下凡、仪态万千、倾国倾城、国色天香、沉鱼落雁

14. Goddess descending to earth, with a myriad of elegant poses, enchanting the country and captivating everyone, with a beauty that makes fish sink and birds weep.

15. 气喘吁吁 情汹汹 气息奄奄 千迢迢

15. Breathing heavily, filled with emotion, gasping for breath, thousands of miles away.

16. 亭亭玉立 天香国色 雾鬓风鬟 雾鬓云鬟 文君新醮

16. Tall and graceful, her elegance like a fragrant country beauty, her hair misty with the morning dew, her tresses like clouds, Wenjun's new marriage.

17. 色衰爱弛 香消玉碎 香消玉损 秀色可餐 夭桃秾李

17. With the fading of color, love diminishes; the fragrance fades, and the jade shatters. The fragrance diminishes, the jade is damaged; her beauty is a feast for the eyes; her blossoms are lush, and her fruits are rich.

18. 我见犹怜 闲花野草 小家碧玉 萧郎陌路 心灵手巧

18. I am still pitiful at the sight; wild flowers and weeds; a delicate beauty from a small household; Xiao Lang on a strange path; clever and skillful in the heart and hands.

19. 柳眉杏眼、绝代佳人、一代佳人、一代容华、绝色美人

19. Willow eyebrows, apricot eyes, a peerless beauty, a beauty of a generation, a generation's elegance, a beauty of extraordinary appearance.

20. 姑射神人 瓜字初分 皓齿蛾眉 皓齿明眸 诲盗诲*

20. The divine person of Gusha, the character 'guā' (melon) divided at the beginning, white teeth and long eyebrows, white teeth and bright eyes, teaching to steal and to...*

21. 温婉娴淑、明目皓齿、淡扫峨眉、清艳脱俗、香肌玉肤

21. Gentle and elegant, with bright eyes and white teeth, a faintly arched brow, a fresh and exquisite beauty, and a fragrant, jade-like skin.

22. 斗艳争辉 蛾眉皓齿 飞阁流丹 国色天香 皓齿蛾眉

22. Striving for brilliance, eyebrows like moths' wings, white teeth, soaring pavilions with flowing vermilion, the national color and fragrance, white teeth and moth-like eyebrows.

23. 嫣然一笑 艳如桃李,冷若冰霜 燕瘦环肥 莺声燕语

23. A smile so radiant, like peach and plum blossoms; cool as ice and frost; slim like swallows, plump like ring bells; with the chirping of orioles and the fluttering of swallows.

24. 冶容诲* 嫣然一笑 艳如桃李,冷若冰霜 燕瘦环肥

24. Jiuying Hui* a smiling face, bright as peach blossoms, cool as ice and frost, thin as a swallow, plump as a pear.

25. 目光炯炯 暮气沉沉 怒气冲冲 气势汹汹

25. Eyes gleaming, twilight gloomy, anger boiling, fierce and imposing.

26. 皓齿明眸 红颜薄命 胡天胡帝 花颜月貌 金屋娇娘

26. Bright teeth and bright eyes, fair but short-lived, the capricious heavens and earth, a face like flowers and a figure like the moon, a young woman cherished in a golden room.

27. quot送你一缕阳光,让你更美;给你一把土,种下好运;摘一朵花送你,发出爱的甜蜜;愿你充满春天!"

27. "Send you a ray of sunshine to make you more beautiful; give you a handful of earth to plant good luck; pick a flower to give you, spreading the sweetness of love; may you be filled with spring!"

28. 阿娇金屋 彩云易散 姹紫嫣红 沉鱼落雁 尤物移人

28. A娇's Golden House, the colorful clouds easily disperse, the bright and beautiful flowers, the fish sink and the swan lands, the extraordinary beauty moves people.

29. 形容女子的四个字词语

30. 尽态极妍 金屋娇娘 金屋贮娇 姱容修态 离魂倩女 霞光万道 小家碧玉

29. Four-character phrases describing women 30. 尽态极妍 (Jìn tài jí yán) - To be as beautiful as possible 金屋娇娘 (Jīn wū jiāo niáng) - A favored young woman living in a golden house 金屋贮娇 (Jīn wū zhù jiāo) - A golden house storing beauty 姱容修态 (Guā róng xiū tài) - Graceful and elegant appearance 离魂倩女 (Lí hún qiàn nǚ) - A lovely ghostly woman 霞光万道 (Xiá guāng wàn dào) - Countless beams of dawn light 小家碧玉 (Xiǎo jiā bì yù) - A young woman from a modest family, often used to describe a beautiful and graceful woman

31. 心灵手巧 杏脸桃腮 香消玉殒 惜玉怜香 仙姿玉貌

31. Dextrous and skillful, with a peach-like face and apricot cheeks, the fragrance fades, cherishing jade and loving the scent, with a divine and jade-like appearance.

32. 风雨凄凄 福寿绵绵 俯仰唯唯 负债累累

32. Weary in the rain and wind, happiness and longevity endure. Head bowed and tail between legs, debt piles high.

33. 笑靥如花,长发飘飘在天。校园里充满了优雅,多少男生驻足观看。人生很短,抓住青春的瞬间。开心就好,烦恼就好,在你身边快乐的生活。

33. A smile as bright as a flower, long hair fluttering in the sky. The campus is filled with elegance, with many boys stopping to watch. Life is short, seize the moments of youth. Be happy, be content, live a joyful life by your side.

34. 尔尔 甚 夜漫漫 恨绵绵

34. The night is long and deep, the regrets endless.

35. 你们践行着青春的誓言,释放着热情的能量,是校园里最亮的旗帜;你有一张美丽的笑脸,正在读励志诗集。是校园里最美的风景。愿高校的姑娘们,握着青春的钥匙,打开梦想的大门,度过美好的时光。

35. You are living out the誓言 of youth, releasing the energy of passion, and you are the brightest flag on campus; you have a beautiful smile, reading inspirational poetry. You are the most beautiful scenery on campus. May the girls in universities, holding the key of youth, open the gate of dreams, and enjoy wonderful times.

36. 国色天资、艳若桃李、温柔可人、活泼可爱、花枝招展

36. National beauty, as charming as peach blossoms and plum blossoms, gentle and likable, lively and adorable, adorned with flowers.

37. 国色天香 [guó sè tiān xiāng]

37. The Beauty of the Nation, Nature's Fragrance [The term "国色天香" (Guó sè tiān xiāng) in English can be translated as "the unique and fragrant beauty of a nation" or simply "national splendor"].

38. 宜嗔宜喜 宜喜宜嗔 旖旎风光 瘗玉埋香 余霞成绮

38. Be pleased and be angry, be angry and be pleased; charming scenery, buried jade and hidden fragrance, the remaining sunset glow turns into beautiful patterns.

39. 你是花园里盛开的花朵,甜蜜地绽放;你是夜空中灿烂的星,闪耀着热情的光芒;你是田野里一条灵动的小溪,轻轻流淌;你是生活中的美少女,传播快乐。

39. You are the blooming flower in the garden, sweetly blossoming; you are the brilliant star in the night sky, shining with passionate light; you are a lively stream in the field, gently flowing; you are the beautiful girl in life, spreading happiness.

40. 女人漂亮是因为有好心情;你之所以潇洒,是因为你有自信;你之所以有气质,是因为你有极好的涵养;我告诉你是因为你拥有一切。祝完美女人幸福。

40. A woman is beautiful because she has a good mood; you are handsome because you have confidence; you have a temperament because you have excellent cultivation; I am telling you because you have it all. Wishing the perfect woman happiness.

41. 螓首蛾眉 如花似玉 人老珠黄 软玉温香 扫眉才子

41. With a fair head and willowy eyebrows, like flowers and jade, as a person grows older, their beauty fades like yellowed pearls; soft jade and fragrant, with a young man who excels in painting eyebrows.

42. 宛转蛾眉 我见犹怜 霞光万道 涎玉沫珠 左家娇女

42. Graceful eyebrows, so delicate that I am still moved by their beauty; a myriad of colorful beams of light, droplets of jade and pearls swirling together; the charming daughter of the Left family.

43. 其实我第一次见你是在照片里。照片中,你托着下巴,若有所思地凝视着。那份温柔,那份美好,那份妩媚,让我久久难忘。

43. In fact, I first saw you in a photo. In the photo, you were resting your chin in thought, gazing intently. That gentleness, that beauty, that allure, left a deep impression on me that I have never forgotten.

44. 大学女生是青葱岁月里的见证者,书写成长的过程;大学女生在人生的国度里拼搏,在知识上攀登;大学女生是青春花园里的美丽仙女,绽放着最美的年华。

44. University girls are witnesses of the green years, writing the process of growth; university girls struggle in the kingdom of life, climb in knowledge; university girls are beautiful fairies in the garden of youth, blooming in the most beautiful years.

45. 尤物移人 瘗玉埋香 燕语莺声 秋风团扇 千娇百媚

45. Sensuous beauty captivating, jade buried and fragrance entombed, swallows chirping and orioles singing, autumn breeze and round fans, a thousand charming and alluring looks.

46. 你带着一堆笑声从外面走进客厅。你优雅的举止,妩媚俏丽的容颜,迷人得体的举止,优雅大方的谈吐,随便穿一件红色的运动衫,都是那么美好,那么热情,那么朴实。

46. You walked into the living room with a bunch of laughter. Your elegant demeanor, charming and lovely appearance, charming and appropriate behavior, graceful and generous speech, and even just wearing a casual red sportswear, all looked so beautiful, so passionate, and so sincere.

47. 你穿着紫色的旗袍。从远处看,它真的像一只小蝴蝶飞过。颜色既好看又柔和。

47. You are wearing a purple cheongsam. From a distance, it really looks like a small butterfly flying by. The color is both beautiful and soft.

48. 金屋贮娇 尽态极妍 绝色佳人 姱容修态 兰质蕙心

48. Building a golden room to store a beauty, she displays her utmost charm and allure. A peerless beauty, her graceful appearance and refined demeanor, a heart full of grace and virtue.

49. 杏脸桃腮 煦色韶光 杏腮桃脸 雄伟壮观 香消玉殒 明眸善睐

49. Apricot cheeks and peach lips, the warmth of youthful beauty; apricot cheeks and peach face, majestic and spectacular; the fragrance fades, the jade perishes; bright eyes, kind-hearted.

50. 面如冠玉 袅袅娉娉 袅袅婷婷 柔枝嫩条 柔枝嫩叶

50. A face like jade, gracefully slender, gracefully graceful, tender branches and tender twigs, tender branches and tender leaves.

51. 你是校花还是才女,你是花木兰还是昭君,你是舞后还是歌王,你出道唱歌。我既喜欢文笔又喜欢武艺,是一个德才兼备的优秀学生。我是充满青春活力,美丽动人的花仙子。

51. Are you the school beauty or the literary genius, are you Hua Mulan or Zhaojun, are you the queen of dance or the king of song, you embarked on your singing career. I appreciate both literary talent and martial skills, and I am an outstanding student with both virtue and talent. I am a fairy of youthful vitality and charming beauty.

52. 雄伟壮观 煦色韶光 妍蚩好恶 艳色绝世 艳紫妖红

52. Magnificent and spectacular, the warm and splendid days, beautiful and ugly, loathsome and lovely, the resplendent colors surpassing the world, the brilliant purple and red.

53. 俏丽多姿、风姿卓越、顾盼流转、举步轻摇、艳冠群芳

53. Graceful and resplendent, dignified and elegant, her gaze shifting, her steps light and swaying, she is the most dazzling among all the beauties.

54. 行色匆匆 行色怱怱 书声琅琅 兄弟怡怡

54. In a hurry, in a hurry; the sound of reading books is clear and pleasant; brothers are harmonious and happy.

55. 林下风范 林下风气 怜香惜玉 绿叶成阴 明眸皓齿

55. The elegance under the trees, the ambiance of the woods, cherishing the beauty of women, the verdant leaves casting shadows, bright eyes and white teeth.

56. 气势汹汹 所事事 瘦骨嶙嶙 白发苍苍

56. Full of might and vigor, busy with everything, with bony features and white hair.

57. 没有幸福的生活是贫瘠的,没有幸福的爱情是贫瘠的,没有花朵的大地是寂静的,没有女孩的世界是黑暗的。因为有女生,世界更加精彩。

57. Life without happiness is barren, love without happiness is barren, a land without flowers is silent, and a world without girls is dark. It is because of the presence of girls that the world becomes more colorful.

58. 初发芙蓉 风信年华 粉妆玉琢 国色天香 国色天姿

58. Fresh lotus in bloom, the age of wind and faith, adorned with fine powder and jade, with the national color of the heavens and the scent of nature.

59. 天香国色 宛转蛾眉 我见犹怜 霞光万道 涎玉沫珠

59. Fragrance of the celestial country, elegant eyebrows, even I feel sorry for her; radiant with a thousand rays of light, drool like jade, foam like pearls.

60. 由女演员组成的排球队出场了,只见个个精神抖擞,虽不能说人人都是~,却是从娉婷妩媚之中,带着一种豪迈之气。

60. The volleyball team composed of actresses took the court, each one looking energetic and spirited. Although one cannot say that every single one of them is~, yet there is a touch of grandeur and magnificence in their graceful and charming demeanor.

61. 脑后的发束摇摆跳跃,展现青春活力。修长的双腿挺拔纤细,彰显时代时尚。黑色短裙腰部红色,尽显少女之美。

61. The bundle of hair at the back of her head sways and jumps, showcasing the vitality of youth. Her long, slender legs stand tall and delicate, embodying the fashion of the times. The black mini skirt has a red waistband, highlighting the beauty of a young girl.

62. 风尘碌碌 风尘仆仆 风度翩翩 匆匆

62. Busy with dust and toil / Tired from dusty travels / Graceful and elegant / Hastily

63. 瘗玉埋香 燕语莺声 瘗玉埋香 燕语莺声 妍姿艳质

63. Burial of jade and hidden fragrance, swallows' and orioles' songs, beautiful posture and charming temperament.

64. 落英缤纷 落雁沉鱼 兰质蕙心 明眸皓齿 靡颜腻理

64. Petals fluttering, wild geese descending, enchanting eyes, white teeth, fair complexion, and soft texture.